{Hands From Heaven}

{Hands From Heaven}

By Olivia


It all started 3 yrs ago, thanks to Nick. We had FINALLY gotten a week off and we all headed back to FL so we could be with our families and friends. The third day I was there relaxing on my waterbed, I decided to go visit Nick. When I got there, he ran to the door to greet me and said,

"Hey! My best friend since FOREVER is here! I want you guys to meet!"

Ok I thought and went along with him. When I got up to his room, there sitting on the floor, in a HUGE baggy sweatshirt that looked like Nick's and baggy jeans and a backwards baseball hat was a girl! Not that anything was wrong with that but I thought his BF would be a guy! She had a controller in her hand and was playing N64.

"HEY!" Nick cried. "Cheaterrr!!!! I left and you un paused it b4 i got here!"

"Hey" she said, "you took to long!" and she giggled.

We got introduced. She had long black hair in a long pony tail and brown sparkly eyes. I didn't have a thing for her tho! I thought her and NICK would make the cute couple! They were perfect for each other, they loved the same things, she was cool, and they matched ya kno?

3 yrs later, which would be now, we got a two week break and I decided to spend the last week in FL since I went to Kentucky for the first week. Again I went to Nick's and when I got there, he just yelled COME IN!! So i did. Sitting on the couch tho was a very pretty girl in a baseball style shirt and shorts. Something about her was really familiar.

"Whose the cutie on the couch?" I asked when I found him in the kitchen.

"Cutie??" Nick made a face. "It's KERI!!!"

"No way! Keri in the big sweatshirt and unpaused your last N64 game??"

"Yup that's her! You don't recognize her?"

"I KNEW there was sometihng familiar about her! It's her smile and her eyes..." I said more to myself then to Nick.

"Ohhhh! Does my best friend have a thing for my best friend??"

I hit him and helped him carry cups of soda out to the living room.


I watched Nick and his best friend...ummm whats his name? Ryan? No..oh yeah BRIAN walk back into the living room. I don't think he remembers me! But I guess I was wrong cuz right when I thought that he said,

"Hey Keri! Didn't recognize you there for a sec! How are ya?"

"Hey Brian! I'm fine!" wooooow he was cute.

I remember the first time I met him thru Nick, I thot he was very cool and something about him I just totally loved but it was one of those really cool friend type feelings, not like, like-like! But now....

"Hey Nick do you have a hair tie?" I said as i grabbed my long blk hair into a ponytail.

"Why would I have a hairtie?" He asked.

"Because you like to mess with your hair and put em in braids!"

"Haha Frack she saw the Disney concert!"

"Shutup" he said to brian and then to me, "I'll get one of BJ's for you hold onn...."

"Thank you Nicky!" I said

He gave me a dirty look he HATES being called that! Brian was laughing.


From that moment after Nick left and we started talking, I KNEW we clicked and for this past week, we've been hanging out and I am totally loving very second of it. She likes to do fun kid stuff that me and Nick do, like ice skating and playing on the beach and N64 and she's funny and nice and sweet.

I am falling for her!

Today was the last day we would be able to hang out together. The guys and I had to leave for our two minth tour. We started off the day hanging with all the guys, they all like her as much as me and Nick do, and we went to the mall, movies, minature golfing. But tonite, I had special stuff planned. I had to go pick her up in... a few mintues cuz it was almost 7. I checked myself last time in the mirror and left.



He's here! I am so happy and excited but sad. I opened the door.

"Hey Keri-bear!" he said and gave me abig bear hug a kiss on the check.

"Hey Bri!" I said, hugging him back. "You know what?" I said still embracing him.

"What?" he asked.

"You should've never hugged me cuz now I'm not gonna let go!"

"That's fine with me! I guess I just hafta CARRY you to the car!" He said and swung me over his shoulder!

"AHHH! I screamed and laughed at the same time.

"Im just kidding! But it's gonna be hard for us to do the SPECIAL stuff I planned tonite if you won't let me go and take you there!"

"OK! What are we doing??"

"Its a surprise!!"

"Man you suck!"

He stuck out his tongue. Then smiled.

"You look beautiful tonite" he said with an accent.

"Why Thank you Mister Littrell! Not so bad yerself!" I replied and poked his tummy. He pretended to double over.

And with that, we FINALLLY got going!


I looked over at Keri while I drove. She really DID look beautiful. She had on a long summer dress that looked PERFECT on her and her hair and make u p was perfect too. Hard to believe she was a tom boy! I drove down to the beach to a nice resteraunt where we could eat. It wasn't a very formal place but it wasn't a whatever hang out kinda place either. I reserved a spot outside on the balcony area of the resteraunt over looking the beach. The sun was just about to set! Perfect! We talked and ate and watched the sunset. Then we left the place and walked along the beach. We walked down to the pier and sat with our legs dangling and laid down and watched the stars appear.


"Brian look at all the stars! Aren't they pretty?"

"Yes they are..."

"Tonight has been so great! Im having such a fun time with you."

"It's not over yet!"

"Really?" I asked smiling.

"Uh huh!"

"But it's a surprise and you aren't gonna tell me what it is tho, are you??" I said.

"Right again!" He replied

"Man!" I said. He laughed.

"Even tho this time we met was when we started liking each together, I swear I knew there was something about you the first time we met." I said.

"Me too! "

"your smile" we both said at the same time!

"Wow! That's so cool! You think so too?? That day at Nicky's, everytime you smiled, your whole face lit up and your eyes just sparkled...I dunno..."

