EVERYTHING can be related to BSB, according to me =) There is not one day that I go without thinking about them in some way or another and soo many everyday things remind me of them or can be related to them! I decided to make a list because some of it is kinda funnie and some of it might be kinda weird, but I am CONVINCED that EVERYTHING can be related to Backstreet!
1. Folding chairs || The As Long As You Love Me chair dance. Everytime I see one I think about that and how in the Disney concert I was watching them jump onto them and I thought "OH GEEZ SOMEBODY IS GOING TO FALL!!" But then nobody did so I was relieved! *whew*
2. My motivation for getting my liscense || So I could drive to the Backstreet Boys concert!
3. Getting my liscense || I was SO nervous and my way of calming down was the think that 1. AJ finally got his liscense after he failed how many times? So if HE could get it so can I. 2. NICK has his liscense. Now if HE could get it...yeah and I wasn't nervous after that!
4. My motivation to get a job || YES! UNLIMITED funds for BSB merchandise, tickets, EVERYTHING.
5. Clocks || The song "Time" Yes I look at clocks and think of that!
6. Radio || When I turn on the radio or when they are in the middle of a song or they play a shitty song I think, "I hope they play a BSB song/next/after they play this shitty song!"
7. The colors black and blue || When I see blue or black crayons/markers/clothing I immediately connect it with B&B!! (OMG the day I bought my B&B CD, my group of friends, girls AND guys, and myself were all wearing black and blue! And it was totally a coicidence! CRAZYNESS!)
8. Eggs/omelets/breakfast || This one is thanks to Kevin and Howie. Kevin can cook "...a mean breakfast, omelets, the works." And Howie and his breakfast burrito!
9. Bananas || There is this picture of the group and Brian is holding a banana. Strange. When I find th epic I'll post it up. I'm sure it's already on the site somewhere!
10. Camping || I was coming home from camping and I passed by those metal spinning thingys in the MTT video!!!!!!!! I was by where BSB was!
11. Tower Records || It's the place where I bought my ticket and they made an appearance there in like '98 and I wanted to go but I was at Disneyland for my friend's Bday. =( But I had fun =).
12. LAX || The IWITW video.
13. Planes || Nick's comment about how "That's our plane" when he was standing right in front of it. LOL thanks for letting us know, we were getting confused there! And also their jet in IWITW.
14. Cameras || DAMNIT the I-zone contest had to be postmarked by YESTERDAY!! STINKY!!!! I MISSED IT!! Err now I have to email them and write it which won't be as cool and I had ALL these great ideas!! =(
15. Toilets || LOL It's cuz of AJ's comment of how he wouldn't want cameras or something in the bathroom after he ate too many beans or something? Something like that lol and I have a picture of him sitting on the toilet talking on the phone!
16. Wanting MTV || It's just so I can keep myself updated on their TRL status and their news so I don't have to find out all late!! This one relates to #4 because I want a job so I can pay for MtV!
17. Straightening my hair || I think, "Ok, if HOWIE can get his hair THAT straight, I can do it too."
18. Another radio one || I am torn. Do I listen to BSB CDs and get BSB music 24/7 or listen to the radio to hear one BSB song every hour or so but be SO excited to hear it on the radio? Another plus for listening to the radio is so I can hear little tid-bits of news!
19. Pride & Prejudice || Ok you must be thinking, WHAT THE HECK! Well as I was doing my summer reading (what a BUMMER!) there was this part in the book where something happens and one of the characters go, "GOOD GOD!" LOL and of course I thought of our hot hot Mr. McLean!
So you see, just about everything is BSB related. Want to challenge me?? GO AHEAD! Email me and send me the name of an object or whatever that you think can't be related to them, because I will be able to find a reason!!