AJ...are you OK?

We all know AJ is pretty crazy and does some stuff (smoking, drinking, beating radios up with bats when his and his ex's song comes on...) but usually, I would think it's nothing to worry about...but when I opened up my CosmoGirl magazine [May 2001 w/Eminem on the cover] and saw this, I was pretty shocked and surprised and sad and upset!

The 50 Most Shocking Moments In Music personal problems: #21. The Call...for Help Backstreet Boy AJ McLean admits he was so depressed on the Millennium tour that he'd drink whiskey all by himself in his hotel room after the shows.

There's a picture on the top of the page with him driving and looking kinda pissed...he looks ready to cuss someone out. The caption says, "AJ comes clean about his drinking."

Well, I don't know if it's a BIG deal, because it doesn't say, he's an alcoholic and has checked into a rehab or needs to...but it's pretty surprising. It's weird to know that while you watch their shows and he seems to be having a great time, he was actually really depressed...I wonder where they got that comment because it's not a direct quote. Is he better? This goes to show that they ARE human and they aren't gods and they do have personal problems. But it worries me! I dn't want him to end up like, wasted and getting into deeper shit! What's going on, AJ?!?!

Well I'm just like, still thinking, "WHAT?! NOT AJ!" so what do you think? Do you guys have any strong opinions or comments or anything? If you do email me and tell me and I'll post it up. (My addy is on the main page, scroll towards the bottom.) But that was awhile ago. Maybe Amanda has made it better and he's not sad anymore. This is freaking crazy! I hope he's doing fine now!