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Where do you fit in little one


© By Rose Katts

Where do you fit in dear little rose bud?
Where do I find a place for you to come out?
When you do come out and express yourself you are put down for not being the adult.

So where are you safe to come out little one?
During your childhood you had to act like and adult because it was not safe to be a child.
Always expected to be an adult or a parent and not allowed to express how you really felt.

I wonder when is it going to be safe for you to come out?
When you do come out you are knock down for it.
So tell me when is it going to be safe for you to come out?
At home it is only safe to come out in the bedroom.
There is no place for you to express the hurtful feelings that needs to be healed in order for you to grow and thrive.

There was a safe place to come out before but no longer cause you get put down.
They expect you to be a rational adult however some people do not seem to understand that the hurtful child has to heal and grow and become the spontaneous child that is in each of us.

To heal we need to listened to our inner child and her feelings and acknowledge them.
Every one of us has a parent, adult and a child within in .

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