"Yeah!" he said. "Like today, I almost didnt recognize you cuz you ditched the baggy clothes, but when you smiled, I was like, I know this girl!!"

We shared a laugh and continued watching the stars.

"Ready for your last surprise?" He asked getting up and giving me a hand.

"Yeah!" I said and we got up. I gave him a kiss on the check.

"What's that for?"

"Being a sweetie"

"I try" he said with a cheeeeeeesy grin. I started to laugh.

"You are a psycho!" I said. "Hey you are the one hanging out with me!"


"Ok! I wwant you to close your eyes now!! NOOO peeking!!!" I said and covered her eyes with my hands. I guided her around and eventually we stopped.

"Hold on keep your eyes closed tho!!"

"Ok...Hey we're moving!!"

"Open your eyes!" I said and stood beside her.

"Oh woww!!" She gasped.

I led her onto Nick's family's boat which they let me borrow and she was standing on the sides but the view was very pretty. You could see an island there a little ways off with a small fire lit somewhere in the trees., and stars were sparkling all around us.

"Ohmygosh Brian! This is so perfect." She said and gave me a biiig hug and a kiss.

I smiled.

"Hold on, hold on!" I said and slipped away to the inside of the boat and flipped a switch. "Truely, Madly, Deeply" floated out of the speakers. Perfect song! I htougth NIck had set it on KROQ or something! I looked at the dial. It was set on KOST with a little note next to it.

"Thank me later!" it said. I laughed, and stepped back out to Keri.

She looked so beautiful. Her silk dress swayed around her as the breeze gently blew. Wisps of her flew around her face.

"May I have this dance?" I asked her taking a hand and kissing it.

"Why yes you may!" SHe rreplied. We gently swayed to music. Truely, Madly, Deeply had stopped and a song called "Hands From Heaven" by Breathe was on. This was just the song for us tonight.


As I watch you move, across the moonlit room There's so much tenderness in your loving Tomorrow I must leave, the dawn knows no reprieve God give me strength when I am leaving

I listened to the song and held Brian closer and tighter. I didn't want him to leave.



"Bri...I-I-don't want you to leave tomoro..." I whispered.

"Shh...I know. Let's enjoy tomight tho...I don't want to say good-bye...ok?"

"Ok Bribri"

"thanks Keri-bear"

So raise your hands to heaven and pray That we'll be back together someday Tonight, I need your sweet caress Hold me in the darkness Tonight, you calm my restlessness You relieve my sadness

As we move to embrace, tears run down your face I whisper words of love, so softly I can't believe this pain, it's driving me insane Without your touch, life will be lonely

So raise your hands to heaven and pray That we'll be back together someday Tonight, I need your sweet caress Hold me in the darkness Tonight, you calm my restlessness You relieve my sadness

Morning has come, another day I must pack my bags and say goodbye, goodbye

So raise your hands to heaven and pray That we'll be back together someday Tonight, I need your sweet caress Hold me in the darkness Tonight, you calm my restlessness You relieve my sadness


The song started to fade and I looked down at Keri's face. A few tears had fallen and I have to admit I had tears welled up in my eyes too. I did need her sweet caress and I wanted her to hold me in the dark so she could calm my restlessness. Relieve my sadness.

I gently wiped some tears away and kissed her softly.

"Sorry..." she said sniffing

"No it's ok. But this is our last night together and I want to make the most of it." She smiled and wiped her face. Then I took her hand into mine and went inside the boat. Inside there were candles and I started to light 'em.

"I thought we could spend the night here and before you think I am taking advantage of you during this moment, let me explain myself!! I don't expect us to do anything, I just want to hold you one last night before I leave. And I even got PJ's for yah. Look in that bag next to you."


I peeked into the bag and took out its contents. It was silk PJs! Like the mens style kind with drawstring pants and button down shirt. They were black with smiley faces all over it!!

"AWWW!!! Brian!!! You are SO gonna make me cry!! You are THE sweetest thing on earth!!" I walked over and gave him a hug. (And wiped some tears from my eyes!)

"Awww shucks!" he said trying to lighten the mood. I just had to laugh!

"Go get changed k??"

"Ok" I said. I went into the b/r, changed, and came back out.

"Aww! Brian you look SO cute!!"

He was laying on the bed with the EXACT same PJs! Except his were in royal blue!

"GOSH!! How can anyone NOT love this cutie patootie!?" I asked him getting on the bed and pinching his cheecks.

"I know! I am just TOO cute!!"

We laid down, him with one arm behind his head and one around me and I was laying with my head on his cute lil' tummy!

"Bribri? I just wnted to tell you this past week has been so great! i have had so much fun with you! You are as crazy as Nick is! But cuter! Don't tell him that tho!"

"I won't! This week has been so fun for me to. I am so glad I got to know you so much better..."

We talked and talked until we couldn't talk anymore. Then we fell into a peaceful sleep, embracing each other, rocking gently back and forth as the boat drifted in the small bay.


As I looked out the window, on the plane sitting next to Nick, I thought of last night and closed my eyes and I swore I heard that song we danced to that night around me.
So raise your hands to heaven and pray That we'll be back together someday Tonight, I need your sweet caress Hold me in the darkness Tonight, you calm my restlessness You relieve my sadness


I looked out the airport window and saw Bri and the rest of the guys plane take off. I watched until the plane was gone into the clouds. I sat down on the chairs just to think awhile I closed my eyes and off in the distance, I heard,
So raise your hands to heaven and pray That we'll be back together someday Tonight, I need your sweet caress Hold me in the darkness Tonight, you calm my restlessness You relieve my sadness....

The End
