...............WuRDS 'O' WiZDUM..............

Listen carefully...you might learn a thing or two...


"Rampaging, rambunctious..." Let's play, how many adjectives starting with an "r" that describes Brian can you name?

"I look out for 'em. They are like my lil' brothers." You can hear AJ snicker in the background after he sez that!

"Now it's 39" Talking about the next video in their countdown. We know Kevi-Kev! we can count and obviously, after 40 is 39!And he says it all astonished LOL

"I'm probably the most graceful one..." after he says that, all the other guys bust up laughing their asses off!

"HOT" talking about TLC

"You guys sound wack!" I KNEW there was pent up anger towards the guys and how they get ot sing and he doesn't!

"Can you like...elaborate that?" I have never heard Kevie use "like" like that. It was funny how he sed it too!

"Whoa, holy moley." Haha! He rhymed too!

"I buzzed first!" It'll be alrite man! Calm yourself!

"I'm just good with my fingers!" Okkk....don't even wanna know...

"I'm a neat freak." Then AJ says, "He's obsessive compulsive-"Don't touch that door handle, I just cleaned it!" Haha! Kevin, "[Laughs] I'm not that bad!"

"If you walk into AJ's room, it's like a suitcase exploded!" LoL

"Baby, Baby I love my Baby" Awww Kevy! I love you too! Haha : )

"I'm the oldest Backstreet Boy. Now I know what I put my big brothers through!" hahahahaha! : )

"I wear, like, the new-style cotton boxers, the Tommy Hilfiger ones." Are those snug enough for yah Boo?

"I can cook a mean breakfast--omlet and the works." Yummy! Yah kno you can like spend the night and then sho me how good yah cook in the morning... ; )

"I'll just sit over here by the fax machine..." AWWW! Poor Kevy!! Those guys ARE mean to you huh?!

"When your on the road it's difficult to keep up with the laundry so you find yourself without a clean pair of underpants. You have no choice but to pop back on yesterday's pair. They tend to be pretty snug though, which is lucky!" UM. OKAY.

"All of us despise cocky, arrogant behavior," Richardson says. The best part, he adds, is "making people happy and making people forget their problems. That's what it's about. We are not trying to preach to people or save the world. We are trying to have fun." AWW! I like that answer!

"My first kiss was with a girl called Gina Davidson who I went to school with. I was in fifth grade. She was nice. That was my first real kiss." AWW! With tongue action too?

"I don't get jealous if guys are looking at my girl or anything." Geez, I guess you don't care if your girl goes runnin off with some other man!

"This tight??" HAHAHA

"Dodging traffic in Manhatten..on a horse" it's funny the way he sez it : )

"Riding in the park, on a lovely day!" in a British accent!

"Man, Nick, you cheat!" Father Kevy caught you!! OHHHHH you're gonna be in trouble Nicky!!!

Kevin: "Are you a Backstreet Boy?" Brian: "No. Hell no!" -Brian's response Kevin: "Are you a Backstreet Boy?" Nick: "NO, no don't interview me..." Kevin: "What a rude, rude young man!" Kevin: "Nice acting job Bri...NOT!" Funnnny guys!

"Strip off Bone!" NOW you are getting it!! Thank you Kevin!!

"It looks like your thing...you know your THING...ya, your THING!!!" What the hell!

"I've noticed that in this interview that Nick has just been talkin' WAY too much." LOL do the interviewers have that confused look on their faces?

Singing: "Let's talk about sex baby. Let's talk about YOU and ME, let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be..." OK Kevin I think you just killed half the girls that come to my site!! Thanks a lot!

"Girls are always impressed when I tell them... that I used to work at Disney World." LMAO!

