Deprived :o(

Deprived :o(

*US fans are unprivilaged!*

Why?? Why I ask you!? Us US fans might have been a little slow to catch on but geez, we are deprived! Reasons and proof we need more attention from our boys...

.1)) We haven't heard a buncha songs fans in Europe probably consider old!

.2)) We don't get MUCH MUSIC!!!! What is friggin up with that?!?! I want my damn MUCH MUSIC!! Didja know they have Backstreet Day on that channel??

.3)) There a lot of TV appearances we haven't seen!

.4)) There are a lot of interviews we haven't read!

.5)) As #1 pointed out, there are a lot of songs we haven't heard! *But thanks to the net we've been able to catch up on stuff!*

.6)) We haven't seen the "Get Down" and the first "I'll Never Break Your Heart" video! (I guess if you have the videos you can watch 'em but still!)

.7)) Are they not releasing larger than life in US??? Do we hafta buy an import CD?? That would suck!!!

I say the guys give us more attention!