-Author's Notes: I have issues with Maria and her father. I thought I’d give them a little workout. The song is "I Think It's Gonna Rain Today" by Bette Midler. Off the Beaches soundtrack.


The Crashdown-Closing Time (Michael is closing up when Liz comes to talk to him.)

Liz: Michael

Michael: Yeah?

Liz: Could you do me a favor?

Michael: Sure what’s up?

Liz: It’s Maria, I…

Michael:(interrupting) Nope

Liz: (confused) Nope? What do you mean nope?

Michael: (sighing) Listen Liz, I know what you want. I know what she wants. I just can’t give it to her right now. So, if you don’t mind, I was

Liz: (angrily) SHUT UP!

Michael: What!

Liz: You heard me. SHUT UP! You are such an idiot. First of all, I’m not here for THAT. I could care less at this point. What I’m here for, is to ask you to talk to her. She’s up on my balcony right now, and something’s wrong with her.

Michael: Liz…

Liz: No Michael. Just listen for a minute. I’m so sick and tired of you and whatever game you’re playing right now.

Michael: (shouting) It’s NOT a GAME!

Liz: Whatever Michael. I don’t really care, like I said. But, something is very wrong with her, and she won’t talk to me. I’ve tried. So I thought I’d ask you. Silly me. I thought you cared about her. I don’t know where I got that idea.

Michael: Look Liz. I don’t know why you’re attacking me right now, but I don’t have time for this.

Liz: Michael….

Michael: NO! Now you listen to me. I don’t know what’s wrong with Maria. I haven’t spoken to her today. I don’t know what you think I could do to help her with whatever her problem is, but I assure you, I can’t. And another thing, I DO care about her. I love her. She knows it. I know it. And YOU know it. That doesn’t change anything though. So, if you’re finished yelling at me, can I please get back to work?

Liz: (calmer) Look Michael. I’m sorry all right. It’s just that…something’s terribly wrong.

Michael: What are you talking about Liz? Is she hurt? What’s going on?

Liz: No, it’s nothing like that. It’s worse I think.

Michael: Worse?

Liz: (nods) Yeah. She’s sitting there, doing nothing. Just sitting there. She looks so lost Michael. I’ve only seen her this way twice. Once when her father left her. She came here to cry about it. She didn’t want Amy to know how sad she was. And the other time was when…(hesitantly)…well, when you walked away from her. She came here to cry about that too. She didn’t want Amy to know about that either. But this is different Michael.

Michael: (trying to erase the thought that he’s made her cry) How?

Liz: She’s not crying this time. She’s not doing anything. She won’t talk to me either. I asked her what was wrong, and she said nothing. I asked her what you’d done this time, and she said it wasn’t you this time. It scared me Michael. She didn’t even get that I was half-joking. She wouldn’t even look at me. She sounded defeated.

Michael: Defeated?

Liz: (shrugs) Yeah, I know. Not like her. She’s stronger than any of us. But right now, I think she’s falling apart. And I don’t know what’s going on. Please Michael, talk to her. Maybe she’ll talk to you. She loves you. You know that right? Please.

Michael: I don’t know what I could do Liz. What do you want me to say?

Liz: Just go up there. Talk to her Michael. Maybe she’ll tell you what she won’t tell me.

Michael: OK, I’ll try. I don’t know if it’ll help, but I’ll try.

Liz: Thanks Michael. I just have a really bad feeling about this.


Liz’ Balcony (Maria is sitting on the ledge, looking up at the stars. Michael approaches; she doesn’t turn around.)

Michael: Maria?

Maria: (dryly) Yeah

Michael: (taken back by her tone) Um...Liz said that something was wrong. Are you OK?

Maria: I’m fine Michael. Don’t worry. Nothing’s wrong.

Michael: Are you sure? Liz sounded really worried.

Maria: (still not looking at him) Yeah, I’m sure. Tell Liz not to worry. I’m fine. No worries.