(Interviewer)Who does most of house work? Brian: "Kev does... (laughs) He takes out the trash..." Kevin: "I think I get this from my mom. When talked to her last time, she said that when she cleans up the house, she had an opportunity to think!.. And part of it is that I am a perfectionist and I just like things neat and tidy and... I didn't realize that I was like it until I was running around the house picking up everything and like 'What Am I doing?!' But as soon as we get home I have to unpack and do all my laundry before I do anything or I don't feel right!" You can run around MY house if you want! ;o)

(Interviewer)Do mermaids exist? "Of course they do! I used to work at Disney and I used to see them all the time!" LOL I KNEW IT!!

"I don't really dream that much at night... But I woke up one night, feeling like I can't move my body and like something is sitting on my chest... And except that, Howie and I were kidnaped by aliens!... Just kidding..." WHooaa!

"We could take anybody on- would we win? Oh, yeah! Hey, are you trying to pick a fight? Hey, we're nice guys!" HELL YEA they'd win a fight but their such nice guys I don't think they'd GET in a fight!

(Interviewer)"What do people say about the BSB after hanging out with them? "God, they're a bunch of 10 year olds...'" LMAO!!! Thatd be SOOOO much fun to kikk it with them!!

What was the most craziest thing a fan did? "Once, a fan through her bra to my face while I was playing the piano. Our girls are a real thing!" LOL Yes we are the REAL thing!

(Interviewer)Have you ever had any 'accident' on stage? "Things like that are always happening. I, for example, have an incredible ability to drop the microphone...." I have the great ability of falling off chairs LOL!

(Interviewer)If you're at a posh dinner and you suddenly realize you're using the meat knife on the fish what should you do? "It's bad news to mix fish with meat so you'd just have to use the fish knife on the meat!" Can't you just imagine Kevin saying that and then doin his lil' laugh grin thing at the end?? AWW! LOL

"I don’t get jealous if guys are looking at my girl or anything." But I'm sure no guys would look! Who'd wanna get in an iff with that buff dude!!

"I fell in love with her and after a year we slept together for the first time. Even though I wanted it myself, I felt bad and blamed myself. My belief doesn't allow sex before marriage." Aww what a good lil' boy!

"The other fellas probably think I'm the hardest, the roughest or the meanest of the group. But I cry at the drop of a hat sometimes." Dude what a CUTIE!!

"Nice acting job Bri...NOT!" Nice! LOL

"Sing. Eat. Sing. Sing. Eat. Sing. SLEEP !"

"The cheesy meat way." That was sucha clever answer boo!

"It's cool to walk in a restaurant where there are no free tables an just mention that you're in the Backstreet Boys and get a table." That would come handy during THESE days during the holidays!

"Where do I stick this?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! I betcha AJ would now ;o)

"umm... well, theres N*stink oopse did I say that aloud?" Haha. That's right, Kevin can talk smack cuz he can kick anyone of their butts lol

"It's Japanese writing that means music and pleasure." When asked about his tattoo on his pelvic bone. OOHHHH KEVY!

SAYS (well it's more like yells and screams now) ...

"She's like me with boobs" Nice way to describe your girlfriend AJ!

"Hey Gilligan, where we goin today?" That's HOWIE AJ!

"WURD!" I like that gansta hand thing he does after he sez dat!

"I love you all!" The way he sez it ish funny!

"Walking calandar" He calls Bri that!

"I'll borrow it and probably not give it back. I lose it or forget about it." Don't lend anything to AJ!

"Well!" When Kathy asks if there is anything wrong with "precious Nick" (precious?lol)

"I popped open the cork and it hit her right between the eye." Don't lend AJ anything and don't have champagne with him!

"I try!" Answering to How come you guys aren't bad yet? Of course AJ has to say that!

"Do you like co-ed sleep-overs Kevin?" haha, the host wasn't talking about that AJ! He got confused!

"Other men's womens!Other men's womens!" "Womens" isn't a word! And your asking for a beat down AJ!

(With French accent) "What do we show yoo? We show yoo everything! We show yoo diss, we show yoo dat..."

"I don't mind the attention" We noticed AJ.

