The Video, The Video!!

The Video, The Video!!

*I just can't contain my excitement when our boys release a new video!!

So I'm watching the MTV 2 Large New Years Bash, ready to either sock the television for not playing the friggin video yet or tear my own hair out cuz I missed this precious moment of the world premiere or the video! I mean it was like, 5 hours into the thing, and there was no mentioning of anything of a video premeire, the tension was building up! But right when I was gonna burst, the boys came on and introduced their video and here it goes!!

)|)Show Me The Meaning(|(

*Starts off with Brian, looking in a hospital room. I was wondering who he was looking it when suddenly all these doctors rush in cuz something is going wrong and they pull off the oxygen mask and ::GASP!!:: Brian is watching lose his life!

*He looked so sad singing, I could just feel exactly how he felt!! MAN! It was DEEP I tell ya!

*They are each suppose to have a story line, I am going to try to interpret it. For Brian it must've been the whole heart surgery thing.

*Then it's AJ's scene. He's in a bus lookin' hot as ever, lookin' at a pic of a girl (GRR!) and sheding a tear (oh my poor baby!!!) and he looks up and hey, it's that same girl! But when he takes a closer look she disapears! All like, weird warp-ness or something...

*AJ, are you hallucinating??

*I'm guessing his story line has to do witha lost love?

*Then it's back to Bri, and he's walking out a hospital door, into a light...very spiritual-esque.

*Now to Kevin, this was sad. He's sititng there watching some clips of him and his dad I think...THIS almost brought tears to my eyes! He looked so sad but still handsome as ever...

*His story line is obviously his mourning for his father that passed on. *Question, is that really his father in the film?? And WHY did he hafta place his arm there when the film was showing HIM?!

*He talks the elevator out his building, passing by a fighting couple.

*Now Nick is walking down the street...lookin' cute but take off the silly hat! And he's just strolling down the street, and he sees this girl ready to walk into a bus and he grabs her just in time. That was the girl fighting with the guy that Kevy passed by.

*Nick's story must've been like, suicide and the loneliness you must feel to do something like that. Of the boys, I guess he gets that one cuz nothing very sad has happened to him, except the death of his doggie when it swam after him, may he or she rest in doggy heaven.

*Where is Howie???

*There he is! Sitting in a cafe. A weird image is running towards him but then does that weird warp thingy again and disapears.

*It takes me awhile to figure out his plot. It must be about his sister dying from lupus.

*Kevin enters the cafe and gives Howie this, "Yes, Howard, it's time to come with me," look. So Howie gets goin.

*I think this is the part where they go into the brigde of the song. So AJ walks out of the bus and sings his part, and then stands there with his hat, and puts his hat on his chest with this, to be or not to be back in the day Shakespearean play actor stance thing. Puts his hat on and goes.

*They all walk together now, singing and Brian just goes kinda crazy and it just gets ya right there! *Pounds fist on heart*

*The end is them walking into a place that's not as gray and black and white. It's got some color, and I think that might symbolize hope and the five of them getting over their situation and coping with it.

*This video seemed HELLA short to me and Howie got jipped again I think!

*Man, they need stop making such deep videos, I have nothing to make fun of them about! It's way too serious I don't even feel RIGHT if I did something like that cuz their situations deal with serious issues! Come on guys! What happened to your beef cakeness videos with the funny hair cuts and dance moves?? Well it's ok cuz i highly enjoyed this one.

*DUDE it seems like they have "matured" into men! *SIGH!* I mean this video was like, like, WOW!

*And since you all feel that way too :o), go vote for it on TRL to make them the first number one video in the year 2000!!