Maybe THAT'S Why!

Maybe THAT'S Why!

So there are many things that I have wondered why the Backstreet Boys have done or why they are doing or something. Sometimes it's like what the heck were you thinking?! And other times it just boggles my mind. So I've decided to come up with reasons for what could've been running through their minds!

Brian and his Banana

Why the heck is he holding that banana in his hand!??! Uh hello, you're in the middle of a photo shoot and you don't see the rest of the guys with fruit! (He's holding it right...THERE too!)

1. He's hungry?

2. He thought it would be cute...

3. He's weird and saw a banana on the table and thought, "I think Im gonna take the picture with that banana! Haha, Nick isn't that funny??"

4. Maybe he thought number 3 AND thought, "Hey, it'll give those humor sites more stuff to laugh about."

5. He just likes bananas!