(Shocked) "Y’all pointing at me? Aw hell!" This is his reaction when all the guys are pointing at him saying he'll get married first! Why would they point at AJ?! As Brian put it, he's so fickle!

"All mine do is pee and poo." LMAO He rhymed too!(He's talking about his dog by the way)

"My bedroom's the same way! The rest of my house is clean, and in my bedroom, it's like entering a whole new world." Entering a whole new world? Nice way to put it!

"I was considered a dork for being different, now I'm considered cool." AJ a DORK??? NEVER!!

"I usta carry around a suitcase in high school. I thought it made me look cooler." Hmmm.... what do YOU think about that making him look cooler??

"I like the color yellow, it's the color of the Golden Arches" (referring to McD's) So THAT'S why his fave color is yellow! LoL

"Usually girls have a really sensitive side, so you can go mushy on them." Go mushy on 'em? I dunno what to think. Is that good or bad? If he says somehting sweet, is he for reals or is he just "going mushy" on you?? Hmmm.....

"Oh, my hair changes like I change my underwear. Daily, basically." Haha, we noticed! Hey Kev! Take some notes on the changing underwear DAILY thing from AJ!

"I'm one of the spoil-est only children you will ever could find. Bless their hearts!" Spoil-est isn't a wurd honey-bunches-of-oats!

"In Germany someone threw a rock and it hit me in the face during a performance. I thought it was a cuddly toy or something. It caught me justabove the eye. It was quite a nasty cut. I had to carry on the show though, as it was part of a pop festival. If it had been our show, I would have got security to find out who threw it!" My poor baby!! I'll go find out who did it!!! Grrr...

"...and now I'm kicking myself." AJ on how when he was little he had Star Wars toys galore, but he surrendered them to adulthood. LOL aww my poor baby! Stop getting hurt man!

"Don't My Feet Smell" Is that a statement or question AJ? And I'm not gonna check for you and for future references, that is a major turn-off buddy!

"I had my first kiss when I was four and kissed my next-door neighboor's daughter. Her name was Jenifer and then I ran away." Aww! He was four!! Betcha he doesn't run away anymore! LoL

"How did you get invited? I didn't." AWW! (He's talking about Howie going to a party w/Cameron Diaz. You know what his answer is to AJ? "connections. And (it's) the hat," he adds, pointing to McLean's faux leopard hat. Well thanks for connecting your 'friends'!!) Poor AJ! And I like your hat man!

"It's weird," McLean says. "I would give anything to be inside a fan's head for a day. We are just regular guys doing something that we love to do. This puts us on a pedestal. I talked to a fan one night and her 18-year-old sister. ... " his voice trails off. If you come over, I'll let you know what's in MY mind!

"Fans are like best friends..." Girlfriend too right?

"A friend just told me that back in school I was known as a real nerd. I said, 'Well, thank you! I didn't know at the time, but thanks for bringing that to my attention now!'" LOL Poor kidd! But hey, look at AJ NOW! Where the hell are those people callin him a nerd?? Huh? HUH?? HUH??!?!

"Sweeeeeet" imitating Cartman LoL

"Pat-pat-pat" imitating Cartman again!

"...when we're off for a month, I am MISERABLE! I'm tearing my hair out and climbing the walls..." how do you climb the walls?

"Hold the press!" (Howie:"Uh oh, he found the hats") "Yes he did." LoL

"When I go shopping, I try to find something that either no-one's got or they wouldn't be caught dead wearing." LoL good one, I don't exactly feel the same way!

"Yeah! Imma hafta get these!" He says it in a cuute way!

"Hit me!" Alrite!

"You don't just put on shoes and go- whoa! Got up there too fast! Whooa!" hahaha

"Brian, this is the perfect fan." pointing at a gold fan!

"I don't bowl man! I sing doggone it!" You KNOW if this weren't Disney, "doggone it" would NOT be flying outta his mouth! And he shows 'em at the end cuz he wins! : )

"I was pulled outta my freshmen year in High School and stuck in my apt for tutoring..." OK you're a freshmen in high school and got ya got already??

