Let Me Count Thy Ways...

Let Me Count Thy Ways...


Why Christina Aguilera is better than Britney Spears

1. She isn't a little slut

2. She doesn't diss BSB

3. She can sing

4. She doesn't parade around with boobs and booty hangin out

5. Even tho she shows her mid-drift in her video, she doesn't come across as a "ho"

6. She is actually talented

7. She isn't "fake"

8. She's pretty

9. She has a cooler name

10. Cuz I say so!

Why Tyk Rocks!

1. He is absolutely adorable!

2. He's Brian's doggie

3. He could totally take over for the Taco Bell dog!

4. He doesn't look scary, or like he's gonna hurt you

5. He can handle traveling with the boys

6. Brian takes him EVERYWHERE! That must mean SOMETHING!

7. Tyk's name is spelled cool!

8. He doesn't seem to mind sharing Brian with Leighanne.

9. He doesn't pee on national TV like Nsync's dog!

10. He doesn't pee on rugs as much as Nick's pugs do!

Why Me & AJ would make the PERFECT couple!

1. I LOOOVE him

2. You know how he doesn't like mucus and blowin his nose? ME either!!! I SWEAR I thought I was the only one! And then to find out AJ thinks the same as me??? That HASTA be a sign!!!

3. WE are both skinny asses tryin tah get fat adn it just doesn't work!!! My friends' mission is to try to put some meat on my bones lol

4. We're both CRAZY

5. We both LOVE to shop!

6. I'm about to get my hair streaked red so the hair dye is a connection!

7. I don't mind that he is a perv/nasty/freaky lol

8. I don't mind his tattoos. They are tite!

9. I like his dogs!

10. I LOVE MICKEY D'S!!!!!!

10 Reasons Why I Feel Sorry For Howie

1. A GRIP of people make fun of him

2. They even dubbed him a troll!!

3. People diss his hair

4. People diss the way he acts

5. People diss the way he dresses.

6. Sometimes he doesn't get to sing either but people focus on Kevin more than Howie

7. He doesn't have a gurlie while all the other guys are gettin some action!

8. People say he is gay

9. People make fun of his teeth

10. The winking thing! GEEZ, can people GET any meaner?!

10 Reasons Defending Howie On The Stuff I Just Mentioned!

1. Although a grip of people make fun of him, he has a buncha fans too!

2. He is NOT a troll! He doesn't have a jewel in his belly button now does he?!

3. What's wrong with his hair?? The corn rows looked VERY tite so there!

4. He acts NICE! He's a sweetie!

5. Well...I can't help Howie on this one, he was in the girl's section at that store!

6. Howie has a nice voice! When it's not gong sky high and breakin windows! It's easiest to sing along to too!

7. Howie is FINALLY rumored having a girlie!

8. He is NOT gay!! Just because he is nice and sweet doesn't mean he is gay!

9. His teeth make him look like a cute chipmunk!

10. He is just being his sweet self again when he winks!! Plus, he cut down on that A LOT so no need to rag about that anymore!