Didja See That? Didja, didja?!?!

Didja See That? || Didja? Didja??

Did you ever notice....

The newer stuff is closer to the bottom and there is a blue star at the start of the newest comments!

AJ sounds like he is saying "jyeah" instead of "yeah" when he is singing

Brian was gonna stick the sticker on that girlie's boob!

Howie winks a lot!

But Howie has STOPPED winking! (Only like once a show or appearance!)

Nick didn't know how to read that girl's name and was like, AJ, how do you say this??

AJ got a girl named Marissa and that was his ex's name!

Bri goes CRAAAZY when he realizes he won the trivia thingy! He even hits Carson and his hat flies off! LoL

Howie didn't get out the chair so his partner was just standing there while the other guys stand up and let the girls sit in their chair!

Brian's mouthing "No, no, no..." when his partner is saying that!

AJ ditches his partner to talk to Kevie's!

They look DAYMN good in all white!!!

They like layers. Lotsa, lotsa layers.

Nick's partner seemed kinda agressive!

AJ's was just the opposite! (I SWEEAAARR if I were AJ's partner, I'd be going crazy and winning that game!)

Poor AJ was claiming his buzzer didn't work!

AJ wore the same hat on SNL and the Live MTV thingy.

Howie's hair isn't slicked back anymore, it's just...back

Brian can get crazy! Or act crazy!

Kevin talks like, r...e...a..l... s...l...o...w...

Those two guy fans in the beginning and ending of the clips they showed of how fans got to go on the 2hr Live thing were fuuunnnnyy!!

Bri makes funny funny faces! : ) He is too cute!!

Daymn, that trivia prize was NICE!

Howie's partner was really calm! Good job girl! (I'd be FREAAAAKIN out!)

NIck's group doesn't use the mike so we dunno what they are saying!

Nick puts the sticker in the girl's HAIR!! HAHAHA

And he kept pushing the buzzer but didn't even know the answers!!

MAN! They should've let AJ answer the Lauryn Hill question!! He KNEW IT !! (Nick took too long!)

Did Brian put the first sticker on his face?

After "The NBAA!" Brian has this look on his face like, I'm da man!!

Brian looks all hunched and like he had no room during their performance in SNL!

Nick looks squished during the trivia thingy!

Kevin takes his time putting the sticker on her tummy with perfection and everything!

Hey! Brian and Marilyn Manson have the same first name!(MM's real name is Brian)

On the Sabrina The Teenage Witch with the silent movie themed one, the black and white picture Sabrina has of Harvey looks EXACTLY like the picture in the 'thank you' section of the first BSB albumn next to Brian's thank you's!!! At first I TOTALLY thought it was Brian! The pose and their facial expressions are the same!

Nick always sings the "sexual/ity" parts!

AJ reallly likes his leopard print cowboy hat! He wears it everywhere! Or is it cuz his hair is messed up? Or did he lose his other stuff? Hmmm...

AJ always semms to end the songs! (Ex: I Want It That Way ~ "Cuz I want it that way..." and Don't Wanna Lose You Now ~ "Don't wanna lose you now...")

Didja ever think to yourself, DAMN! AJ got a lotta cowboy hats!

Where is Nick in "Perfect Fan"?? He isn't in the song! Listen to the verses and choruses then at the end when each boy sings "Cuz mom you always were..." Brian sigs twice and Nick doesn't sing! Hmmm....

If you have been watching the boy's appearances lately, you might've noticed that the background and the guy's hair have been the same for the intro to their world premiere video, their thank you for the Nick's Kid Choice Awards and the thank you's for the World Music Awards! (Except for that one they thought they'd be slick and change their seatign arrangements. Well it didn't fool me!)

Didja notice that AJ is really nasty? In the Rolling Stone article he sez 69 i his lucky number. Then he says it's not what it seems, but he doesn't explain it! Then he has a hat with 1969 or something on it and whenever they are wearing jerseys, guess who's number 69? Yup, AJ. SURE, AJ. Suuure you ain't horny.

