The Album

My thoughts, feelings, comments, on their 3rd album

The awaited day had FINALLY come!! The Black and Blue CD was going on sale!!! Lucky for me, our school was having some testing thing for the freshmen and sophomores so us juniors and seniors got to go to school at 10:00! It was great because that meant I could go get the CD that morning instead of waiting until after school! (See how much I love them?! lol) I made our lovely guy friends drive us to Best Buy but they weren't going to open till like 9:30! So we went to good old Target haha where we bought the albums! Then we went over to our friend's house to chill until school started! So here's a little review by me! =)

First things first: The cover was so plain! But then if you take a closer look, you'll see the silouette of the 5 guys! It's hard to see on the blue side and at first we were all like, uh ok, there's half of 'em, where's the other half?! (Yeah, we are a smart bunch of juniors!)

The Pictures: The picture on the back cover confused some people, one of my friend's go, "hey did eric (one of our buddies) burn that for u??" of course not!! But it looks like it with those lines lol. (speaking of burning, one reason I think the CD didn't break that many records is cuz everyone just buys one CD and has someone burn it for them!! Like half of my friends had burnt CDs so I was like AHH BUY IT U SHIESTY ASSES!!!)

I open up the little book and I see Nick's crazy hair. WHOA there. Not bad though hehe. Not bad for the whole group actually, let's see if it gets better.

Turn the page, it's BRIAN!! AWW!! The only thing is I wished he smiled =D cuz he looks soo adorable like that! But I guess htey were trying to achieve the "manly man" look not the "adorable cutsie" look. I like the whole layout very nice and the colors, mature looking.

Next page, NICK!! WHOOOAA I GUESS somebody grew up right under our noses!! I LOOVE the hair there. LOVE IT! The KROQ crazyness dred thing is pretty tight too! I like it! And loook, he's growin a lil' stubble/goatee thing! AWW!! Why is he going "Shhh" in the first small box? (PS, people will quit it with the fat jokes now!! Lookin' pretty slim there)

KEVY KEEV!!! Hehe. Not bad, I mean he can't really LOOK bad right? Right, girls? Yeah, that's what I thought. Not loving the hair, but if anyone can pull it off, it's this man!

HOWIIIIIEEEEeeEee!! I don't know why people make fun of him sooo much, he isn't that bad lookin'. He has nice eyes. The hair, same thing with Kev. I think it's time to go under the knife guys. I mean scissors! But it's all good. Look at the camera, dangit!

And now what we have ALL been anticipating, *drumroll* AJ!!!! YEA YEA YEA!! THe chin ring thing, YIKES. It doesn't look THAT bad though, and it doesn't bother me that much. OK tell me this is NOT a boyband! Geez, would a boy band have a guy with like 50 tats and piercings or a boy that flips the KROQ sign every five seconds?! NO! Anyways, I love AJ. I do. lol. You see him praying right there? *Please Lord, let me see that fine girl Olivia at our next concert. Amen.*

Turn a couple of pages and you got the white background. That is crazy it looks like they are standing on nothing!!! I love the suits though. Kevin, very nice! Aww look at Brian everyone, this goes along with my theory, he has a tie on! And everything is all buttoned up. Like I said, if you look at all the pictures and everything, he is always the tidest. Nick is likin the trenchcoat thing, he always seems to be wearing one. I can't tell what AJ is wearin but lookin good! And Howie very nice, take the hand outta the pocket jigga.

Last picture. Aww. Our boys have grooown up. >sigh< How is it that they get them to not smile in every picture but when you watch their videotapes and look at pictures that aren't prefessionally done, they can't seem to stop smiling!? Especially Brian! He always has that *grin* awww on his face!

The Songs: QUIT SAYING THEY DON'T WRITE THEIR OWN SONGS PEOPLE!!! For your info, they wrote 6 songs on this album alrite?! MAN! And the prettiest songs they wrote alll by themselves! Good job boys!!

The Call: I loove this song. At first it was just OK, but then the more you listen to it the more you wanna sing along and bust it out you know?! Whose the girl he's talking to in the beginning on his cell? The message in this song: don't get busted by your chick man! Or like 5 million girls will be waiting for you at the top of some building. (That was a reference to their music video. Question: has anyone seen the WHOOLE thing? Can you please email it to me and tell me what happens?! Cuz on TRL they don't like playing the whole thing and i never saw the end! Thanks)

Shape of My Heart: This is like a BSB classic man. Well it's gonna be, just like IWITW. They came out with this song and I was like man I can't WAIT for the album!! This song totally reminds me of IWITW. Like each person's part, and how it came out first, and the way AJ sings the last part of the song...ahh brings back memories! I LOVE Nick's part, "I'm here with my confessions..." aww. The song is nice, you know he like realizes how much wrong he's done and now he's gonna let the real him shine through. Lovely. (My mom loves this song hehe)

Get Another Boyfriend: This was one of the songs I skipped when I first got the CD. I don't know, it didn't float my boat! But noow I am in LOOVE with it! I just can't help wanting to sing along! Esp. the "Let's talk about what he's done to become your number one or was it another promise cuz those promises doesn't buy those dresses that turn u on" and i like ohw they go, playaahh haha and at the end of each verse you got brian repeating what they just said! And that break part after they go STOP! and AJ does his thing, that's from That's the Way I Like It! WOW. I like the "get another boyfriend" all faded and electronic sounding haha. Oh yea one last fave part, when they go, GO NICK! hahaha gosh darn cuteness.

