~*Yet More 3RD Season Quotes*~


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Buffy(to Angel): "Well, there's something you don't see everyday...Unless of course you're me."

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Buffy(to Angel): "So this is our future? I mean, this is how we're gonna spend our nights when I'm fifty and you're...the same age you are now."

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Willow: "Sounds like your mom's in a state of denial."

Buffy: "More like a continent. She just has to realize that I can't go away."

Willow: "We-well, maybe not now, but..soon, maybe. Or maybe I too hail from Denial Land."

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Xander: "Everything in life is foreign territory. Kerowack; he's my teacher. The open road; my school."

Buffy: "Making the open dumpster your cafeteria?"

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Xander: "We Bohemian, anti-establishment types have always been persecuted."

Oz: "Well sure, you're all so weird."

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Willow(to Buffy): "Oh Buffy, she was just being Cordelia, only..more so."

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Buffy(to Giles): "I gotta have a plan? Really? I can't just be pro-active with pep?"

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Buffy(to Giles): "I actually knew that. I thought you meant a more specific plan, you know..with maps and stuff."

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Xander: "What's that?"

Giles: "Maps..and stuff."

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Willow(to Buffy): "Hey, I eat danger for breakfast."

Xander: "But oddly enough she panics in the face of breakfast foods."

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Vamp: "What are you doing?"

Willow: "I, I'm looking for a sucking candy. 'Cuz my mouth gets dry when I'm-I'm nervous, or *held* *prisoner* against my will."

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Oz: "Whole place is locked down. Except for the front."

Xander: "Yeah, it gives me that comforting *trapped* feeling."

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Mayor: "Well, this is exciting, isn't it? Clandestined meetings by dark of night, exchange of prisoners. I just, I-" (laughs with giddiness) "I feel like we should all be wearing trench coats."

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Mayor: "Still don't understand why it couldn't work out with you and my Faith. Guess you kind of just have strange taste in women."

Angel: "Yeah, well what can I say? I like 'em sane."

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Buffy(after they were attacked by parasite-ish demons): "Snyder, you alive in there?"

Snyder(to Buffy and co.): "*You*. All of you. Why couldn't you just be dealing drugs lik normal people?"

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Buffy: "I feel the need for more sugar than the human body can handle."

Willow: "Mochas?"


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Anya: "I have witnessed a millenium of treachory and oppression from the males of the species, and I have nothing but contempt for the whole debitteness lot of them."

Xander: "So why are you talking to me?"

Anya: "I don't have a date for the Prom."

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Xander(to Anya): "Bestill my heart. Or wait, it is."

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Xander: "'Choice' is kinda a broad term for my situation. See, it's either Anya..or the sock-puppet of *love* for this boy." (Imitating a puppet with his voice and hand) "I love you Xander. I'll *never* leave you."

Willow: "Well, if Anya tries to get you killed, put me down for a *big* I told you so."

Xander(in sock-puppet mode): "Who is this *Anya*? Is she prettier than me?"

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Buffy: "So it was blue and sorta short?"

Willow: "Not too short. Medium. And it had this..weird sorta fringy stuff on its arms."

Giles: "What's that? A demon?"

Buffy: "A prom dress."

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Cordelia: "*Everything* has been taken away because Daddy made a *little* mistake on his *taxes*...for the last 12 years."

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Xander: "Guys! It's just a normal VCR, it doesn't...oh wait, ah..it *can* do pause."

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Buffy: "I'm gonna give you all a nice..fun, normal evening, if I have to kill every single person on the face of the earth to do it."

Xander: "Yay?"

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Angel: "What are you doing here?"

Buffy: "Hello to you too."

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Giles: "I don't really know what to say. Um, I understand that, um, this sort of thing requires..ice cream or something."

Buffy: "Ice cream will come."

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Buffy(to Giles): "Great thing about being a Slayer..kicking ass is comfort food."

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Willow: "Maybe we should dance before we get beseached, bedeviled, or beheaded or something."

Oz: "It's not gonna happen."

Willow: "You're not even a *little* nervous?"

Oz: "Well, you think Buffy's gonna let us down?"

Willow(seeing his point): "Wanna enjoy some punch?"

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Buffy(to psycho Prom-hater guy): "Whatever. Every maladjust has his reasons. Lucky for me, you're an *incompetent* maladjust."

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Buffy: "How's the Prom?"

Oz: "Strangely affecting. I got all teared up when they played 'We Are Family'."

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Johnathan: "It's no secret that Sunnydale High isn't really like other high schools. A lot of weird stuff happens here."

Random voices from the crowd: "Zombies!" "Hyena People!" "Snyder!"

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Wesley: "While the last thing I wish to do is model bad behavior in front of impressionable youth, I wonder if asking miss Chase to dance would-"

Giles: "For god sake man, she's 18...and you have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone. Just..have at it would you, and stop fluttering about."

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Giles: "You did good work tonight Buffy."

Buffy: "And I got a little toy surprise!"

Email: angel_love4ever@hotmail.com