Didja notice how Brian gets in the camera at the end of the recent Fanatic? It's funny : )

EVERYwhere Kev goes, his camera goes too

Bri likes to did for stuffed animals under his chair! (Watch the MTV 2hr Live thingy)

AJ does this weird movement with his fingers when they sing IWITW on MTV Live w/BSB! It's right after Bri sings, "de-sire" and there's this weird twangy thing in the music!

Brian, in concerts, always has his clothes totally buttoned up or zipped or velcrowed up! All his shirts! Even up to the last button by his chin!

AJ looks reaaaallly different in the IWITW video! Is it just me or do you guys notice that too?!! I FIGURED IT OUT! It's the glasses!!

Did yall notice that Brian's brother is DAAAYYYYAAAAAMMMM fine?!?!?!?! Oh my sweet lord!!! Break me off sum of that!!! I wish I still had the picture but I lost it when my AOL was all jacked up! But take my word for it, he is a *MAJOR* hottie!!

I might've already sed this somewhere else but I don't remember so I'm gonna say it again! You know the whole Howie is a troll thing? Well if you are confused about that, I don't think Howie is a troll yet cuz he doesn't have a jewel in his bellybutton lol. My friend told me that he isn't officially a troll till he has a jewel in his bellybutton...and he doesn't walk around nakee either!

Didja notice dat on the September 2nd 1998 Regis & Kathy Lee show and BSB were on it (it was on my birthday!!) that they sang "Who Do You Love" and Kevin sed it was a sneak peek from their new album. Well I DON'T SEE NO "WHO DO YOU LOVE" IN THE ALBUM! Whassup wit that?!

People are requesting the Brittney Spears video because of the fine guy in it LOL

Brian dresses *SO* good! (ok minus the MTV live tihng! I think he woke up a lil' too late!) He wears ties in all these things and in concerts, he has ev-ery sin-gle button buttoned up! (Unlike AJ whose ripping his clothes off lol) Here are some examples: The View, BSB coming home concert, on the Shania Twain concert, in the ALAYLM video! He's wearing a tie in all of these and probably a nice shirt and even jacket or vest sometimes!

Brian gets cut out of the shot in IWITW when they're doin that lil' choreographed "ain't nuthin but a heartache..." move! How rude man!

AJ has THE tightest pants in that video! I also have a question about 'em: "What is in those pockets that make 'em look like he has a GRIP of stuff in there??

AJ is always first to say "thank you" during concerts?

Everytime Kevy points at the camera during "Larger Than Life", he keeps doing this swirly motion!

Howie talks kinda fast

Howie gets all the quiet singing parts! Like in IWITW "You are...my fire, the one..de-sire..." there isn't any b/g music! Then in Show Me The Meaning, he gets the "Surrender my heart, body and soul" and its all quiet in the b/g too!

Kevin is FINALLY getting some singing time and you kno what? Before I thought it sucked that Kevy had to go off by himself during the Disney concert thingy but yah kno what? He got to have a whole...like, TEN minutes ALL for HIM!!!!! To talk do whatevers man!! YEEA!

...DAYMNIT!!!! I just forgot what I was gonna say!! I hate it when that happens...Sorry!

Doesn't Kevy TOTALLY fit the "tall, dark, handsome" type description?!?!

Doesn't AJ fit the "crazy MANIAC, but VERY sexy" description? LOL

Didja notice Nick's bowling score was 69 in the Disney Concert?? LOL Nice number and DAYMN he sucks! Break into the 90s at least!

Didja notice how absolutely ADORABLE Nick sounds in "Tell Me That I'm Dreaming"?? ( I had to say sometihng nice cuz I just dyssed him adn felt bad!)

Bri sounds a lot different in that song too!

They ALL do actually!

Bri gotts chiken leggs! Anyone notice that too? He has the "knobby knees" thing going on lol but that just makes him even cuter!

Didjah notice that even if you are 6 years younger/older than a Backstreet Boy you still have a chance to date them? What gives me that idea? Well, Leighann who just turned 30 (happy birthday!) is SIX years older than Brian! And guess what? I am exactly 6 yrs younger than AJ! So just wait till I'm like 21 and he's 27 LOL

Watch Brian when he sings the word "world" (All I Hafta Give, Anywhere in the Homecoming concert) he spins his fingers around in a circular motion it's funny!

