Ya Think...?! Literally and sarcastically...

EUREKA! *Light bulb lights up*

You Know You Are A Fan When... You know you are going to look to see how many of those reasons apply to you! =)

I had a REVELATION! I just can't believe it! You should go see for yourself!

Every Little Thing... that you have said and done feels like it's deep within me =) **=Updated!

Mission Impossible Not only am I a webmaster, I am a top secret agent!

Revenge Of The Boy Bands Damn right they want revenge!

New Year Resolutions Our boys ain't perfect...

What If They Were...?? Somebody else?

Deprived... Poor, poor us!

WHAT is going ON here?! Something very sad is happening...

Da BSBsaurus NO, it's not a new dinosaur!

Awwww... :*( Grab a box of Kleenex!

Let Me Count Thy Ways... 1, 2 buckle my shoe, 3, 4 shut the door...

I DIDN'T DO IT!! Wasn't me!

Biter! Copycats!

Heaven In Your Eyes.... Read and JOIN my campaign!!

Nooooo!!! Another sad, sad thing...

OH NO!! Are you a te-teenybopper?!

Concert-Itis Another "itis" the BSB cause.

Hopelessly Devoted To... But NOW there's NOOO where to hide...

Stuff That Pisses Me Off! Grrrr!!

People Who Piss Me Off! Sleep with one eye open

Dumb *&^%$! Wanna write something mean in my guestbook!? FINE!!