I Didn't Do it!!

I Didn't Do it!!

*Excuses, excuses!!*

Brian/Leighanne/AJ/Howie/Nick/Kevin step in doggie doo doo.

Tyke: "I didn't do it!"

A 15 yr old girl is impregnated.

AJ: "I didn't do it! (Whoa, you're only 15??)

Nick's rug is stained yellow.

4 pugs: "We didn't do it!"

All the peanut butter in the house is gne!

Kevin: "I...didn't...do...it...!"

All the food in the house is gone!

Nick: "I didn't do it!" (I'm just teasing! He isn't fat!!)

Everyone goes deaf from some horrible singing!

Britney: "Like, I didn't do it!"

There are no more condoms in the house!

AJ: "I didn't do it!"

All the electricity in the house goes out cuz SOMEONE was hooking up a computer.

Nick: "I didn't do it!"

Someone used up all the gel!

Howie: I didn't do it!

Someone took all of Brian's money!

Leighanne: "I didn't do it!" (J/K!! I like her!! But in the 'Teen interview it said: Where's the rest of it? (Bri's money) Brian:"My girlfriend has it!")

Who caused Olivia (that's me) to faint by beeing SOOO daymn sexy??

AJ: "I did it!" *grin*

Who ate all the McDonalds?!

AJ: "I didn't do it!"

SUUUURREE you didn't do it!!