***Catching Some ZzZz's***

***Catching Some ZzZz's***

By Olivia

Dude! I had the weirdest dream! Wanna know what it was about? Sure yah do! Ok, I was at Disneyland, in line for splash mountain when a guy tapped me on my shoulder and said,"Do you mind if I cut you? The kid in front of you s with me but um...nature called so I just told him to go ahead." I smiled. "Yeah sure!" and we hung out for the rest of the day and kissed during Fantasmic! It was so nice! Then I realized it was Brian!! Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys! But right when it was getting good, I heard someone say, "Keri-bear! Wake up!" I cracked an eye open. "B! Go AWAY!" and turnedover. "Well, if that's how you're gonna treat Brian Littrell, I'm gonna hafta tickle you!" and he hopped on top of me and started to tickle me. "AHHH!! Bri stop! I'm sorry I'll get up!!" I yelled. "OK" he said and hopped off. "Wait! Come back!" I said with a smile. He grinned and walked over to me and sat down beside me. "Brian?" I said as we got closer. "That wasn't very nice." I said and whacked him with a pillow. "HEY!" he cried and grabbed a pillow too. "PILLOW FIGHT!!" he screamed. We were whacking the shit outta each other when Nick showed up at the doorway. "It's like 8 in the morning! Shut up!" He said. We looked at each other then back at Nick. "Don't even..."we ran after Nick. "AH! Help!" he yelped. We chased him into Kevin's room. "Kevin! Make them stop!" he said as he hopped into Kevin's bed. "Oh my god." he said as he opened his eyes. I guess that's the reaction you get when you see a half naked boy in bed with you, and two rumpled up maniacs with pillows ready to join you. "AAHH!" screamed Nick. "Noo!" screamed Kevin. AJ who was in a towel, walked by. He stood at the doorway looking amused. "AJ! Think fast!" said Brian and threw a pilow at him. "Wha??" he was totally off guard and reached for the pillow but that meant he wasn't holding up his towel! "Oh sheit!" We stopped fighting. The guys were rolling around laughing but I was speechless. "Don't look Keri!" Nick said and covered my eyes. I guess they've all seen each other naked cuz, well they've known each other for almost 6 years! But I sure haven't!


"You shouldn've seen Keri's face!" "I know! AJ's too! Don't take so long in the bathroom next time D!" We were loungin' in the den, telling Howie about how we woke up. "It was funny!" said Brian. "Not really." said AJ. "Really!!" "Well if you think that was so funny rok stand up right now, get in front of Keri and pull down your pants." "Ok, not really" said B. "OH! I didn't tell you about my dream yet!" I said to get teh spotlight offa AJ and this morning's um..incident. (Of course I left out the Brian being the dude kissing me cuz that would've put the spotlight on ME!) You must be thinking, whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA! I thought she was DREAMIN about 'em not KIKKIN' it with 'em! Let me explain. It's summer vacation for me right now and my parents who are both directors had to go to Africa to shoot thier next movie. I didn't wanna go- bugs, scorching heat, no plumbing, and BUGS didn't sound good to me! So I wanted to stay home. Hey! I'm 17! I can handle it! But my parents,thought: 17 yr old girl + no parents = PARTY so they asked a clsoe friend of their's son to look after me. That son turned out to be Mr. Howie Dorough! Pretty spiffy huh? So that's where I am crashing for the summer. We were in Howie's new condo, and the rest of the guys decided to try the condo out so they live next door for now. But are usually over or else we are over! My parents didn't know about my "living arrangements" cuz this wasn't planned but if they did, this woudln't be happeing. But hey, whose complainin??