Michael: Umm…OK. I’ll see you later then?

Maria: Sure. See you later Michael.

Michael: Uh Maria?

Maria: Yes Michael

Michael: Why are you out here anyway?

Maria: Just looking at the stars, and thinking.

Michael: About what?

Maria: Me

Michael: (confused) You?

Maria: Yeah, me.

Michael: What about you?

Maria: I was just wondering what was wrong with me.

Michael: (truly confused) Wrong? What do you mean?

Maria: Well. (matter of factly) I’m just wondering why no one stays with me. Why it’s so easy to leave me behind. That’s all.

Michael: Maria…

Maria: No. Don’t say anything Michael. This isn’t about you. I’m not blaming you for anything. You did what you thought was right. I know that now. I was just thinking that’s all. Don’t worry about it.

Michael: Of course I’m worried about it Maria. Nothing’s wrong with you. It’s not easy to leave you. Trust me. It’s not easy at all.

Maria: But it is Michael. You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. Trust that.

Michael: Maria…

Maria: No Michael, it’s OK. Really it is. I was just trying to figure some things out.

Michael: What things?

Maria: (sad) I was trying to figure out how to give up.

Michael: What, don’t give up.

Maria: (shakes her head) I have to. The fight is killing me Michael. I don’t even know why I’m doing it anymore. You won’t stay. He didn’t stay. No one ever will.

Michael: (pleadingly) Don’t say that Maria. It’s not like that. You know why I had to leave. It’s not the same as with your father. Please believe that.

Maria: I wish I could Michael. But, it is kind of the same. He said that he loved me too. But he still left. (pauses) Do you know how I spent that last night with him?

Michael: No, how?

Maria: (with a soft laugh) We watched a movie. My mom, dad, and me. We watched a movie together. I can’t even remember what the movie was. I wish I could. But, the movie wasn’t important then. The time was. We had a good time. That much I do remember. We laughed a lot. (to herself) So maybe it was a comedy…I don’t know...(addressing Michael again) But we laughed, and ate popcorn, and then he put me to bed. He kissed me on the forehead and said, “ I love you Ria”, and then he went to bed. At least that’s where I thought he was going. So you see, in a way, he did the same thing that you did.

Michael: (confused) I don’t see how that’s the same.

Maria: (shaking her head) How do you say, “I love you” and walk away? He did it. So did you. But to your credit, things were slightly different. I mean, there were no FBI agents after him, with Special Units, willing to cut him up without a second thought. Nothing was wrong. No big argument before he left. We were all on good terms. Nothing seemed out of place. But when I woke up, he was gone. (almost in a whisper) Maybe if he hadn’t said what he said, it would’ve been easier to take. Saying I love you, and walking away….It’s not easy to take Michael. Not at first.

Michael: Maria..

Maria: (continuing as if he hadn’t spoken) But you see, it wasn’t enough to keep him here either. Loving me isn’t enough. I’m not enough. I get that now.

Michael: (running his hands threw his hair; pacing) No Maria. This is all wrong. You’re mixing things up. It’s not like that. I’m sure that he loved you enough. Something else had to be going on. You were little; you just didn’t see it. I’m sure it had nothing to do with you… And me? Well, you are enough for me. Too good in fact.. It’s just that things are dangerous. I don’t want you to be hurt. It’s not that you’re not enough. You have to believe me.

Maria: (tiredly) OK Michael. I’ll try to believe you. It’s hard though. It’s really hard.

Michael: I know, but it’ll be OK. Don’t ever give up Maria. (after a minute of silence)

Michael: I don’t know what to say now.

Maria: Don’t say anything. There’s nothing to say. I’ll figure it out. I just need time. You can go now. I’ll be fine.

Michael: (he turns, about to leave, then turns back) Could you answer a question for me first?

Maria: Sure

Michael: What made you think of this tonight? I mean, did something happen tonight?