Howie ALWAYS has ta introduce themselves as the BSB (HC concert again). We KNOW who you are! Did you think we thought we were watching the Spice Girls?!

Did yah notice they only sho BriBri's room in the "Everybody" video? Wassup with that?

In "Don't Wanna Lose You Now", listen carefully to the background. It goes, "wahwoowahwoo" like sirens not people singing that lol it sounds weird!

Brian claps in SUCH a CUTE way? lol

If Brian is in a chair while performing, he will most of the time be looking down! He must have reeeally interesting shoes!

AJ is always shaking his legs if they are sitting down in a performance and doing hand gestures! (watch him, they're cool lol)

Anyone watch the "Behind The Music: Vanilla Ice"?? Well, if yah did, didn't yah notice that when Vanilla Ice was dancing and swaying his body I guess that's how you'd describe it! He TOTALLY reminded you of AJ?? LOL I dunno it did to me! And I think he's SO cool cuz now, he's a really good dad and husband and he has a cute kid!

Talking about "swaying", No Authority..Ricky I think, that boy can move that body! LOL sorry, that's not a Backstreet thing but just had tah say that!

Howie's fav color is purple, yet he always wears red!

Brian doesn't sign "Littrell" he goes "Brian Brok" I swear this is tru! I gotta make a whole new section about this!

AJ's signature is the hardest to forge, while Howie is the easiest

Howie's hair looked TITE with cornrows!

Kevin during BS TV...robe?! Towel? Did you just take a shower??

Kevin when that luckie ass fan met him (cuz of her sign) he was SUCH a sweetie! If I were her I would NOT care if Kevin was sweaty or not! Gimme some luvin yo! LOL

Nick's hair. UH...NO

AJ's back had scratches! :o( You ok?

No Brian! :o( [Talking about the BSB TV for the few comments above]

Larger Than Life looks like it's gonna be a TITE ass video man!! I am SOOO excited! This sheit is gonna be BIG!

Have you ever heard that song "One More Try"? It's like from the 80s and it's prettie old, sung by some guy named Tommy or smthg like that? Daaaymn! The guys should sing that! OMG can we say HUUGE single?! Here are some of the lyrics (you might recognize the song): "One more try, I didn't know how much I loved you, One more try, let me put my arms around you..."

At the Sears at my mall, the BSB sweepstakes box is ALL tagged up lol it says stuff like, Sexy!---> Pointing at Kev's pic! The things BSB fans will do! lol

OMG! On Jenny Jones, this dude named Justin had the same sweater on as AJ! You know the red gray striped one? (but the dude was kinda a punk lol)

No Much Music for US fans! That SUCKS!! Cuz it's like, a Canada channel! Damnit!! Maybe if you had a satelite it would work but I dun got one!

Tommy must have a GRIP of pics!!! He takes that camera EVERYWHERE!

Bri is left handed!

Wait, someone left in Tommy's guestbook that Brian is RIGHT handed. So which is it??

Did you notice that Mandi fromthe BSB band is the ONLY girl surrounded by the cool band guys AND BSB?? DANG Im jealous of Mandi!!!

I swear it sounds like AJ sings "Olivia" during the very end of I'll Never Break Your Heart when they are all babbling different things!!

One of the girl dancers (the one in orange behind AJ during Everybody in the Disney Concert) looks like Britney Spears!! (But she doesn't have big boobs and doesn't seem slutty)

During that one part of "Crazy" by Stupid Spears, it goes, "Ohhhhhhh.." (Right before she says "STOP!) and it sounds like that part in "Larger Than Life"!! Also, a girl said that it's an inside joke btw Brit and other people. The joke is that when they go "OHH" they are referring to Larger Than Life and Britney's saying STOP to the BSB. ??? I dunno, what do you think?

