This section is dedicated to those in life who piss me off! See the nice colors this page is made of?
.1)) All of the guys' girlfriends!
(They finally all admitted it on Fanatic!)But I will admit that they don't really piss me off...I am just very very jealous!! They are really lucky and they all seem like really nice girls...(But if they hurt anyone of the guys, I'm gonna go after them!!)
.2)) BITCHney Spears
OK, first off, let me get this straight. I AM NOT JEALOUS!!! In fact, I thank God everyday that I am not a skanky bitch like her! That lil' ho bag dissed BSB! And she really is a slut! She got her boobs done and she ain't even 18! Plus, she claims to like Ben Affleck, which means like 50 of my insanely obsessed friends also hate her: she doesn't even know how old he is!! Daymn, if I ever met her, I'd kikk her ass all the way to mars. And before singing, please cough up whatever that is you got stuck in your throat dear.
.3)) Usher
He acts soooooo conceited and like every girl wants him and I can't stand it!!!!
.4)) Nsync
Sometimes I think they are ok but most of the time, I don't like 'em and they do/say something dumb that pisses me off! (Blame this on one of my friends who kept insisting NSTINK is better than BSB so I had to defend BSB so I started to dislike her and Nsync more and more. [J/K We're friends])
.5)) People from Newsweek
"Backstreet Boys= suaver, more arrogant; 'N Sync= uglier, more eager to please." Our boys are NOT arrogant and they ALWAYS try to please their fans and everybody!!! Stuuupid!!! But I'm not gonna go too crazy on 'em cuz they called NSync uglier! haha! Hey! Wait! Uglier?! Are they implying BSB are UGLY?!?! Heeellllllll NO!!! At least they don't look like you ugly stupid punk ass bastards at Newsweek!!
.6)) The People over at Poeple Magazine
Whoever wrote that one latest article on BSB better sleep wit one eye open! The sed "Bsb= goo" Goo?? GOO??? WTF!?!?! They aren't "goo" and where did you go to school?!? Only FIVE year olds use the term "goo"!!! Dude, BSB ain't "goo"!! YOU are!!!
.7)) 98 Degrees (maybe)
Alright if they did call 'em pricks and sed "hell yeah" when asked if BSB were overrated, they are on my list of people to kill. I hope they didn't say that tho, cuz they seem nice and I thot they were cool! (I don't like to be wrong!)
.8)) OHHHHHMYGOSH!! AJ has supposedly been shot (go to announcements for more 411 on that) by some STUPID UGLY ASS BASTARDS and they are SOOOOOOO on this list of people who piss me off. Reason number one why they are on here: isn't there ENOUGH violence in this world already??? Daymn, just cut the friggin' crap! Reason number two why they are on the list: Of ALL the people to jump, they jump MY AJ!! Assholes. They landed him in the hospital in INTENSIVE care! Geez. I am VERY upset by this news. Anyway, they better watch themselves cuz if they are ever exposed to the media and world, they are gonna have 99999 million AJ fans after 'em and 99999 gaZILLION teenyboppers after 'em too. Two words for ya psycho paths who did that. WATCH OUT.
.9)) Dave Karger. He's the punk who wrote that BSB Disney Concert review. Enough said! (If you dunno what I'm taking about, go to Stuff Dat Pisses Me Off and you'll see!)
.10))Bitchney Spears
That bitch made my list again. I got some shit againt her now!! She phukkin dissed Brian's "Perfect Fan" saying it was crap! She is just jealous she don't got mad skillz like that! Then she talks about it in front of Bri too and won't shut up! Damn gurl! AND she argued wit Leighanne and tried to hit her! WTF!?! But haha Leighanne beat her shitty ass down LMAO! HA! Go to announcements for more news on that!
.11))Samantha whatever & Marissa Jackson ((Bri N AJ's ex's)
I feel SO bad for my two fav BSBs right now. These stoopid meanie heads are writing books about them and ho it was like being their girlfriends. They are gonna be talking about private stuff here and I don't think it's right to expose them like that. They have paparazzi n sheit following them around already and they already don't have privacy and now these poopheads are gonna be writing about them and PRIVATE stuff like how they look like naked? That's so messed. They couldn't have been THAT bad of boyfriends! Come on, AJ n Brian? And they are too sweet to have this happen to them. What the hell is up with that?? I would not want anyone to write about me like that and they wouldn't either so why the fuck are they doing this??? The guys have never dissed them or anything and this is what they do?? I mean the boys have ahd MANY chances to talk shiet about them and say whatever but they never do and now the gurls are gonna do this sheit. That's so low.