[=Writer's Block!=]

[=Writer's Block!=]

*Get it? Writer's Block? Like writer's corner?? Ohhh!!*

This section is for your stories, poems, and what not! All you writer's out there send in your stuff!! Cuz until then, this page is gonna be empty and you just get to look at the pretty background! (It's paper!! Goes with everything doncha think?)LOL So how do you send in your stuff you ask?? Just click ====> HERE! You know you wanna! Everyone would LOVE to hear what YOU hafta say! So send it in!!


Here's something this lovely girl sent me and it took me like, half a year to post it up because I thought I DID have it up! (I am soo sorrie!!) So here it is, it is an essay about the boys' marriages! Enjoy!

The Pearl Harbor of the Backstreet Boys

*Hi! Well I wrote a story, it's not one of those fairy take ones but it's not all that serious either! : )It's a short story! Read on!*

Manicures, Pedicures, & Facials By Olivia

*Hello! I hope you guys will all read my second story! Personally, I like it a lot cuz it's different! I think yall will like it! So go ahead! And please give me feedback! Thanks!

...Assasins... By Olivia

*Alright this is my third story and it's not like the others! It's a mushy luv story type thing LOL yeah I know I know, but it's based on Brian! I wrote it after I heard this song on the radio! Anyway, if you dislike luv stories and stuff, don't read it! :o)

{Hands From Heaven} By Olivia


*This story is the start of a series of stories I am starting! Hope you like! Send me feedback please!! You can either email me or sign my guestbook down there!! (If the feedback isn't great, tell me GENTLY :o) Ok, start reading!!

Catching Some ZzZz's By Olivia

*This is the second part of the series...

*Thing or No Thing?? By Olivia

*This is the third part of the series...

*Good Things By Olivia

Tell me what you think of my stories!! Please sign my Dreambook!!
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!