Maria: He came back.

Michael: (surprised) Who, your father?

Maria: Yes. My father. He came back.

Michael: And that’s a bad thing?

Maria: (shakes head) No, not at first. At first it was a good thing. Scary but good. I’ve wanted him to come back for so long. You know that. Remember what I told you at that motel?

Michael: (nods) Yes, I remember. There’s gotta be something better than Roswell, New Mexico.

Maria: (nods) Yeah well, he didn’t come back for US. He came back for HER.

Michael: (shocked) WHAT??

Maria: Yeah. I thought he was back to stay. We even talked for a while. It was good. (pause) Guess what we did?

Michael: What?

Maria: (with a slight chuckle) We watched a movie. Can you believe that? For the first time in ten years, we watched a movie, all of us. Just like that night. It was good. I still couldn’t tell you what movie it was though. It wasn’t important this time either. Then he walked me to my room. He said, “I’ve missed you Ria. I’m sorry that I ever left, but I’m going to fix everything. I love you”. (sad) And I said, “I’m glad you came back. I love you too daddy”. Then I went to bed. I was so happy Michael… I was so stupid.

Michael: What? Why? That sounds great. What happened?

Maria: I was afraid to go to sleep. You know, because of last time. So, I snuck downstairs to see what they were talking about. And that’s when I heard it.

Michael: What? What did you hear?

Maria: He told her that he came back for HER. JUST her. That he still couldn’t do the “father thing”, but that he missed HER. And that he wanted her to go away with him. He said that I was old enough to be on my own now. That I’d be fine without her now.

Michael: (sad) Maria, I’m so sorry

Maria: That’s not it. He said that he wouldn’t let me ruin things again. Again? You were right; something else was going on. I just didn’t see it. He wanted her to leave me all those years ago Michael. He didn’t mean to go alone. He wanted her to go with him. He wanted her to leave me with the Parkers, or some other friend.

Michael: (not believing what he’s hearing) Oh my god

Maria: She wouldn’t go. She couldn’t just leave her baby like that. That’s what she said. But he told her, that I wasn’t a baby anymore. That’s why he’s back. I’m old enough now.

Michael: (angry) That bastard!

Maria: (softly) Don’t. Don’t say that Michael. It’s not his fault.

Michael: (shocked) What the hell are you talking about? It is his damned fault. He’s an asshole Maria.

Maria: (shakes head) No. It’s not his fault. (sad) I was a mistake. It’s clear now. I’ve always thought so, but my mom would always say that I was wrong. She’d say, sure, I wasn’t planned, but never was I a mistake. But she lied Michael. I know that now. He let me know that now.

Michael: NO Maria. You are not a mistake. He’s the mistake. Damn him!

Maria: I don’t want to talk about this anymore.

Michael: But Maria..

Maria: No Michael. Please. I’m tired. I’m going home now. Tell Liz that I’m fine. I’ll call her tomorrow.

Michael: What about your father? What are you going to do?

Maria: I’ll deal with that in the morning.

Michael: What about your mom? What did she say to him anyway?

Maria: She didn’t say anything. That’s why I was here. I think she’s going with him. Michael. I think they’ll be gone in the morning.

Michael: No. I don’t believe that. She’d never leave you. Talk to her Maria; I’ll go with you. You can’t leave this until the morning. You have to say something now.

Maria: I don’t know what to say now Michael. I’ll just have to see how this plays out. I’ll be fine. I’ve done this before. I can handle it. If she leaves, I can handle it.

Michael: No you can’t. Please let me help. She won’t leave. She loves you. She’ll never leave, but you have to talk to her.

Maria: (finally looking at him. Michael has to hold back tears at the sadness reflected in her eyes) What makes you so sure Michael? I know she loves me, but so what. He loves me too. He said so. (pointing at him) You love me too. You’ve said so. But you both left. What makes her different?

