Stuff about their music videos!

The Call

I had been feeling depressed lately with all these school/friend/boy probs and I didn't wanna bother anyone for taping this for me but one of my buddies who lives right around the block came over to deliver this video tape for me, whhich was complete with a cover she persoanlly made with carttooon pics of the boys and all this cute stuff. she made my day =) So yay I get another video to review!

*AJ's part in the club, totally jennifer lopez man! the girl thats seducing him reminds me of the doritos chickie. shes pretty. kinda reminds me of amanda lotana to or whatever her last name my bad!

*guess they are gettin it on in the taxi huh!?

*what the-!?!? where did everyone go?!?! i didn't get it! kinda scary!

*how come for nick's part in the song, brian is shown on the video? and how come he is in a super markeT? whats he getting shot at?!?!

* who scratched up their billboard?!?! AHH!!

*where was nick? im not watching it right now so i vaguely remember it but all i know is he is running to howie and howie's like its ok man! whats up? what's up!? (it's funny how nick always seems to run to howie for help when he makes fun of him so much!)

*it was kinda suspicious to me how howie kept lookin around when they were walking out of the hotel room. lol, i thought the lady at the cart was the scary girl thats after them!

*so the first time i see the video, im like, wow there goes howie with nick and all of a sudden hes getting coffee?! what !?

*so now im suspicious that they are in the car and then what- he looks at the mirror and its the girl! wait its howie! who is it?! oh no its the girl!!! aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh the girl jumps out and rips her "face" off, which is kinda scary cuz its howies face tahts comin off! anyways the car is going outta control and i can just see the fans, watching it for the first time, screaming at their tv, NO NICK NOOOOOOOOOO MY NICKY!!!!!

*But its all good cuz the car turns and hey, its kevin! yay! well not exactly yay cuz our poor boy is in danger and someone jacked up their billboard pic!! scariness! so he goes jumping after that chick right, which is kind of sily cuz hello shes tryin to get yalls and youre gonna jump after her?! right through a window?! slick rick. so he lands in this room with writing everywhere, which is like MAJOR psycho shits! i mean man!! and then do do do, do do do, and all these girls are like standing across from him and---

thats where freaking trl cut it off and my lovely friend who taped it for me like, taped it twice but still, they didn't show the end so i would SSOOOo mucho appreciate it if someone would like, tell me what happens next!! there are SO many unanswered questions!! like, what are those girls gonna do to poor kevy?? what happened to taht original chick going after them? what happened to the other boys? cuz they just keep changing into one another! man the world may never know!

The Shape of My Heart

I Want To See the Shape of Their Hearts!!

I was extremely happy to find that BSB was going to be featured on making the video =) I watched that a loong time ago so i dont reallie remember it THAT way but all i know is that they were soo cute and i was soo happy to see our cuties comin back with a vengeance! hehe. I remember how they were making fun of Brian for always closing his eyes and swinging his arm kinda. hehee. I didn't get the people under the table and stuff? Yeah what was that? anyways, heres my review on the video!

*AhhH! it's brian it's brian! aww cutie cutie!!

*I like the coloring of the video, something different. =)

*AJ!! Hehe my baby! The chin stud thing i'll have to get use to but its ok!

*Seriously why are they underneath the table?!

*Nick is so cute when he goes crazy hahaha throwing all the papers everywhere!

* i liked this video, it was kinda like calm and peaceful in a way.

*the play thing i like, how they are watching it.

*(good no girl action with them personally hehe)

The more i watch them and stuff, the more i think, man they are SO classic. these songs are going to be around a loong time! like one day when i'm 35 (and still a tru blue fan) i'll be listening to KOST at night and they will still be playing BSB songs!

Larger Than Life

Director: Joseph Kahn

Long intro there...whoa very star wars-ish!

BOYS TO MEN!!! They did that little thing with the clips of their past songs too!!

They put AJ's scream in there!

What is up with that robot thingy that comes out to press the button?? Is it's face a combo of all the guys?? It's alittle scary looking!

Man! It's no far! THAT doesn't count as us seeing htem in their undies! Sheesh what was that a nanosecond?!

Brian's hair is going up! And that skateboard floating thing he is on is TIGHT!!! Doesn't that remind you of the Ninja Turtles video game??


Wow, Nick looks really cool! And the robot suit thing and routine? Spiffy! TOTALLY reminds me of Star Wars and those robots!

Howie~ fire! Whooooa his screen is all wobbly like jello!

Those tube things coming outta AJ, SCARY!!

Doesn't Kevin's car thingy remind you of arcade games where you sit in them and drive?

Where exactly is their spaceship going? That isn't earth...

Liking how the music stops that one part about our bodies swaying and Nick's little Asain bow thingy!

DANG Brian's game thingy looks FUN! I WILL PLAY WITH YOU! LOL

HEY! Who is that girl?!

I like that little bouncing thing AJ does when he sings, "aliiiiivee"

WHOSE hands are those touching HOWIE?!

DANG everythings floating! Sup with the gravity?

Water floating out of the cup, TIIITE!!! Brian and AJ floating, thats tite too! I hope it wasn't really scary for Brian since he is scared of heights and all!

How come Kevin has a line down his face now??

