The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

*Yeah, I know, UGLY in a sentence with BACKSTREET?! That can't be right...*

Before you go ballistic on me and tell me BSB is SOOO not ugly, don't worry! I'm not talking about them...exactly. This section is the reviews of their concerts, performances (the ones on video cuz I have NOT been to a FRIGGIN concert yet grrr...), and whatever else I decide to critic! SO I'll give yah the best, overall and good and bad parts!

|||LiVE iN CONCeRT|||

COVeR: In da front, they got Nick lookin' down, which is kinda stupid cuz you see his bowlcut hair-do n thas it! Then they got AJ with his hat pulled so low I can't see his cutie-patootie fineness of a face, Brian is singing with a weird expression, Kevy is lookin' sweaty but hot cuz that's how he ALWAYS looks! :o) (Not sweaty, but the hot part) Howie is singing too, looks like he's about to do his cute smile n a wink thing!

BACK Of DA COVeR: List 'o all da songs dey perfrom and still not good enough picies for me! Anyway, let's get down tah bizness...

BeGiNiNG: Ok so I pop the video in and it starts out in Dutch or something! No comprendo there dudes, so fast foward! Oh but wait, there are the boys! Press play ladies cuz these dudes are lookin' good! They show each boys' baby to present pics which are adorable! Brian is sucha cutie! Then they start bustin' some moves! >>BeST<< When dey start dancin'! Got some MOVES yo! After Nick sez something, he gets this "who-da-man-les-JAM" look! How cute!

LeT'S HAVe A PARTY: Nick sounds like a gurlie! No offense there Nick fans! Whoa! Heeey they don't show them swayin' and stuff! :o( Bri raps!!! CUTENESS!! Rite before Kevie's "there ain't no party" thingy, they show AJ doin' one of his moves! LoL Even back then he was a lil' freakster! Then there's AJ like, spazzin' on the ground...alritey babe too much caffeine there! >>BeST<< Nick "swayin"! He's adorable!

eND OF THe ROAD/JUST TO Be CLOSe TO YOU: When AJ's talkin, he looks like he's gonna cry! It'll be OK BABY! Aw! Double Aww cuz Bri just got on stage and he is just sucha cutie! Look at dat face when he's talkin! :o) Dude they pretty much say all teh same things... WTF did Nick say?!?! Yeah I know he's not good with words but still... I LUV "End of the Road"! And JTBCTY is perty as always.

i'LL NeVeR BReAK YOUR HeART: WHOOA good job audience! (They do a "you say..." thingy) Even back then AJ had his lil' butt wiggle LoL Oh and did I mention AJ is FINE?! WTF is Howie holdin??

AiN'T NoBoDY~iNSTRUMeNTAL: Fast foward yo!

i WANNA Be WiTH YOU: LUV that song, LUV tha beginning, wave thingy! WHOOA AJ's voice is waay raspy! But thas what makes him so *seky* :o) Aww the rose bud fell off da flower! Brian sure is jumpy! This song gives AJ soo many chances to *express* himself! What did Bri take from the audience?? Bri looks soo fine when he sings, "it's crazy but it's true..." ((when it's all slow))

ANYWHeRe FOR YOU:Please use english Kevy! Nice hand made heart there. Sounds like Bri and Nick are singing to each other! The lites at the end are cool! >>BeST<< "...dreams were just for sentimental fo-dumdum-ol's..."

DaRLiN': Look at Brian's face when he sings "lover" it's cute! WTH daymn, the swaying dance moves the others are doin is sucky LoL...I'm sorry to say but Kev looks stupid LoL Nick comes thru though. WHOA AJ's finger! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! Brian did a dirty move!! When he sings "feelin' inside" he lifts his shirt up! Yeaaaa baby!!! REWIND! (During that part, look at Kevy, I know it's hard with Bri being sucha distraction, but you can rewind!) >>BeST<< Bri liftin' his shirt up!!!! The audience thing didn't work this time LOL GOSH!! Brian should be like that more often!YEA baby YEAAA!! LoL aWWw Brian and AJ hug! Bri n Nick go bouncin' off! Haha! Eww...all sweaty n smelly actually!

10,000 PROMiSeS: Nick is good at drums! Go NICKAY!! Kevin, great job boo! The voice, the piano...hey he has the same camera!! That was cute! >>BeST<< LiL' bro Nick covers his face heehee :o)

BOYS WiLL Be BOYS: Go? Where? LOL, someone sed Brian sounds horny in this song! WHOA! AJ, no shirt, YEEAAA!! Bri points at himself, cute! Boys Will Be Boys, OH! Hand on face! AJ did a move 'cept el smarto camera people didn't show it! During the "so please don't hesitaaate" part where they go high, whoa, move that body AJ! Sup with this jump thing? LoL, They died dude!

GeT DOWN: LUV AJ's rap part! Luv those moves! Yeayea... everyone is jumping and they didn't even say too! Nick almost fell! What does AJ say?? I luv Bri's lil' get down move finger, giddy-up feet LoL

QUiT PLAYiN' GAMeS: What does AJ say to the camera? Subsequent birthday? What are those? I learned the moves to this song! Bri smiles and says hello a lot! AJ's PART!! NIIICE bod! Luv the dance after!

eND: YAY! The teddies will be donated :o)

OVeRALL: This is a cute concert! You can tell it's one of the earlier ones but it's funny to watch them back then! Things have changed!