Michael: (pleading) Maria please

Maria: (turning away again) It’s OK Michael. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I’m really tired now. I’m done with thinking tonight.

Michael: (determined to make her listen) I can’t let you do this Maria. I can’t let you leave here, feeling this way. It’s not right. Please. At least let Liz help.

Maria: There’s nothing she can do Michael. I have to do this one on my own.

Michael: Please Maria

Maria: No. Don’t worry OK. (pause) I mean, if you’re right, everything will be fine in the morning. My mom will still be here. Right?

Michael: Maria

Maria: Right?

Michael: Right

Maria: OK then. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t worry.

Michael: You’ll call me if you need me?

Maria: Yes, I’ll call if I need you.

Michael: (still feeling unsure about the whole thing) OK. Good night Maria

Maria: Good night Michael. Thanks for talking to me.

Michael: No problem

Maria: Hey Michael?

Michael: (hopeful) Yeah?

Maria: Don’t tell anyone about this. I don’t think I could explain it all again.

Michael: (disappointed) Sure thing. I won’t tell anyone.

Maria: Thank you.

Michael: Your welcomed.

(Michael leaves the balcony feeling as if he’d failed her)


Liz’ Room (Liz walks in just as Michael comes back inside)

Liz: (hopeful) Well?

Michael: It’s not good.

Liz: I knew that much Michael. What is it?

Michael: I can’t tell you.

Liz: WHAT?? What the hell do you mean, you can’t tell me?

Michael: I told her I wouldn’t.

Liz: This is not the time for secrets. You have to tell me.

Michael: I can’t.

Liz: Damn it Michael! Yes you can. And you damned sure will.

Michael: Liz

Liz: (frustrated) NO! Now tell me something. Anything. Give me a hint, a clue, Morse damned code. Whatever you have to do to let me know what’s going on here. I need to know Michael.

Michael: I know Liz. You do need to know. She needs help. She needs ALL of us right now. But I don’t know how to tell you without breaking her confidence.

Liz: OK, now I’m really worried. She needs ALL of us? Please Michael, give me something.

Michael: She’s at her breaking point, but she won’t let me help. She wouldn’t even look at me Liz. The whole time I was out there, she looked at me once. And when she did, it was awful. Her eyes Liz. They were so hurt. I’ve never seen her like that before. Not even at the height of one of my callous bastard episodes. But you couldn’t tell by how she was talking. There was hardly any emotion there. It was scary. She’s giving up, and it’s not right. I asked her to let you help, but she said no. She needs help Liz. We have to do something.

Liz: Good enough. Where is she?

Michael: She went back home

Liz: Good. We go over there. That’s what we do.

Michael: But what if she won’t let us in

Liz: Then we barge in. Deluca style. I’m going to call the others.

Michael: NO! You can’t call anybody. She doesn’t want anybody to know.

Liz: Michael, listen to me. You say that she’s at her breaking point? You say that she needs ALL of us? Well, if that’s true, that’s what she’s getting. ALL of us.

Michael: But Liz..

Liz: NO! Do you want to help her?

Michael: Of course I do.

Liz: Then it’s settled. I don’t know what’s happened, but you do. You know that it’s bad. You said so. So, we’re going over there, and she’s going to tell ALL of us what’s wrong.

Michael: Do you think that’ll work?

Liz: It’ll have to.

Michael: I’m so worried Liz. She needs our support right now, but she’s being so stubborn.

Liz: Don’t worry Michael. I’m on it. Help me call everyone, and then we can go.

Michael: OK


The Crashdown (Everyone’s been called. Now it’s time for a little Q&A)

Isabel: (annoyed) OK guys what the hell is going on here?

Michael: It’s like I said on the phone Is, Maria needs our help

Max: (concerned) What’s the problem? What kind of help?

Michael: I can’t tell you…exactly

Isabel: (excitedly) What?!? How the hell are we supposed to help her then?