"It doesn't work!" For all you pervs out there he is talking about his BUZZER.

"We've been grounded" Interviewer,"What, you're grounded?" "I'm grounded" Interviewer,"You were a bad boy?" (teehee MY bad boy) "What did you do?" "Yeah, I don't know, she always makes things up." Poor AJ lol

"Brian....this is the perfect fan." lol

"Sex isn't the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer." LMGDMFAO!!! I can't belive he said that!!! I'm not sure if he did or not but that's funny sheit!

"I also wouldn’t know if you would call her my new lady but I am seeing someone else, one of the dancers on the tour. Her name is Christina but right now we are just taking things slow, one step at a time." WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! But it's ok, cuz he's taking things slow. Maybe he will realize she is NOT the girl for him and come find MEEEE lol :*)

"In with my natural brown eyes it made me look like I had spooky snake eyes," but he stopped wearing them because they freaked out his mom! LOL My friend who has brown eyes also had green contacts and it was SOO freaky!! LOL

"One time my hair caught on fire during some pyrotechnics in a show." WHOAAA. LoL There's something for him to go "YEEEOW" about!

"by god, we're still waiting for our food." Dang service! If we were at a McDonalds none of this would be happenin huh AJ?!

"aaah! you caught me without my sunglasses on!" And you ahve SUCH pertie eyes!!! Now let's see if we can catch you with something ELSE not on! I'm talking about his HAT you pervs! LOL

"Sex is not the answer..Sex is the question..Yes is the answer!!!" LMAO I'm not sure if he said this tho, but that's funny as hell!!

"howie's a kookey kind of guy." they're creepy and their kooky , mysterious and...ooky (lol) they're all together spooky, the Backstreet Family! LOL i dunno the words to that obviously!

"Hi Olivia! How are yah?" OHHHHHMYYYGOOOSSSSHHHH!!!! AHHHHHHH did you HEAR THAT??? *MAJOR freaking out-ness* ... *calms down* And it WASN'T even ME Olivia! It was Olivia out in Illinois! OH well. I will pretend he was talking to me. :o)

"Rok... behave yourself... we're on national television." Surprise, surprise whose saying that to who!

"Mr Rogers doesn't look too good, now does he? Oooh, If you can say 'butt ugly'... you right." Alright, WHAT THE HELL? But it's quotes like those that make this page sooo interesting isn't it?

"Am I gorgeous?" Brian: "Yes, AJ, you are." TeeHee! GOOD answer Brian!!

"You can take a shower and do your laundry at the same time...anyone got any fabric softner?" Makes you wonder what they do at home...

"I had my first kiss when I was four and kissed my next door neighboor's daughter. Her name was Jenifer and then I ran away." I dunno if I put this on twice. But anyway, AWW! :o) He ran away towards ME! wait.. I wasn't even born yet LOL

"I'm really good at it...I stopped about a year ago because I was getting a little carried away. Thing started getting back around to me, and you're not a very very good liar if you get caught!" Talking about lying LOL need some tips??

"It's your shoes, Nick. Hey, I beeped! They felt me up with that little thing, it was good!" I dunno what to say. I am at a lose for words!

"I just want you to know, I love myself!" (He was being sarcastic)I love yourself too.

"You're picking more than your nose man!" Um, EW?!

"You didn't HAVE to eat it." Uh, alrite.

"You said DA on TV, man!"(AJ talking about when Nick said DUMBA*S on MTV)HE should be talking lol

"Shut up man, just quit talkin." You mean quit playin games!

"Get out and walk dude." Strut your stuff!

"GOOD GOD IT'S KEVIN!" Yes, it's VERY good GOd put him on Earth!

"I got trees growin in mine." I don't think we'd wanna see their bunks anymore!

"We are not a "boy group or boy band." I know, I've been TRYIN to tell some idiots that!

