Doggie For A Day!

Doggie For A Day!

*Why I would trade paws with these dogs ANY day!*

1.Who do the BSB like to cuddle with? Yup, their dogs.

2. Who LIVES with the BSB and sometimes even get to go to special awards and concerts with the BSB? Yup, the dogs do.

3. Not only do these dogs get to hang with ONE cutie, but FIVE!

4. Nick lets the dogs lick him. (Not lick like that! Ya kno, a kiss!)

5. So does Brian.

6. So does AJ

7. How much you wanna bet Kevie and Howie let 'em lick 'em too??

8. They probably kiss 'em back! Hey! They are cute puppies!!

9. All the fans luv 'em! Unlike the girlfriends!

10. Everyone else in the world luvs 'em too! They are too cute!

11. Who wouldn't wanna be a Backstreet Boys dog? You live, eat, sleep, play with 'em!

12. If those dogs could talk, I bet they know A LOT of stuff people usually dunno about the guys!

13. Talk about spying on 'em!

14. They probably confide in the dogs a lotta stuff cuz THEY won't go barkin' to the press!

15. When people diss Nick about his weight, who does he go for comfort? That's right. His pugs. THEY won't judge him! (AND even if they do, they won't say so it doesn't matter!)

16. I would wanna be something the BSB ohh and awww and ahhh over!