Alex: Calm down Iz. (calmly turning to Liz) Liz, what’s going on here? What’s wrong with Maria?

Liz: I don’t know any more than you do Alex. Michael won’t tell me either. What I do know, is that something is really wrong with her.

Alex: How do you know that much?

Liz: She came over here tonight, and she wasn’t right. She was so sad Alex, but she wouldn’t talk to me. I sent Michael to talk to her.

Max: Did she tell you what was up Michael?

Michael: Yeah…yeah, she did. It’s bad guys. I can’t tell you any details, because she asked me not too, but we need to do something.

Isabel: (confused) What, I don’t understand. How can we help, if you won’t tell us the problem?

Michael: (taking a deep breath) It’s like this Is. I can’t tell you any specifics; I promised. She’s in a very bad place right now, and she needs us, even if she won’t admit it... What we can do is be there. That’s all. What has to be done aside from that, she has to do. There is nothing we can fix.

Liz: (frustrated) Damn it Michael, you’re starting to sound like her. What the hell is going on here? I really don’t understand now. Let’s just get over there. I’m really worried. I have to see her.

(Max, Liz and Michael pile in the jeep. Isabel and Alex jump in his father’s car. They head to Maria’s, all worried. Hoping for some answers.)


Maria’s House….Outside her window

Michael: Maria Maria!

Maria: Michael?

Michael: Yeah, um Maria it’s us.

Maria: (confused) Us? (leaning out she sees everyone) Oh, hi guys. What are you doing here?

Liz: We had to see you Maria. We know something’s going on with you, and we want to know what.

Maria: What, nothing’s wrong with me Liz. I’m fine.

Michael: Maria..

Maria: (cutting him off) No! Nothing’s wrong. I’m sorry, but you all came over here for nothing. Now if you don’t mind, it’s pretty late and I

Liz: (ignoring her attempts to turn them away) No Maria. I know something is wrong. You told Michael that it was.

Maria: (disgustedly) Thanks a lot Michael. Damn!

Michael: (quietly) It’s not like that Maria.

Liz: (defending Michael) He didn’t say anything. He wouldn’t. All he said was that you needed us. That’s why we’re here. I want you to tell us what’s wrong. Please

Maria: (sighing) Look Liz, I’m sorry but there’s nothing to tell. It’s my problem. I can handle it.

Isabel: (annoyed) Obviously not

Michael: (angry) Iz!

Alex: (looking at Maria) No Michael. She’s right. You look awful Maria. What is it?

Maria: (turning away from him) It’s nothing Alex. Don’t worry about it.

Max: Too late. We’re all worried. Please let us help.

Maria: You can’t help

Isabel: (confused) That’s what Michael said. I still don’t understand it.

Liz: (softly) Maria?

Maria: Yeah Liz

Liz: (pleading) Please. I don’t like seeing you like this. Please tell us what this is all about. We’re your friends. You have a problem; we all have one.

Maria: This is different Liz. You CAN’T help

Max: (determined) Try us

Michael: (hopeful) Yeah Maria. Please tell them. Let us try.

Maria: (turning to look at him) Michael you know there’s nothing you can do. I told you that already.

Michael: I know. At least let us come in. Let us wait with you.

Liz: (confused about what Michael just said) Wait? Wait for what?

Maria: (knowing that she’s not going to get rid of them that easily) Ok. I see I’m gonna have to give you something. Come in everybody.


(Inside Maria’s Room)

(They all pile into her room. She’s still sitting at the window. The others have taken places either on her bed, or the floor. Michael’s standing near her)

Isabel: So…

Maria: (scared) Michael

Michael: (moving closer. taking her hand) I’m right here

Alex: Don’t worry Maria. We’re all here for you. What is it?

Maria: Well it’s like this…(hurriedly) mydadisback.

Liz: (not quite understanding) What?

Maria: (letting out long breath) My dad is back. He came back earlier today.

Alex: (shocked) WOW! But, isn’t that good news?