In "If You Want It To Be Good" that part where it goes "doodododoodododododo" sounds like that part in the "That Don't Impress me Much" song by Shania Twain! I figured out why it sounds like that too! Mutt Lang (Shania's hubby) wrote both songs!

You know the GAP commercial that goes, "They call me mellow yellooow.." they could go, "They call me howard doroough..." and it fits perfectly!

If me and Brian had been at school together, we would've done a lot of stuff together cuz his last name is Littrell and mine is Lin! If ther was noone in btw us, we would've had to sit by each other in like, grad ceromonies and other stuff! How tight!!

Did you notice that AJ has NEVER done anything ventriloquist-y ever? How come he won't show us those skillz??

And Brian RARELY does that Donald Duck impression!

AHHHHH!!! Did you see Bri was liftin his shirt off in Darlin' in the Live In Concert Video!!?? OMG!! annnnd he was doing an AJ move! (dirty lol) Wassup with that! How come he ain't like that no more?!!

Did you guys notice that they SHOULD play the I'll Never Break Your Heart Video cuz BRIAN does NOT have a SHIRT on in some parts at the beach?!!

I wanna be with you is a very catchy song... I wanna be with you doo doo doo doo it's crazy but it's true doo doo....

Gwen Stafani and Kevin Richardson have the same birthdays! Isn't that weird? I dunno cuz AJ likes her and everything and it's related to him a little cuz he knows Kevin and all! And did you know she is turning 30?!??!?!! That's crazy she looks about 20! And WHOA age gap there btw her and AJ! And if AJ still likes her, then YEEeSS the age thing btw me and AJ won't matter!!!

Kevin has that exact same black bracelet type thing on his right wrist STILL!!!!!If you saw their pre-VMA interview thing you can see Kevin has that weird bracelet black thing wrapped around his wrist and he had that since the Frankfurt concert!! That's at least 4 or 5 yrs ago!!!

Howie looks tite in cornrows!

Brian dyed his hair!!!

One of their girls has poofy ass hair!

Howie was gonna cry when they went up to recieve the viewer's choice award!! Awww! :*)

Nick got BUFF man! He got some arms yo! Nobody can make fun of him for being fat now!!

In the LTL routine, there's this one part where a girl dancer jumps on the a BSB and they throw em to another dancer. DANG they are lucky I'LL jump on 'em! LOL

Did you notice that dance routine looks HARD!?

Did you notice that you don't see the BSB in their underwear in their new vid like they said!! I'm disapointed! LOL

And that the video isn't really like the secnd coming of "Everybody"?!?!

This is SUCH a tite ass video??!?!!!!?? (It BETTER win some awards man! Ish too tite!)

Nick got buff people!!!!

AJ wore his "sweeet" hat!! (The hat that he bought during the Disney Concert special!)

Following comments about the Billboard Awards...What the HELL was up with nicky's hair?!? But it was cute poofy :o)

Sup with brian's pants?!

AJ STYLL looks yummy!

They talk WAY too much! The TV station was TRYING to get on with the program but nooo they had to keep yappin! That's probably why the thing ran so late!

Kevin ran his hand across Kathy's leg! \\

Kevy was mouthing stuff like, "I love you mom" aww!!

LMAO when Kathy was sitting with/on the BSB!

Brian's sucha cutie didja see before he started talking he was makin it look like his award was shakin lol

AJ's scream and yell when they got the first award :o)

How people always cheer for them the loudest when their name is mentioned!

That the Show Me The Meaning is the only video without a dance sequence in it???

And that SMTM was suppose to be a "huge dance video" but then it turned out to be the opposite??

Didja notice that I can't make fun of that video?!!??? I just can't! Even if I tried I couldn't first of all it's too deep and personal I wouldn't feel right about it and there ISN'T anything to make fun of!

If all their things are like SMTM, I'm not gonna have anything to keep this site running! YIKES!!

Did anybody else notice you can't even SEE Nick's legs on the RS cover?! (Did that piss any other Nick fans off??)


When they World Premiered it and introduced the SMTM video, they were wearing the same stuff from the video! Well at least AJ was, he was the one you could tell the most.

