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Plant/Animal Adaptations

Plant adaptations of the Taiga generally promote its coniferous trees. The trees don't loose their leaves throughout the year, and are able to carry out photosynthesis whenever conditions are favorable. The needles of pines also make it easier for snow to fall from it's boughs or are also flexible to withstand snow's weight. The needles also help to conserve water by reducing the rate of transpiration. Animal adaptations include the tradition of hybernation among some species, the seasonal migration of certain birds and other animals, and animals that live within an organized society/family to survive, such as a pack of wolves or lynx.

An example of mutualism could be when moss grows on a tree; the moss protects the tree while the tree provides it with a home. Commensalism is found when birds nest in trees, for they receive protection without harming or helping the tree. An example of parasites in a taiga would be ticks or fleas on various mammals, such as elk. One example of a predator-prey relationship is the wolf, the predator, eating an elk, the prey. Other examples include an owl and a mouse, or a lynx eating a fox.
