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Our Class: Read this. Its long, but good.

We are the Class of 1999. One year is gone and what have we learned? We are about to head back to a place that we know by heart and yet, it has changed. One year ago, we were worrying about SAT's and ACT's and where will I be next year? Now, we know where we stand, or so we think. Torn between two worlds. One we have been struggling for years to enter, and one that we now hesitate to leave behind. My Little Ponies and Rainbow Brite Am I the only one who remembers Herself the Elf? Dangermouse with Banana-Man and did Sebastian Ever find his mother? "I don't know" would get you slimed and every girl wanted a bed like Punky Brewster's. Eighty-eight miles an hour would send you back in time or maybe to the future Saved By The Bell gave way for 90210 and Zack Was traded for Dylan or maybe Brandon There were side ponytails and Units belts and Bangs that could survive a hurricane Your worst problem was who's mom was gonna get you from the mall on Friday night We watched the Challenger fall and the Branch Dividian Compound burn. Remember the songs we sang about the Gulf War? The teachers never shushed us when we sang them on field trips. High school came and you wondered how you were going to manage seven separate classes. Four more years till we are free! Spirit week and Homecoming Game and who's taking you to the dance? Cruising around with fresh licenses and man we were cool Your first love, your first heartache, Your first real tears. You swore you'd never talk to him/her again. Maybe you did. Maybe you didn't. Maybe you got back together. Maybe you didn't. Maybe you should have. Maybe you shouldn't. Someone from your class died. He sat by me in Algebra. The final Prom. The final dance. Are you going to the Grad Party? Put on your robe, and Pomp and Circumstance. Walk across the stage. Smile for the camera. Turn your tassel and "I now present the class Of 1999!" Four years of life summed up in twenty seconds. It was so important. The problems. The joys. Why does it take so few words to sum up such An experience? Words can not express it. It just exists. In out hearts and our minds. Now, with a year between those emotions and us, are we really the same? We have changed. We have grown. How many of your old friends do you still talk to? We have new friends but we will not let go of The old ones that we cherish the most. Friendships don't die. They just get forgotten along the way. Your true friends will be here forever. We are the Class of 1999. We will always be the class of 1999. But now we are something more. We are adults. We are no longer children trying to act like adults. "This is big time, baby." Live and learn. Learn and remember. It's in the past. But the past will never die. We are the Class of 1999 but we are moving into the future. Eighty-eight miles per hour. May I present the Class of 2003.

Class of 1999 Officers

no place like home