Didja notice that AJ's shades in the intro were DAYMN big?!! I guess that's for making up for not being able to wear one in the video!

Did anyone else notice that the al grew up? Boys? I don't see any boys around here!

Did you also notice, that I still call 'em boys anyway? LOL It's some werid attachment issue I guess!

If the rumor is true about Brian and Leighanne, they are GETTING MARRIED ON MY BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is pretty tite! Now I got TWO reasons to celebrate! (Like I said, this isn't confirmed by the boys but a lot of sources that I feel can be trusted have told me so if it's true, be happy for 'em, if not then, it's all good!)

I was listening to the radio and after SMTM plays the DJ started talking it was funny! The KIIS fm DJ was saying how Brian's grown up and gets tongue tied lol and the other DJs are like, what the hell are you talking about! And then the DJ says, "Dear Santa, how come you didnt make ME a backstreet boy?!" It was a cute BSB mentioning

Here's a good one for this section! I saw a liscence plate with McLean on it, well on the thingy that goes around the liscence plate and imediately I thought AJ COULD BE IN THAT CAR LOL but he wasn't it was some older dude but hey he could be related I should've followed that car...LOL just kidding I'm not a crazy stalker!

Did you know that to surprise Samantha's brother for his eighteenth bday Brian threw a party and had two female dancers to dance for him and his friends? I KNEW Brian wasn't that lil' angel he seems tah be! And what the heck!? Sounds like something AJ would do lol

I have my brother to thank for this one but if you have seen the program you've probably seen the cute little cartoon pictures of them! Not the big ones but the little head cartoons beneath the big cartoon drawing of them...anyways, did you ever notice that Kevin looks like the Pringles guy?! The guy on the Pringles can? LMAO I almost died when he told me that. And it's true too!

** Seriously, did Howie get THAT much shit about winking? Cuz he has COMPLETELY stopped!

I don't know where to put this so I'm putting it here! I passed by those whirly twirly things from the MTT video!!!! I was like, COOOOOL! lol

Did you notice how COOL the Black & Blue CD sounds when you have your CD player or boombox or whatever on "Digital Surround Sound" and "Dynamic Blast Boost Sound"??? Try it!!! You can totally hear the background vocals. It sounds sooo tight!

There are a BILLION versions of ALAYLM! Like there's the Backstreet Boys CD version, the Backstreet's Back version, the radio version which is like the music video version I think, a lot of remixes/club mixes, etc...

In the making of SOMH, they were making fun of Brian of how he points...I guess you would call it pointing, and if you look at music videos, concerts, appearances, it is SO true!

Brian has his hand closed in a fist the WHOLE time he sings MTT at this one live concert of it that they showed on some award show that Carmen Electra was helping to host. I think it was World Music Awards or something in like, this one place where they have princes and stuff still...

That Nick was on loveline, but NOT AJ?? That is SO strange. WHYYY?? (I was listening to loveline and this girl who had a question was like, are you going to re-air the Nick Carter loveline? And they were like, No, don't think so. DARN! I MISSED IT!!)

Abbreviations take a LONG time for me to decode! Like the usual is ALAYLM and QPG which is easy to look for but some of them are toughies!

Speaking of abbreviations, they look funny! --> YMSS, GAB, ATOL, etc.

AJ ALWAYS has a towel when singing I'll Never Break Your Heart in concerts and stuff! Like the Live in Orlando, Live in Amsterdam or Germany or whereever they were, etc .

It is really strange how they dress in pictures sometimes. No, I'm not talking about ugly shirts, but sometimes, one person will be wearing like, a t-shirt and a vest and a jacket, another will be wearing something like that, maybe an even bigger jacket, and there's always one with a tank top on~ isn't it like the same temperature in one room?

This doesn't really fit in the section but oh well I am putting it here! I think that if we met any of the boys, Brian is the one that is to be most like what he projects out to the public. Like what you see is what you get.

"...I'm leaving my life in your haands..." in As Long As You Love Me gets me EVERY time! You can't tell me after listening to Nicky sing that line you can't think he's adorable and you can't fall in love with the song!