Shining Star: This is the only song on the album that I don't really like and sometimes I skip it if my CD player is close enough to me. I don't know, it's ok. It's cool when they perform it live though! Baby your as close as close can get! I like that hehe. DoWN bOy!

I Promise You (With Everything I am): 1, 2, 3: AWWW!! lol They sound so good, and it just gets me right THERE *puts hand over heart* =) awwww. Brian sounds sooo good. HE has the perfect ballad voice cuz he's like all gentle and stuff! *How do you prove the sky is blu the oceans wide* that's nice work there Nicky. AJ's "i love u i love u i love" aww!! The ending with the lil' do do do doo doo do nice work guys! I think I finally heard Kev n Howie!

Answer To Our Life: THIS IS SOOO THE BEST SONG!!!! OMG! I'm SOO proud of them!! This is like the best song and they wrote it all by themselves!!! AJ's part with the "so much we can really doo" sounds soo cool! Haaha. I like the message too, it's not the typical love song but kinda a heal the world thing! Haha I love the intro! Look what these 5 can do!

Where the hell is Kevin? (Haven't heard a peep from that boy!)

Everyone: Catchy, enjoying the thanking the fans theme hehe.

More Than That: This is such a freaking tight ballad! I love the mesage in it and they sound great as always, but it's just like, WOW. This is why they shouldn't be refered to as "just a boy band."

Time: Another song by the guys!! This is another great ballad I think, sometimes it doesn't make sense, like "remember those times we would sing at the drop of a dime" i don't know it's like, but i like it and they get so much praise for the harmony in this song whoopeedidooo!

Not For Me: This song is kind of the more pop-ish sounding stuff. I like. Their fast songs on this album are like sooo good. Usually my favorites are the slow sngs but this is like everything is great!

Yes I Will: AJ WROTE THIS!! YAY!! And it's up there on my list of fave songs! I love the, Yes I will, take your hand and walk with u...sigh AJ I want to start a family with you too! ahhahaa =)

It's True: Nice calm song. I'd rather they put another song on the album then this one though. Good job Kevin for writing it, why didn't you put some parts in there for yourself!?

How Did I Fall In Love With You: It has a looong ass title but this is just sooo pretty! Nice job Howie and the Andrew Fromm! I think they are great writers! This is just soooo freakin nice, this is what I imagine to hear on KOST in the near future lol. Can't you imagine it?? *Note to Kevin: See how Howie put in parts for himself so he doesn't get jipped? Learn dude learn!*

OVERALL: This is such a well rounded CD. It has the fast songs, the slow songs, the pop songs, the songs that stray a lil' from that typical pop stuff, they wrote some, I don't know it's like so perfect. PERFECT!

THANKS: This was real fun!

Kevin's Thanks: (at least he got to go first for this!) To my lil' brothers! AWWW!!! LOL Aww I like his thank you to his wifey Kristin. "You're my wife, baby!" Awww! And he loves us! He loves us!! I'm sure you people reading this are one of his "indredible fans" =) Nice job Kevin, a little long but you...know...Kevy...!

Howie D.'s Thanks: I don't think he needs the "D" I mean there IS only one Howie in the group...and as far as I know one Howie in a boy band! First line, I can jsut see Howie haters smiling with some new material to work with. *shaking head* Howie, Howie, Howie...! He doesn't thank his fellow boys! Wait just kidding, it's the B.Boy crew I bet. YAY he thanked the fans!

AJ's Thanks: I like the prayer, it includes the fans hehe Ok here's some funny stuff, he tahnks his dogs!! AHAHAHAHAHAAA. "Panda, Bear, Toby, J.D. and Vegas, I love you guys even though you can't read this!" That's some love! "To my POOPY Amansa." That's REAL cute AJ.=) Psh, tellin the fans to behave, I think we should be telling YOU that AJ!

Nick's Thanks: This was some fun to read. LOL He's talking about not sleeping because his fave team lost for the third time in a row (maybe it's time u change teams lol I can imagine Nick, SHUT UP BRIAN! They're gonna win this time!!!) man oh man Nick, you're a funny guy. He calls God the bomb. His stomach thanks his mom too hehe. To Aaron, no matter how big you get I'll always kick your butt. Brotherly love man. Aww Leslie's thanks was sweet. PSH it's because he loves Howie that he picks on him lol HOwie's like, THaaankkkkSs. THe best line in this whoole thanks?? "you were the WD40 we needed. Yee haw!" LOL Yeaaa there's that thanks to the fans!

Brian's Thanks: Gosh, Brian is like a perfect angel I'm telling you =) And he thanks the fans too =)

So that's my loong analyzing of this whole album. You know what? I can't wait for the next one!!!!! If it's only getting better and better, I can only IMAGINE how the next CD is gonna be! AHH I'm so excited!! (It's only like, 5 months away or something like that from being released! I am waay too excited guys.)