You know ALL the lyrics to the songs that BsB has ever sang in their career, including covers they did, and yet you can't memorize 10 of your vocab words!
You listen to them at least once throughout the day, whether it's popping their CD in, or waiting for their video to show up on MTV, or channel surfing the radio until you find a station that's playing our boys.
The CDs in your CD player consist of: Backstreet Boys, Backstreet's Back, Millennium, Black & Blue, and various other singles and CDs from our boys.
You listen to them SO much that the rest of your family knows their songs too! (Yeah, you know your brother knows it, just doesn't want to admit it!)
You have turned a family member or a friend or an anti-BSBer into a BSB FAN!!!
You have been in a BSB chat room, which leads to our next one...
You have gotten in a fight with some retard who claims they don't like BSB and dysses them yet they are in a Backstreet chat room!
You get seriously UPSET an angry after a confrontation in a chat. LoL. You know those people are stupid and know nothing yet it gets to you!
When someone asks you, what's your favorite video? You answer: BSB All Access/ANOWBSB/Live In Concert, etc.
You get ALL excited when BSB is being played on the radio, even though you listen to them 24/7 in your house!
You own MANY videos, ones you've recorded of their TV appearances too, and they take up half the shelf where all your videos are kept.
You are listening to BSB right NOW!
You are on this site!
You have a Backstreet Boys Site!
More than half of your favorite bookmarked sites are BsB ones.
You have gone to their concert, and bought MANY over priced souvineirs.
You couldn't go to a concert and it took you weeks to get over!
You STILL can't get over it!
You've stuck with them no matter what~ even when they were on a little hiatus and were kinda dead before they released Millennium.
You pre-ordered one of their CDs before.
You rushed out of school/went to school late/skipped a period/during lunch went out to get B&B cuz u were just SOO excited and KNEW that it would be SUCH a GOOD CD!
You don't care that they have g/fs or wives-- good for them!
You get SO mad at other bands/stars for dyssing them that if that happens, you hate that celeb for the rest of your life! lol
Any of the things on the Everything Relates to BSB page has happened to you!
When you found out about AJ in rehab, even if you aren't the BiGGEST AJ fan, you were touched by it and made a banner/wrote to him/sent him something/cried/made a page for him.
You stuck with AJ during this and you KNEW he was going to get out of it fine!
You know more about them than they know about each other! (The 2 hr live MTV thing, "When's Nick's Birthday?" Yup you know the fans all knew!)
You knew the words to Millennium and Black and Blue even before the CDs came out!
You have countless posters/pictures of them you can wallpaper your whole house with them! Or at least your room! (And it IS covered in them!)
You have BSB merchandise.
You actually spent THAT MUCH on BSB merchandise!
On your computer right now is a BSB wallpaper.
And you got a BSB screensaver too!
You analyze EVERY little thing in their music videos, videos, appearances, songs, etc.
Whenever celebs DO say good stuff about them, you're like, "HELL YEAH!" And you smile and you are all proud!
You've read a book/rented a movie that one of the boys have said they liked! (My mom rented the Outsiders, but I didn't realize it was his favorite movie until I thought about it, and then I had to go watch the 2 hr live thing to find out if it reallie was or not lol)
You've requested their songs at school dances, on the radio, anywhere else you could...
Your boyfriend has a copy of a BSB CD cuz that's all you will listen to when you are in his car.
Your boyfriend doesn't like the BSB cuz they are jealous hehe
Or your boyfriend LOVEs them cuz u turned him into a fan! (Ok LOVE may be too strong a word lol maybe, not dislike!)
You can sit here and come up with this many reasons in under 10 mintues!
You can make up a session of confessions about things you have done that may be kind of embarrassing but you did it for the sake of THEM!
You'll buy magazines for one LITTLE article or picture of them!
OR you borrow someones and scan it or make a copy of it.
At least 10 people you don't closely know at school know you are a BSB fan!
Your whole school knows you are a fan, including your teachers!
The reason you got sucked into them wasn't a real good reason (you thought nick was soo cute, or the "blonde one" since you didn't know names back then!) but now, you love them because they are such agreat musicians that sing and write beautifully.
You've liked them for more than 3 years.
You can think of 100 more reasons that I can add on this page!
You hated chihuahuas, but after seeing Tyk, you LOVE those little rats!
You forgive them for those unfortunate fashion mishaps they have once in awhile!
You have done a school project and somehow incorporated the boys into it, and got an A! (YAY! hehe)
You know them SO well, it's like they are a part of your family!
You don't know WHAT it is, but you are STUCK on them!
You've joined a BSB fan club/yahoo club/newsletter!
After the BSB CD you are listening to right now ends, it's either going to repeat itself or you're going to pop another BSB CD in, OR you are going to turn on the radio to see if a BSB song is on, and then go back to the CD if it's not on lol
You don't care if they are number one in the charts or number 10894, they will be number 1 in your hearts forever!