Awwww.... : (

Awwww.... : (

*Something sad to think about...*

Yeah, I KNOW this is a humor site so I get to make fun of the guys but listen to this this is kinda sad and makes me not wanna make fun of Nick! (OHMYGOSH WHAT is this world coming to?!)

Recently in some interview or something, they asked Nick how he felt about his weight or something and he said that recently, he went online and read some hurtful things about him and his weight and he says it hurts his feelings. : ( THEN, they asked if the other guys ever tease him about it and he whispers back, yeah, they do. Here's the interview:

What's something you wish people would stop saying about you? Nick: I went on the internet one day and people were talking about me being overweight. I mean, I know I do kind of fluctuate with my weight and stuff...I'm really not that overweight for my size and my height and everything, but it really does hurt my feelings a lot when people say that. It's like, yeah, I really do have a stomach, but it's not like [ that bad ]..and people just kind of...I get picked on because of it. Do the guys [BsB] ever give you a hard time about your weight? Nick: [ looks around and whispers ] Yeah, they do.

: ( PUNKS! If they start messing wit Nick, they should look in the mirror first! (Or else I'm gonna start saying stuff about AJ bein skinny bone jones, Brian and his nose, Kevy and his eyebrows and Howie and his friggin' eye problem!)

Here's another sad comment!

"I got my dad's stomach. You know everyone gets a family trait? In my family, I got the stomach. It hurts my feelings when people pick on me for it."

Not only that, but he's said before, "I don't have many friends, these guys are all I have." TELL ME that does NOT bring tears to your eyes!!

Anyways, in conclusion (didn't that just reminded you of a school report or paper or something?!) I'm still gonna make fun of him, but I just wanna make it clear that I am only joking! I KNOW I ain't perfect and we all know we love these guys!! : )

PS...This section was supposedly only for this little Nick issue, but here's another sad thing to think about that AJ said... (sorry about all this sad stuff!) "Maybe it will work out someday for one of us or all of us...maybe." this is him talking about his relationships and the guys' relationships. That sounds so sad :*( But that brings up another point. Do they friggin have girlfriends or not?!?!?!?! GEEZ! But that's a whoooole other story!