My Concert Experience!!!

My Concert Experience


OH MY GOSH! My first Backstreet Boys concert!!!!

For the last 2 weeks, if you lived in my house, went to my school, talked to me online, read my profile, all you heard was: "__ many more days till my BSB CONCERT!!!!" lol seriously, i could possibly be the world's most excited backstreet fan, i mean i am actually going to SEE them in PERSON!!!! (ok so a couple 100 chicks will be between me n the boys but its all good!) it was also the first concert ive ever been too, so yea that pumped me up a lil more too!! so anyways, the day of the concert, the 14TH, i started counting down hours lol. my friend made these cute shirts that said "i heart bsb" and "bsb heart" and stuff like that with gems! so i was excited to wear those lol and in the car when my other buddy came to pick me up, i threw like 5 bsb cds at her lol to jam to!

All i was thinking in the car was OMG!! OH MY GOSH!! I am THE luckiest girl alive!! I can't believe it! It was finally really starting to sink in. Before, when I first got my hands on the tickets it was like wooooow hehe then I had like 5 months to wait so it died a little bit with all the school work I was bombarded with! Then the time started trickling away, and before I knew it, I was IN THE CAR ON THE WAY TO SEE THEM!!

So FINALLLLYY we get to the staples center, and WOW it was CRAZY!! the first thing i saw was a van that was decorated with BSB pictures and it said "HONK IF YOU LIKE BSB!" and i was surrounded with crazy fans, just like me, decked out in black n blue gear, bsb clothes, allll this cool stuff. so we chatted with people (this one girl was there at like 1 and saw them in a car and AJ waved!! AHH!) i gotta tell you about these fans though, this girl and her friends had made these outfits with scanned pics of bsb all over them and she had blk n blu balloons, nails, and all these bsb keychains, bsb hat that would lite up (!!) and her sister was decked out in an nsync shirt n hat!! and she was going around saying, bsb sucks nsync is better so i was like UGHH!! gayness! then why are you even here dumbo!? like now, its like if u like nsync fine with me, the only time i get defensive is if they diss bsb! so she did that i was like ugh whatever but her sis was real cool!

When i spotted the programs, i ran lol and i bought the 20 dollar program and checked out the hot pics lol. (there are these CUTE ASS cartoon pics!) CBS news was there too, and i squished in and they taped us singing the call!!! the camera man actually panned across the lil semi circle and stopped where i was!! three girls were in front of me but u kud see my face! my 5 seconds of fame lol (whats funnie is before the concert i kept telling everyone id be on the news cuz i was trying to sneak up to the front n get closer to them or something of that sort lol and i reallie was!!) the wait was seriously forever and FINALLY we went in. before, all these girls kept runing up to the glass panels n doors and screaming and i was like wut wut wut!! and it ended up being like, a bodyguard or something! (big whoop!) i was confused...but whatever!


We got to our seats after tearing me away from buying anything else, I already got ripped off with the program (which was worth it) and this 8 dollar glow stick and I had no money so yeah off we went to find our seats. Now this was reallie exciting because I thought our seats were crappy but when I saw where we were sitting, I went bezerk for the 10th time we were there. lol. we talked to the lady sitting next to us and she was probably in her late 30s and she was with some teenagers n other people her age and she was sooo funnie! she LOVES nick and went all crazy with me when we were talking about our fave boy! hehe. ok i thought our seats would be sooo bad, but they were actually pretty good!!! i was so happy!! like the screens were in good view and later the big circle behind the stage showed them reallie well and i could seee the people on the stage!! We fans got bored and somebody started a huuuge wave and it was SOO cool! you could see it going around the whole staples center! very cool! it went on for like 5 minutes lol till we got tired of it. eventually, it got dark n everyone went crazy! i waved around my 8 dollar glowstick i bought and screamed like crazy!

