We're Cousins

We're Cousins

*"We're cousins. Known him all my life."-Kev*

We obviously all know Brian and Kevin are cousins, because they really like to point that out! Anyway, here some things that help me tell that they ARE cousins!

They both have nice, soothing talking voices.

They can both write very good songs!

According to Kev, if you look at their eyebrows you can tell they are cousins. Ummm... I don't see it!

Their jawlines. Very square and visible.

They are both DAYMN fine!!

They both like the color blue! (They'd like this page!)

They have this thing about taking something with them EVERYWHERE. Brian it's Tyke. Kevin it's that video camera!

Their noses. I dunno, it's like, if you look at 'em you'll notice their noses LoL. Or at least I do.

They were both popular when they were in high school.

Take a look at these pics!!

THEY LOOK LIKE EACH OTHER!!! It's the hair!!!! Dang Brian looks cute : ) WOW so does AJ in that group picture lol sorry : ) [The Brian picture was taken from a newsletter I get! It's good! JOIN! If you like Bri, you'll wanna!]

Another picture one! This is SO funny! LMAO

[If you still don't get it, look at their pants lol]

Here's another picture for yah, for the holidays!

I wouldn't mind waking up to THAT underneath my tree! I'd be a very happy bunny!!

They DEFITNETLY are Kentucky's FINEST cousins! : )