HOT STUFF! (NOT as hot as BSB!)


=What more coudya ask for?=

So most of you know I am a BSB FANatic! But I like other stars too! Here are a buncha other hotties I think are adorable. My taste is kinda wide, from the "boy band types" to the KROQ hotties to other fine get an oxygen mask or have 911 on hold cuz baby these guys are gonna KILL YA!

=Michael Ciccione=

He may look familiar cuz this little cutie played well, "QT" on the MTV movie, "2gether". Yes it is a spoof on the whole boy band phenomena thingy but what makes this boy so special besides his apparent adorable-ness and voice and acting abilities? He is a two time cancer survivor and has his own foundation to help find a cure for Hodgkin's Disease. It's a really touching story and he has a book and his own CD out too. If you have time please visit his site, The Michael Cuccione Foundation and take a look around and see how you can help too. Another plus to him? He's only 15! SAME AGE AS MEEE!! Actually I'm older cuz he was born in 85 and I was born in 84! FINALLY someone close to my age! I think I've found my love! (After AJ that is! haha) He can also write his own music and there's a song called "Visualize" that I am in love with right now! If you have a 2gether or Michael Cuccione site, email me and I'll put it up! (That goes for the rest of these stars too!)**Hey I am making a new website about him n the guys of 2ge+her! Promise me you'll visit it when I am done! :o)**

I am so extrememly saddended about the death of Michael. He passed away recently, a little while after his 16th birthday. My site for him has become a tribute. A tribute to his life and all his accomplishments. It will be up ASAP. He will always live in our hearts.

=Simon Rex=

THIS is Simon Rex. I'll let you have a moment to take in the fine-ness. Ok that's enough. You might know Simon Rex as "Art" the guy who screwed Felicity or his more recent role, "Mikey" on "Jack and Jill", who is SUCH a cutie! Why do I like him? Check out his cute dimpled smile and his BODY hellllllz yeah! LOL. I watch Jack & Jill ALL for him LOL I don't care about anything else. He just steals the show away!

=Ben Affleck=

My friend fell in love with Ben Affleck after watching Armageddon and hey who can blame her? This is a rather large picture of him and it's not bad! He's turning around going, "Hey baby!" LoL And wasn't "Forces Of Nature" SO freakin' good???

=BLINK 182=

OK, you do NOT understand my love for these three!! It's like, not even funny how much I love them! I love their music, their personalities, their looks, their stories, their videos and even their constant poopp n pee talk! Did anyone see the making of the video for these guys??? It was HILARIOUS!! I think what wins me over for them is their funnyness. And Mark is sucha cutie! So is Tom! And Travis! LOL THIS is what sucked me into being a KROQ-er! Here are three good examples of cute sk8er boys!! o-<-<|: <--my lil' sk8er man!

=Mark McGrath=

Another rocker dude! You don't hafta tell me that he is old, my friends who don't think he's cute already remind me that everyday! I don't care if he is 31 gosh darn it!!! He is still fine and when he sings "Falls Apart" OMG I die LoL. That video is so freakin' good too!! Ahhhhh he is such a hottie!!

=Paul Walker=

Paul Walker. ::Sigh:: Just look at him! Blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect body... he's the all American boy of the group of guys I like I think. And he SURFS too!! He is too fine for words!! Have you guys seen the new Moxie Girl catalog/magazine?? OMG he looks damn GOOOOOOD in there!! He is just a hottie! And he's in "Meet The Deedles" which is soooo funnny!! Dang THIS is who I want to marry! Dude did I care about Freddie Prinze Jr. in "She's All That"??? No, I was watching his friend (although he WAS a jerk) whom Paul Walker played! LOL ;o)

=Freddie Prinze Jr.=

Just because I didn't notice him in "She's All That" doesn't mean I am blind people LoL After watching "Down to You" HE became my love interest for like a week! :o) Just kidding, I really think he's a cool person though (from what I've seen heard whatever of him) and I'd really like to meet him. He seems so cool!!

=Will Estes=

Any of you guys watch "7th Heaven"? If you do you'll remember him as the guy that liked Lucy and kissed her to prove that they had something. (Aww hehe) But actually, he caught my eye in "U571". There I was watching the previews in the movie theaterand I'm like DANG that guy is pretty hot!! But I never got to see it UNTIL I had to watch a WW2 movie and guess what I rented? Yup, that's right =). So I dug up some info on him and he's a vegetarian!! Just like me! That scored mucho puntos with me and just look at that face. Gosh. He is cute.

That's it for now, now go back to our BSB hotties!! :o)