"I look bulemic in my large, anorexic truck." LOL That didn't really make sense to me! How about U?

"You sick little monkey!" I wonder who he is talking about!

"Snoochie boochie noochies!" It is SO funnie how he says that!

"Shakin' my butt!" Yes you are, and what a cuuute butt you have!!

"I'd like to own McDonalds, oh do I!" LOL

"I had it (his new tattoo) done in a Berlin hotel room the same time Brian got his cross tattoo! His brother Harold did the design and it's s'posed to symbolize something about me. The bits in the middle spell out my name. Unfortunately, my mum's not too pleased, especially 'cause I told her I wanna get one more done!" AJ's mom: "It's true I'm not exactly thrilled. I thought he should've thought about it more, but AJ has a tendency to do things on the spur of the moment and then regret it later. But it's his responsibility. It he doesn't like it, he's the one who's gonna have to get it removed and that's gonna hurt!" Yup!! I think AJ has a cool mom don't you??

"You're a dork!!!" (to Brian) A CUUTE dork

"When I see an atractive girl what's the first thing I look at? Do you want me to be honest, or do you want me to lie? :o) If she's looking at me, then it's her eyes. But if she's not looking at me then, erm...her booty. I watch it go from side to side... (LOL) yeah, I know, I'm a man. I'm sorry." SOMEONE finally apologizes for that!!

"That toilet takes forever to flush." Umm ok...

"I like funny girls who will pop in and say, 'Here I am!' It doesn't matter what she looks like though - honestly." HERE I AM!!!! AJAAAAYYYY HERE I AM!!!!!

"Dude: What Woud You Say Is Your Sexiest Feature? AJ: My eyes. I like them, and everyone says that my eyelashes are really long. What else? I like my hands. Well, it's not so much the way they look, but the way I use them!" Ohhh you can use them on me!!

"I think I'm a man." I think so too. I hope you aren't confused there.

"I kissed her and she didn't like it so she punched me in the stomach!" haha! Wonder if she remembers that and is kikking herself for it!

"It's a bathtub that flies." I've never seen one of those.

"I like Nick's butt." You do? Ok...

"I can't have kids anymore."-AJ (Someone threw a stuffed animal at him during a concert, and it hit him in the crotch!) Are you sure?? I can help you figure that out! KIDDING people, kidding! LOL I finally get this AJ not having kids thing now tho!

"Cuz we really want you to...." To what????

"I almost lost my pants onstage." And where was I? Where was this stage??

"Bring on the women." Bring on the AJ.

(Interviewer)"AJ, you once told us you shaved your legs-is that still the case?" AJ: "Yes! When I have time off, I do. I shave my legs, under my arms and I used to shave my chest, but now it's getting a little much." EwWWWWWWww! Well...i dun like hairy guys so it's ok I guess.... (Interviewer)"Doesn't it hurt, all the stubble growing back?" AJ: "Sometimes, that's why I don't do it so much anymore. I shave my arms once in a while, they're better naked for my tatoos. Actually it's about time to get some more....." OK. (Interviewer)"Haven't you got enough?" AJ: (flexes his arm and laughing) "Not quite, the left arms's kinda dead." That's the WEIRDEST comment from AJ! That whole thing about shaving but that's ok cuz he's sucha hottie!

"I've lost my virginity 16 times in the last 2 years." Whoa...how can you lose your virginity more than once??

"Meeting a girl is all about looking across the room and catching a smile" Yep I agree...and I caught AJ's smile on TV LOL

"Nick, this is all your fault!" LOL is it never?

"Why do men have nipples?" AJ:"For girls to kiss!" NO COMMENT LOL

"I love a girl with long fingernails, because I like the way they feel on my skin. When a girl rubs the back of my neck and she has long nails, man, that's really nice." I think it's time I got a manicure...

"By God we're still waiting for our food." Sorry dude!

