*~Good Things~*

*~Good Things~*

By Olivia

Turns out, it's a good thing. Why? Reason #1) Tay and AJ are MADE for each other! (Their names even rhyme!) #2) I'll admit, I was in denial. AJ didn't give me those butterflies in my tummy, it was Brian #3) I decuded letting AJ dye my hair might not be that be great of an idea! (esp. after the bleaching incident.) Anyway, I was trying to find my brush this morning cuz I couldn't find it!

"Anyone seen my brush?" I asked.




"Dang it."

"Excuuuse me." came a voice from behind me. (I was in the doorway to the dining room.) Brian was behind me. "You are excused." I said with a sweet smile but stayed put. (we bug each other like that.) He smiled back but gave me a huuuge hug from behind, lifted me up, and put me out of his way. "Thank you" he said and continued on his way.

"Hey, you seen my brush?" I asked.

"Yeah. Last time I saw it AJ was using it to brush his dogs."


"It's in the bathroom."

I walked off and there it was in the bathroom! My bad, I forgot I left it there! I started to brush my hair and started thinking. My first thought? DANG Brian looks good. Second? He gives good hugs. "AHH! This sucks!" I said aloud.

"What sucks? Did Howie use up all the gel again?" asked Nick as he entered the bathroom. "No...that's not it."

"Guy probs?"

"WOW! How did you know?"

"It's always guy problems! So whose the unlucky fella this time?"

"Ha ha" I said sarcastically.

"Sorry, ok for reals." he said and looked at me seriously.

"You promise you not to tell?" After making him cross his heart and hope to die and sweat on his nintendo, I spilled my guts and told him about my lil' crush.

"So what's the prob?"

"DUH! He doesn't like me!"

"How do you know?"

"I do!"

"Nu-uh! You guys are always flirting and play fighting." Flirt? Ok where was I?!

"Keri, just chill. If it's meant to be, it will happen. If not...there's plenty of something out in the sea...oh yeah fish!" I laughed. "Wow, you almost sounded intellegent for a sec! Just kidding! Thanks man!"

"Hey no prob. What are friends for?"

"Aww!"I said. "Come here and give me a hug!" Once we parted, I sat on the toilet. Not going for AJ was a good thing and having friends like Nick? That's a good thing too!

| ||The End|| |