Get To Know The Pups!

Get To Know The Pups!

||*Shake paws now!*||

Alritey! Ready to meet these pooches? Here we go!

(Your name here) this is Tyk! Tyk, this is (your name here)

(In Spanish accent)Como estas! I'm Tyk, Brian's dog! Nice to meet you! Since Brian is somewhere in Europe, wanna take me to Taco-Bell?

LOL Tyk, I don't think (your name here) has the time! But tell 'em a lil' bit about yourself!

(In Spanish accent)Ok. I am a very cute chihuahua who is WAY better than that Taco-Bell FAKE. I am actually Leighanne's dog, but I am SO glad Brian saved me from that woman!

Okaay, I think you should meet our other pups now! Say bye Tyk!

::Tyk saying whatever bye is in Spanish lol::

These are Nick's dogs! There are four, so it might be hard to talk to 'em! They like attention A LOT!

(Your name here) meet Nick's pups!

Hi! I'm Mikey!

Ello! I'm Houston!

Hi! I'm Willie!

And last but NOT least, I'm ?

Tell (your name here) a lil-

All the pugs: We like to pee on Nick's rug!

Mikey: And play with Nick's N64!

?: I'm ? because no one has figured out my name yet!

Willie: I miss Nick!!! He didn't take us to Europe with him!

Houston: That sucks too cuz I wanted to see the Eifel Tower!

See, what did I tell you about the attention thing??

All: Arf! Bark! Ruff!!

OK! Let's move on to AJ's dog!!

Pugs: Byeeeebyebyebye...!!

Whoa. OK, now here are AJ's shitzus!

Hi (your name here) I'm Panda!

Hi (your name here) I'm Bear!

Both: I don't know why AJ named us after teddies cuz we're not bears! We're dogs! But that's ok cuz we love him! He is soooo cool! He plays with us, feeds us, sometimes lets us eat his McDonalds food, dyes our hair!!

(They're a little talkative)We should get along now, so you can take a look around some more!

Say bye to (your name here), Bear and Panda!



Now wasn't that fun?? If you wanna know more about these cuties, go to the linkies section for the D-O-Gs and check out sites dedicated to the one and onlie:

BSB Pooches!