- Memorable Moments -

- Memorable Moments -


Some moments that are unforgettable...

The Ben Stiller parody with the Backstreet Boys! That was funny!!

Ok, AJ is suppose to be the more perverted and flirty one but did you guys see BRIAN!?!?! He was gonna stick the sticker on his partner's boobs!!! BRIAN!!! And he was asking where the stickers are suppose tah go and when him and his partner got an answer right, he was all happy to stick the sticker on her! Shame on you Bri!(MAN! LUCKY girl!!)

The times when any of them went out on stage with their flies open! (I've never seen that but wouldn't yall agree it would have been memorable??)

You know what, any of the times they messed would've been memorable! (And HELLA funny!!)

When poor Kevy-Kev got stuck in that harness at the AMA's!

The looks on the boys' faces when they were reviewing their own videos!

When Aaron Carter got slimed for for having a brother in the Backstreet Boys on "Figure It Out"! Poor kid! Getting slimed because his BROTHER is a Backstreet Boy!

I don't really know where to put this so I'm putting it here, but if anyone watched the pop up video, didn't you think it was funny when they had "vomiting" and "diarhea" (sorry can't spell!) popping up around the guys? lol (For those who didn't see it, no they are not making fun of the boys, it was somehting like you can get diseases form being around some kinda chemical too long... I guess it was in the warehouse they were filming in)

At one of their concerts, AJ was hit in his um... private area lol with a stuffed banana wearing sunglasses! LMAO

My concert experience was DEFITNETLY memorable!!!!