The Pearl Harbor of the Backstreet Boys

The Pearl Harbor of the Backstreet Boys

By: CCakeQT

Friday,February 18,2000,a day that will live in "infamy," millions of people, just as I did,were informed that Brian Littrell and Kevin Richardson(Of the Backstreet Boys) were engaged. All of us were heart-broken very much.......or were we?

I,myself,might not have the same feelings as the other girls,but I truly felt happy.....and dissappointed at the same time. I mean,if you're a fan,you automactically become,sort of, protective of "your boy." Always "keeping him from harm." like cheating,manipulative girlfriends.In your mind,these guys seem like they will always be there for you to "protect" and when they say that they're getting married,it's like they chose another girl to "protect" them.All of a sudden,you're "fired" from your "job" and feel a little dissappionted ,but happy that you don't have to do your "job" anymore. I know that I may not have the same feelings as the other girls,but I DID feel happy for Bri and Kev.They have searched all their lives for their soul mates and life partners...and have found them(hopeuflly{divorces could happen}).

The day after i found out,I took both of my stories(in progress) which I had been working on,and ripped them both up and threw them out.I even rinsed them in water,so that the ink would run and the paper would be soggy and fragile.One of them was for a project for school,where I included all the boys,but they were all my age(in 8th grade),and of course,my friends.I had to 86 that anyways...I couldn't think of a plot.The other one was a lot more mature.Including the guys,my friend Mya,and me.This story took place in 1994(when the guys were just starting out) and they were back from the tour for a rest.The thing was that Howie and I were best buds since we were 12 or 13.When Howie came to the b-ball court(which is where "I" was,since "I'm" good at basketball) and introduced me to Brian and Kevin,but AJ and Nick,being the fact that I thought they were too young to bring into the story,were at home.I fell for Brian,Mya fell for Howie..blah,blah,blah,we fall in love...stuff happens........that's about it. Michelle was a little dissappionted that I got rid of it,since she praised me that it was a good story.But for all the reasons I stated above,I decided it would be best to get rid of it;I grew up a little. I heard from Michelle that Brian had set his date,which will be in the summer.Kevin,on the other hand,just got engaged over the holidays.I supposed that meant over Valentine's Day,or something.

To sum it up,us fans are happy,but dissappointed.

Glad,but sad.We have a mixture of feelings and don't know how to express them.I suggest to all of you,that you write to them.Tell them that you're happy and wish them both the best. That's what I did;I even wrote a poem. It's entitled "To a man on his wedding day....." I sent it to them and said that only Kevin,Brian and their future wives could read it.But,I did kinda acted hypocritical; I read Michelle the poem ,but I didn't really want to.Although,she did convince me she wouldn't laugh.....she didn't,she praised me for it and I told her I sent it to the Boys and hopefully they received it and take it seriously.I put my heart into that poem,and it describes what the man might feel when they stare into the eyes of their bride,as they speak their vows.How they see their future right in front of them and how happy they are.

"To a man on his wedding day....."

Into the eyes of your bride,you stare.

Of anything else,you do not care.

With her,you feel the absolute best.

But separated,you're both a mess.

This day will live forever in your heart.

She is,of you,you're better part.

Together,you will laugh and cry,

Together,you will live and die.

Forever and ever,you will love her.

And hopefully,all your wishes will occur.

I know it doesn't sound like Edgar Allen Poe wrote it,but that's how I felt and it was my best effort.That's how the guys should feel.It came from my heart and hopefully,it touches their's.I know that all of you will be mature enough to handle this,but for those of you that take this seriously, that those girls are "sealing your man" I have one thing to say to you.....GET A LIFE!! I'm sorry to spring the truth on you,but please,you plus millions of other girls wanted them,but you can't have them,so let the girls they love have them.It's for the best.Thank you.