YAAAY!! It's the routine!!!!!!!!

I like their outfits! It;s too dark to see them though!!

AJ's shirt, I'm ustah it now!

Nick has buff arms now!

There's that one part where Kevin touches his nose and it's really funny cuz he looks like he's saying, WHO DA MAN!

And look at that face Brian makes when he is dancing LOL


I LOVE it when they go "ALL YOU PEOPLE" that part after the routine!

LUV Howie's hair!

Dang I guess Aj is trying to look all hard!

FINAL COMMENT: That video BETTER win some awards, DANG! They are GOOD!! Oh yeah and to me, this didn't seem like the second coming of "Everybody" but my mom's first reaction when she first saw this video was, hey it's like Backstreet's Back. I'm like. OK lol

Everybody (Backstreet's Back)

Director: Joseph Kahn

When they first appear at the door, poor Kevin doesn't get to talk but just stands there looking amazed LOL

LUV Kevy's jacket!!

Ok, they end up in a creepy house and they decide to split up into different rooms??? El smart-o's.

And Brian, finds some dead animal in his bed and STAYS in that same bed??

Luv the ballroom dancing scenes!! Tite!

Look at AJ's arms: pre-tattooed

DANG isn't Bri HOT in that coat!? I would sweatin buckets!

The guys are answering Nick's "Am I sexual"!! What does that tell you??

WHOA WEAPONS behind Kev! Skary...

I can do the "Throw your hands up in the air" dance lol


Dang, Brian can flip!

Nick's like, "I dunno!"

Doesn't AJ look cute?? lol


Yay, tie ballroom scene again!

They don't let Kevin finish saying, "Did you guys have trouble sleeping last nite..."! How rude!

I STILL don't get the concept of like, the bus driver. Is he a ghost? Is he gonna kill 'em?? What??

Brian and AJ are so funny! (The screaming part lol)

I liked how they had the little skits before and after the video! :o)

I Want It That Way

Director: Wayne Isham

The Boys Introduce The Video (When it world premeired)

*After, "Wassup TRL!" Who kicked AJ?!


*AJ is always the one to wear tanks!

*Brian's hair looks so cute! It's like, foofy! Awwww...

*Howie looks nice

*Kev looks nice

*Nicky too

*After Howie starts to talk, watch Nick...all of a sudden something strikes him as funny and he starts bustin up...then calms down again! Looks like he's lookin at Howie's ass or something...

*AJ is the only one who looks directly at the camera when Howie is talking! Staring contest!

*"Brand-Spanking new video" haha I like that phrase!

*AJ decides to show you what spanking is

*Poor, Kevie! He doesn't say ONE word and looks pissed! LoL

*Awww Nicky how cute! (When he begs)

*Kevin 'Borrring...Lalala....'

Now for the video...

~Whoooaaaa BRIGHT light

~Nick is laughing when they walk in while everyone else looks serious!

~Hey they are going on a plane, BRIGHT light again

~Nick is reallly cracking up after that last light!

~How did they get from there to there so fast? Wow, fast plane

~Whooa change setting, change setting

~Bri likes to make sure we all know how many "one" is so he holds up a finger

~There's Nicky again, bustin up!

~What the hell was all that crap htey just showed that was moving?

~Brian has to point to himself when saying "I"

~Change setting again!

~Someone's feet. Now WHY would you film someone's feet?!

~Ok that flashing from here to there to here again is getting a lil' annoying! It makes it hard to see their faces!


~Kevin in the background is using his hands motioning, No...Heart... WE AIN'T STUPID

~This isn't a happy song Nick! He starts to smile then it turns into a big grin!

~Close up for "Tell me why" doesn't look like Nicky's saying those words! And hey, he's not laughing!

~WHOA!! They are invisible and see through!!

~They are all wearig nice white formal-ish wear while AJ is wearing a tank!

~But DAYUM! They look GOOD in white!! *melting*

~AJ's hat is crooked


~He looks different! Not in a bad way or anything: )

~Nice moves there

~That lil' choreographed dance thingy is kinda funny lol

~They look like invisible 'cept AJ

~I like that cool morphing thing they do wit their heads!

~Bri needs to tuck his shirt in...(I'll do it for him ; ))

~Kevey's jeans are cuffed! funny

~AHHH trenchcoat!

~Wow, AJ like, sliiiides to Kevie's side when he harmonizes with him

~Daymn, AJ can get his voice to go high!

~Kevin can sing! Why don't htey let him do that more!

~That's cool when all of a sudden the camera zooms away from Kev

~What is Howie doin with his hands?

~There's the "put up ONE finger" thing again

~Whoa, change setting

~Daymn, that's like 50 times they've done that!

~The "you are..." part when they all appear is tiiite!!

~There are the fans! I WAS TOO YOUNG TO GO TO THAT! WAAAHHHHH!!!!

~Nick gets emotional

~AJ thinks he is tigger!

~That girl has a FLAT stomach!

~Whoa, fan bouncing up n down real fast

~Awww, there's that cutie patootie Brian!

~Nick gets MOBBED!

~I want a plane with my name on it!

~ Brian turning- cute

~Nick getting up in the camera

~Awww! Nicky and AJ are singing together n stuff!

~Sad girl

~Aww! They left!