Maria: (nods) Normally it would be. But things aren’t normal.

Max: What do you mean?

Maria: (dropping Michael’s hand. Turning back to the window) I can’t do this.

Michael: (softly) Yes you can

Maria: (she gives him a slight nod, and turns to her other friends) I’ll give you the abridged version. Please don’t interrupt. I won’t be able to get it out if you do. OK.. Um, turns out he came back for something… My mom. He wants her to go away with him.

Isabel: (not getting it) What about you?

Maria: I said don’t interrupt.

Isabel: Sorry

Maria: (rubbing her hands together nervously) Well, that’s the thing. He doesn’t want me. Turns out he never did. When he left the first time, he wanted my mom to go with him. She refused to leave me. But now he says that I’m old enough to be on my own. He wants her to go with him now. I heard them talking tonight. Right before I came over to your house Liz.

Liz: (moving to hug her) Oh Maria

Maria: (waving her off. Afraid of the contact) It’s OK Liz. I’m OK. I can handle it.

Alex: (dumbfounded by the whole thing) What are you talking about Maria? This is terrible. (angry) That bastard! How can he do this to you?

Maria: (quietly) I don’t know.

Isabel: Where is he now?

Maria: (shrugs) In my mom’s room I guess. I came in through my window. I didn’t feel like answering any questions.

Liz: (shaking her head) I don’t understand. Why would he still be here? Your mother didn’t throw him out, after he said that?

Maria: (softly; turning to look out of the window again) No. No she didn’t.

Max: (confused) What? Why not?

(She doesn’t answer.)

Michael: (eyes on Maria the whole time) That’s why we wait. Maria thinks that she’s going with him. She’s waiting to see if they’re gone in the morning. That’s why I said we had to come here, to be with her. She shouldn’t have to wait alone. And she won’t confront Amy.

Liz: (surely) That’s impossible. She wouldn’t leave you. Why would you even think that Maria?

Maria: (turning to look at Liz) Why would she stay Liz? Her life was ruined when I showed up.

Alex: (sad) Maria

Maria: (turning to him) No Alex. It’s true. The love of her life left her because of me. Her life changed drastically when she found out she was pregnant. My grandmother still won’t speak to her. Why would she stay now? I am old enough to live on my own. He’s giving her a second chance. Why shouldn’t she take it? (she turns back to the window)

Isabel: (not believing what she’s hearing) Oh Maria, that’s not true. I don’t really know your mother, but I know she loves you. I can see it every time she looks at you. She’d never leave. You didn’t ruin her life. She loves you.

Alex: (moving towards Maria) She’s right Maria. Amy loves you. I’ve seen it up close and personal. She’d never leave.

Maria: (still not looking at them) Sure she would. She’s done her part. She made sure that I was taken care of; that I could take care of myself. Her job is done here.

Liz: That’s not true Maria. A mother’s job is never done. This is stupid; you need to talk to her.

Maria: ( turning to Liz; getting angry) NO! (calmly) It’s her life. I won’t guilt her into staying with me. If she leaves, then fine. I’ll manage. I can handle it.

Alex: (getting angry himself) Would you stop saying that. You can’t handle it. No one could. It’s too much. You have to talk to her.

Maria: (flatly) I said no Alex, and that’s final.

Isabel: Damn it Maria! This is crazy. You can’t just sit here and let things play out.

Max: She’s right Maria. This isn’t right.

Maria: (tired of all the debate) Look. I’m really glad that I have friends like you, to worry about me, but I’m fine. I don’t need this right now. I’m not talking to her. I’m waiting. I was doing pretty good waiting by myself, so if you can’t do things my way, you can all leave.

Michael: Maria

Maria: No Michael. I told you not to say anything. Why couldn’t you just tell Liz that I was fine, like I asked you to?

Michael: (frustrated) Because you aren’t fine Maria. She’s your best friend; she deserved to know. We all do.

