

By Olivia


"Dude! I am BORED!" said AJ falling back on his bed.

"Me too!" I said and flopped down next to him.

"Man! There's nothing to do here at this hotel!" We heard Nick whine as he emerged from his room.

"Stop whining! You're only saying that cuz I beat you in Mario Kart!" Brian's voice said, somewhere down the little hall.


"Man! I am not going on tour with you guys again!" I said.

"Sorry Tay! But this is life on the bus! Or hotel actually..." said AJ slinging his arm around me. I leaned on him then got an idea!

"HEY! Let's play assasins!!" I said.

"Huh??" all three of 'em replied together.

"It's a game! We each get someone else's name on a card that we all randomly pick and that person is your target. You hafta 'kill' that person by getting them either with stickers, or waterguns, whatever. When you 'kill' your person, you get their card, and go after whoever's name is on there. The first one to either kill all your targets or is the last one dead wins!"

"That sounds cool!" said Nick.

"Let's go get everyone else!" I said, and we ran down to the pool where Kevin, Howie and Keri were at. We all got ready and decided on waterguns as being our 'weapons' since between Brian and Nick, there was enough of 'em to go around!

"Ok, everyone isolate yourself and in five minutes open your cards and we can start! Go!" I said.

I walked all the way down to the hotel gift shop and when my watch said 2:06, I opened up my card. Ready or not, here I come!


I opened up my card. I think it's been five minutes. I was in my own room loading up my watergun. Hey! I got Tayea! This is gonna be fun! I walked out to the door and was about to go out when I stopped myself. Someone could be out there waiting for me! I looked out the peephole. Nobody there. I slowly turned my knob and catiously stuck my head outside. I looked both ways. Nope. Nobody. Whew! I guess I should be on my way to finding Tayea!


It was fun to be playing this! I remember we did this in high school once when we were on a weekend trip to D.C. I lost right when I stepped out my room but ended up meeting this great girl! Anyway, my target as Nick! Now maybe I could get him back for setting all our alarm clocks back an hour last week! I decided to go down to the pool area, which was kinda stupid cuz it was so out in the open! I could get killed like that! I started walking to the main entrance hallway of the hotel so I could go up the elavator. As I turned the corner by the gift shop, I bumped into someone! "Oh sorry!" I said but then realized it was Tayea! I held my gun towards her and she did the same. "Do you hav eme?" she asked tentively. "No. Do you have me?" "Nope." "Whew! That's a relief! Let's go upstairs then!" She said. So up we went.



This was just like some spy double-o 7 movie! Cool! I walked out down the corridor from the bathroom (hey you gotta admit it's a creative spot to start!)spy style! [Author's note: Spy style, meaning looking like a spy! You know, looking first before each corner then scurrying really quick to the next corner lol] I held the watergun up to my face and peeked around the corner. Nobody was there! I got all the way towards the end of the corridor where the elevator wa and pressed the button. I turned around to watch my back as the elevator went *ding* and the elevator doors slid open. I turned around. "GOTCHA!" "Nooooooo!!" I screamed. *Squirt*

"Next victim!"


This was an interesting game. I got outt amy room and as I turned the corner I got my gun ready to shoot. But no one was there. Then during the next corner, I heard someone humming! Hey! It sounded my target! I prepared and the humming got closer and closer and closer and "BAM!" I said and jumped out. "Ahhh!" screamed an old lady. Oops! My bad! That ain't my person! "I am SO sorry!" I said offering a smile. She muttered, "Kids these days!" and walked away. I should make sure this doesn't happen!


Alright this might be considered cheating but I swear I wanted some ice cream! I entered the hotel again, licking my butter pecan cone. I got my gun out and was ready & rollin'! So far, I didn't see anyone. I stopped to search by the pool area. "Hey sweetie!" "Hey! Who- No!!" *Squirt* Daymn! I dropped my cone! "Yo! You owe me ice cream!"


Where the heck could Tay BE?!? Dangit...


I just got off the elevator and walked downthe main hall of the hotel. People must be thinking we are all crazy! Sneaking around and holdin waterguns! I walked to the hotel pool section. Right when I was about to round the corner, I saw him! He just turned around, which gave me a great chance to get closer and *squirt him! I tiptoed to the next wall. He kept on walking so I got out in the open and followed his steps. He stopped, then started walking then all of a sudden he stopped again and turned around! "GOTCHA!!" we both yelled. *Squiiiiiirrt* "Daymn! We both die then!" exclaimed AJ. "You got me too?" I asked him. "Nah. I killed Keri first and she had you. I owe her an ice cream cone!" replied AJ. "Wanna go get her one?" "Yea! Let's go!"




"I don't got you!

"Me neither!"

"Geez Kev! You scared me!"

"You scared me too! Come on, let's go down the stairway, you're less likely to be seen that way!"

"Good idea!" We started down the flight of stairs.

"Soo....you having fun?" Kev asked.

"Yea! I'm glad Tay taught us this!"

"Uh huh..." replied Kevin.

Hmm...he had a weird smile thing on his face! Oh no! "You got me don't you?!" I ran and he ran down the stairs after me! There's the door! Hey where was the knob?! Awww! It's one of those doors that only open from the outside! "AHHHHH!!!" I screamed.

"Chill!! I don't got you!"

"Then why'd you bring me down here!?" The door opened!

"So I could get you!" *Squirt* "Haha!" laughed Tayea. "Dang! That ain't fair! Two against one!" "Well, I'm already dead man!" said Kevin. Tay had killed Brian, gotten his card which said Kevin, then got him too, (dang she's good!) then they teamed up to kill me. "I win!!" sang Tay doin a victory dance. Awww man! I lost!


"Let's go find Bri!" I said. After I killed him, he said he was heading back to his room.

"So technically I win at this moment, but we just gotta see how AJ, Keri and Howie are doin." I said.

We got to Brian's room.

"Knock, knock!" said Nick. The door opened and there was Keri and Brian.

"Hey! I missed shootin yah Kev!" said Brian.

"Haha!" said Kevin.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you," sang Brian and Keri and him strated walking towards us, waterguns appearing from behind 'em!

"RUN!" Kevin screamed.

*Squirt* *Squirt* We squirted and ran out the door.

"Oops! Sorry!" I said as I bumped into AJ who had been right outside the door holding ice cream cones.

AJ: "Hey! You owe me ice cream!!!"

THE *squirt* END!