

*Here's da comfort man!*

Conert-itis is a rare disease that Backstreet Fans, esp. teenyboppers may be diagnosed with during a certain time of the year~ BSB tour time. It's when you will go to ANY lengths to get tickets to a concert. I mean you are willing to pay 500$ for ONE ticket. You will drive miles and miles to go to a ticketmaster and you will go EARLY and camp out for three days to get tickets. Sometimes, you may do all the above, for ANY seats to their concert. But that's not it. The disease sets in when you DON'T get the tickets. Yup, sitting next to the phone for 17 hrs straight waiting for your local DJ to give you tickets did not succeed. You get beyond sad and frustrated and let's just say you are NOT a happie camper. NOPE. Not you. You think you are the only poor bsb fan who have no tickets to the concert near you and you are unbelievably disturbed by this. But do not fear, this page is here! Read on to cure this suckie ass disease.

What causes this you ask? I have mentioned some before. You try forever and everything to get tickets to a BSB concert but no luck. Another cause is when they decide to add tour dates and you don't find out til they are sold out and realize you COULDVE made it to THAT certain concert. (Sounds familar to me... >:0P ) And everywhere else people are sayign things like, "AHH! I'm so excited ! I can't wait til I see them!" and "I got tickets!!" Grrrrr.

Here are the symptoms.

-You are DYING now b/c you have no $%#&*@!*! tickets!!

-You are VERIE sad and beyond pissed at the same time.

-You are SO sad that it actually PAINS you to see our boys. (That's gettin serious)

-You wanna go down to ticketmaster and kill all of the people there

-You actually DO go down there and hold them to gun point until anyone at ticketmaster promises they will get you tickets.

-You are now flipping thru a phone book like MAD finding anyone who privately sells tickets for up to 500 bucks a piece.

-You are BEGGING someone ANYONE to sell them yours

-You are reading this right now.

And here are the cures.

-Go here and sympathyze with poor lil' me.

-You can also talk to other fans that didn't get tickets and you can always email me! :o) I'm tellin yah, talking REALLY helps!

-Realize there is always next year. (And if for some reason they don't have a tour, we will personally all go beat their fine asses down lol or threaten them til they do a concert. hey, they can jsut all come to my bacyard and do it there lol

-Realize it is NOT the end of the world!

-Realize you are NOT alone!

-Realize you will get tickets next year!! YAY!! :o)

-Realize the boys are sorrie! Cuz they love us fans so they want us to all go!

-Think whose friggin brite idea WAS it to sell ALL tickets ALL at the SAME time?! Then go write to them about it!

-Have a HUUGE party on the day the concert you were SUPPOSE to go to and watch all the BSB videos that you have, sing all the songs, write letters to them complaining to them that they SHOULDNT sell tickets ALL at the same time and invite at least 3 of your BSB crazed fans to go!

-BUSY yourself with other things and repeat "there is always next year" everytime your mind wanders to "&*^%$#@! I didn't get a &*%#$^@ ticket!!"

If you do all the above, within...a month you will be A-OK and your normal BSB crazed devoted loyal very cool BSB fan again!!! :o)