The opening act was Krystal, the supergirl, which is this chick the guys are presenting. she was SO good!! and then she was like, i have a water bottle. its not just ANY water bottle, its a bottle that has someone special's backwash in it (eww lol) happens to be one of the guys in this group thats going to play next...(crowd goes crazy) and hes famous for this :"AHHhhhHHhhhhhH" (she sings the part from thats the way i like it the very beginning) and i went nuts cuz itw as AJS WATER BOTTLE!! and she threw it into the audience but guess she wasnt THAT super and i didnt get it :o( then after she left, they played this lil thing with the sponsors of the tour on the screens and i got pissed cuz then the lights came back on!! i thought it was gonna start!! geez luiz! so FINALLLYY it DOES START!!!

the screens show the earth getting hit by asteroids and everytime it disapeared into earth, a spark would blow up on stage and they kept doing this and finally the smoke came up and


crowd goes wild again lol and they start singng "everyone". seriously i was like going CRAZY in shock, losing my mind, call it whatever u want but i was freaking HAPPYY!! then it changed into larger than life and it was basically a thank the fans thing. (WHOOHOO! LOL) and then they stopped and Howie, who still has his long hair, said "how you doing LA!?" and said thank you and the next song they sang was "shining star" i think. i kinda lost track of the songs but they also sang what makes a difference, which howie wrote and its mucho good!! there was a guitar break while they changed, and theen they changed into white suits and looked soooo goood!! they sang more than that, and then did this cute lil dance with canes when singing "yes i will". (whoever thought of the cane idea forgot how everyone calls them OLD! geezz I'm not gonna hear the end of this from some of my friends. IT WAS A PROP!! geez!) i was snapping pictures like crazy!! lol i luv aj!! hehe now im gonna skip around...they had this little part where they were talking and they were like do u like the clothes were wearing?? and the crowd goes nuts, then aj goes, "what? take it off??" and the crowd goes NUTTIER and he starts to pretend to strip i was like oMG YEA YEA YEA YEAAA!! LOL but he stopped and they had this box where it said "bsb wardrobe" and they each junped in and it was funnie cuz kevin was dyssing howies hair, like wut the heck is that! do something with your hair man!! hehe and then they all leave except AJ n Kevin and they're like YEAAH! this is how it soudlve been, the aj n kevin shoW! and aj jumps in next saying, "beauty before age" lol. and then finally kevin goes in and then the screens show them below like changing in the dressing room! yea yea! haha. they are funnie! like they were all pushing around and bran got aj with sily string and kevin coulnt find his boot, and nick went crazy with the ahiarspray and so did howie, all hogging the mirror! and it was like actually the camera rite, so we oculd see them and aj was pretending to pick his nose lol.

they came back out, but wait, they werent on the main stage! they were on this little circle stage that was CLOSE TO US!! YEAAAA!! i cheered like nuts (again)! and they sang how did i fall in love with you and other songs and time and i am CONVINCED they waved at ME! yea, not the 734 girsl around me, but ME! lol omg i almost died and nick and brian hugged n i got a pic of that hehe. then this hugge like bridge type thing dropped attaching the circle stage to the main stage and they sang time and walked across it, and aj, like was all going through the bars hanging touching poeple's hands!! argh! jealousness!! lol. then during the show they did the all i have to give hat thing, which was cool and they did get another boyfriend and nick was ROCKING OUT lol and during their performances, aj did some of his um *signature* moves hehe and i went CRAZY! they ended with the call and came back for an encore, which was shape of my heart.

the show was SOOOOOoo good!!

this makes me love them SOOO MUCH MORE! (i didnt even kno that was possible) and they SO CAN dance lol for those who dyss their moves!! (esp aj yum yum) there was some booty shakin up there btw aj n nick lol and it was juss sooo freakin adorablE!! eventually we had to leave, and i was just so pumped!!! then when we went outside, there was this guy that looked EXACTLY like AJ!!! i wanted to go take a pic but out of the three of us, we had no film left!!!!!! man! but its not the real thing so its all good. he was pimpin it man! im tellin you, lookin like aj can do things for ya!!

on the way home, on KIIS they were giving away meet n greet and tickets for the day after's show and i was trying to win!!! and later today, i found out nick was on loveline at 1030! so im gonna listen tonight maybe he'll be on again or AJ! so what can i say about my first bsb concert expereince to wrap it up?? i have experienced NOTIHNG like it! i mena from seeing them SO close thru my friends binoculars, to the rinigng in my ears, i enjoyed every second of it!!! im still going crazy! this made my week! man it made my month lol and i am DYING TO get my pics developed!!!! ahhhHHH!!! lol

*UPDATE* ONLY 4 OF MY PICS CAME OUT!!!! WAAHHHH!!!! I don't know why, must have been the lights and stuff. =( My other friend's came out but she didn't get the pics I got u know?! And my other buddy's didn't come out either!!! GEEEZ!!!! But it's ok, it's all in here *tapping my head*!