*-))*NeW YeAR ReSOLUTiONS*((-* |
With the Millennium getting closer and closer, it's that time of year again. That's right, it's time to make those resolutions that ya keep for a week then toss it out the window like an old OR new 'Nsync CD. (SORRY! That just came out!) Anyways, here are some resolutions you might see the boys trying out!
-To me, this babe is gosh darn close to being perfect. Hey, he's hot N sexy, sweet, got that raspy voice that makes me melt, dresses nice (well he has his days) and I betcha he could make ME go home happy! But I said he is CLOSE to perfect, and on his resolutions list you might see this...- 1. Buy a MCDonald's. 2. Hump anything and everything. 3. Keep on looking, acting, sounding DAMN sexy. 4. Buy more shades for my collection. 5. Buy more hats for my collection. 6. Keep on making the girls scream! 7. Keep on doing those dance moves! (You know which ones I'm talking about!) 8. Get a butt. 9. Get a tattoo and that butt. (If you guys haven't heard the boys talk about this, go to the quotes section under AJ) 10. Return the things you borrow! 11. Learn how to pop champagne corks or NOBODY is gonna be around ME when that ball drops! 11. Get hotter and hotter and hotter... |
-If you thought it was hard for AJ, the BAD BOY of the group to make resolutions, can you imagine how hard it is for my darling little angel BRIAN to make some?! He tried, and here's his list...-
1. Be more perfect then I was last year.
2. Be the best owner Tyk will ever have!
3. Get a deal with Kraft's Mac N Cheese, hey, I got the blues!
4. Be mommy's perfect baby duck
5. Try not to chew gum in the front of my mouth, some people don't find that very attractive.
6. Be as funny as I can
7. Try not to hurt myself as much doing #6.
8. Be sweeter and cuter and make Olivia like me more than AJ!
-This boy...well I got some ideas for him for resolutions but this is what HIS list would look like. Sooo here we go...- 1. Buy every and any N64, Dream Cast, Gameboy game I see. 2. Complete my collection of Beanie Babies! 3. Learn how to use big words to make me sound smarter so the other guys won't make fun of me and they'll let me talk in interviews. 4. Get better at BBall so I can beat Brian's butt! 5. Stop getting pugs, or start sending them to be potty trained. 6. Be nicer to Howie....naaah. 7. Stay the baby and most wanted of the BSB. 8. Get out of Kevin's way when he's pissed off and don't aggravate him even more when he is! 9. Be cuter than ever so the teenyboppers will want ME not that Justin freak! 10. Keep on being Brian's bestest friend in the whooole world!
1. Talk...faster...people...think...I...talk...slow..PSS..HHHH.... 2. Stay the most mature, suave, fine one of the Backstreet Boys 3. Take my video cam EVERYWHERE I go 4. Be the daddy of the group 5. Make sure everyone knows Brian's my cousin 6. Get chaps that I can walk in, just in case I decide to ride a horse in Manhatten again 7. Get a better disguise for the next time I go incognito (Remember one time he went out with just a hat and had to go back in cuz he was gettin' mobbed?) |
1. Keep on being Sweet D! 2. Stop using up the hair gel so the other guys don't get so upset with me 3. Put my hair in cornrows more often, the fans seem to like it! 4. Make sure I'm not the BSB that gets jipped next time we make a video! 5. Make sure everyone knows me as Howie D. 6. Keep on being the sweetie of the group! |
Wow, Howie's resolution's list was the shortest! Wanna know what my resolution is? It's to make this page funnier and better! YOUR resolution is to spread the word and come back! :o)