Maria: No you don’t. This is my life.

Michael: (not being able to hold it in any longer) Yes we do! We love you Maria. I don’t know why this bastard is doing this, but I’ll be damned if I let you sit here thinking you’re not worth staying for. He’s the worthless one. Not you. And your mom won’t leave. She loves you, I told you that already. She won’t leave.

Maria: ( angry; staring right at Michael) You. Don’t. Know. That. Michael. People leave all the time in the name of love. It happens. I’ve come to terms with it. I suggest you do the same.

Liz: (concerned) Maria, what’s happening to you? This isn’t you. You don’t give up this easily.

Maria: (disgustedly) Welcome to the new me Liz

Alex: (frustrated) Damn it Maria. Stop acting like it doesn’t matter. You know it does.

Liz: Maria?

Maria: (tiredly) What Liz

Liz: Why are you giving up like this? I’ve never seen you so broken.

Maria: You’re right Liz. I am broken. I can’t do this anymore. I fight for things not due me, and now it’s time that I stop.

Isabel: What do you mean? What’s not due you?

Maria: I don’t want to talk about it.

Liz: Maria

Michael: Love. She doesn’t think that she’s worthy of it.

Alex: What? Maria that’s crazy. We love you.

Max: Yes we do. Why would you think that about yourself?

Maria: The evidence speaks for itself

Liz: What? What evidence?

Michael: Me. And her father. We both claimed to love her, but we left her. Like she wasn’t enough for us. That’s what she thinks. But she’s wrong. I DO love you Maria. More than I ever thought possible. You’re more than enough.

Maria: Michael, don’t.

Michael: No Maria. You have to believe me. My step back had nothing to do with you not being enough. It was about me wanting you safe. I love you so much. I can’t stand for you to be hurt. Please believe me. That’s why I’m here now, why we’re all here. I won’t let that bastard hurt you.

Maria: It’s too late for that.

Liz: Oh Maria, I’m so sorry about all of this. But if you want to wait it out, we’ll just wait with you. You don’t have to do this alone.

Alex: Yeah Maria, we’ll do it your way. And you’ll see, Amy will be here in the morning. She won’t leave.

Maria: We’ll see.

(They spread out in Maria’s room, waiting for morning.)


Morning (Michael wakes up to find that Maria’s no longer in her room. He wakes the others)

Michael: Guys wake up.

Isabel: (annoyed) Shut up Michael, I’m trying to sleep here.

Michael: No Iz, get up. Maria’s not here. It’s morning.

Liz: What? What time is it. Where is she

Michael: It’s 8 o’clock, and I don’t know where she is. I just woke up myself.

Alex: Let’s check downstairs.

(The all stumble downstairs, looking for Maria. They find her on the couch. She’s looking out the window, feet curled under her. They approach with caution)

Liz: (quietly) Maria?


Michael: (worriedly) Maria, are you all right?

Maria: (softly. Still looking out the window) I guess so

Michael: (confused) What…What’s wrong? (looking around nervously) Where’s your mother?

Alex: (just as worried) Maria?

Maria: (turning to look at them all) She’s….


Broken windows and empty hallways,
a pale dead moon in a sky streaked with grey.
Human kindness is overflowing,
and I think it's gonna rain today.

Scarecrows dressed in the latest styles,
the frozen smiles to chase love away.
Human kindness is overflowing,
and I think it's gonna rain today.

Lonely, lonely.
Tin can at my feet,
I think I'll kick it down the street.
That's the way to treat a friend.

Bright before me the signs implore me:
Help the needy and show them the way.
Human kindness is overflowing,
and I think it's gonna rain today.

Lonely, so lonely.
Tin can at my feet,
I think I'll kick it down the street.
That's the way to treat a friend.

Bright before me the signs implore me:
Help the needy and show them the way.
Human kindness is overflowing,
and I think it's gonna rain today.

The End

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