"I'd like to have a run-in with Gwen Stephani." And I'd like to have a run-in with you baby! ;o)

"He's doing a bullwinkle impressing. Gosh, I have no idea what he's saying." LOL

"Why do I get all the nasty questions?" LMAO Cuz you're the only BSB that can be describd using that word!

"Hey Hey Hey, this is you know who. Obviously im not in the U.S. right not I'm in Europe so..ya'll can't talk to me...so...SUCK ASS...and I'll talk to yall later..and give me a call when I get back in the states. It'll be around the month of August so I will talk to those that are calling me...and I am no-where to be found so..haha ya'll can't bother me...Love ya'll! Peace! Bye!" SUCK ASS??? AJ! Watch your mouth! Your mother could be calling you!

"All I want you to do is scream obnoxiously for the rest of the show." That's so considerate of you Alex!

"All of my tattoos are from the waist up." But he does some day want to get a dragon - maybe on his leg. That promted one of the boys to yell: "He wants to tattoo his butt" McLean responded: "If i had one, i would" LOL awwwww he's so cute!


Says "hello" and "YOU SING!" like a million times during the middle of some song during cncerts!

"Very, extremely excited." Thanks for clearing that up. When you first said "very" we didn't think you really were excited.

"That's what's make us the Backstreet Boys." Too many "'s" there Bri!

"I give him props" Giving Nick props for growing up? HE should be talking lol

"Precious Nick." Saying it like, is that what yall think of him?? You guys are wrroooonng!

"Kevin can be very...unaware of his limbs." I thought that was funny!

"The nineties?" yea...you know like, the 1990's buddy...

"Kev...didja see the pin she has of you...on her blouse..." he sed it in a funny way!

"But AJ...he's so fickle!" hahahaha that's nice Bri!

"We all have puppies that’s enough for now. Having a puppy is good training for having kids. you have to feed them and clean up after them." HAHAHA! Kids aren't exactly puppies Brian!

"Well, I'd definitely darw the line at dressing up as a reindeer or an elf!" I think he'd make a gosh darn cutie patootie of an elf!

"We're spoiled rotten.(But in Europe)You can't find a truck stop in Europe. No Waffle House, no Denny's." Awwwww poor boys! No Denny's! Imagine that!

"It's a lot harder than they think..." Really...

"I like a serious girl." YOU? Want a SERIOUS girl?? LOL I mean, serious girl right here! *Pointing at myself*

"They go on about the size of my nostrils and about them sucking things up." HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Ok sorry, that is SUCHA mean comment but can you just imagine Bri as a cartoon super-hero and his special thing is sucking villians up his nose??? HAHA this one is funny "It is fun," Littrell adds. "You get to live a dream and really be anything you want. It's like being a superhero." HAHAHAHA!!!! READ THE LAST QUOTE! LMAO

"I gotta go spit right now." LoL That's when he's in his Everybody Werewolf Pimp gear.

"Actually I find the Spice Girls frightning and would rather not be alone in a room with them at any given time. Nah I'm just playin, my fav is Scary...ironic!" :o) He's so cute!

"This is the cowboy...AJ look-a-like." Heehee...

"I snore. Just ask the others!" Well, at least he'll admit it!

"YEEEOOW!" LOL hahaaa

"Shhh!! Don't tell 'em!" Bri LOVES to say "sshhhh!" I think that's his second fav word, "hello" being first! LoL

"Looks like a field goal to me Bob!" Bob? I see no Bob's.

Guy behind a camera: "Where are you going?" "The Big Apple!" Teehee! Brian is so cute!

To the tune of "Let's Have A Party"..."I'm feeling kinda nauseous..." (AJ)"Gonna throw up baby!" (Brian)"(Gagging noises)" (AJ)

"He's Being a freak!!!!c-ya!!!!!" LOL Who tihnks he's talking about AJ???

"Nah, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes babies." Can't chu just imagine him going, "THEN comes babies" lol awww!

"I feel so special!" About having his relationship being the most publisized! Well, I guess he doesn't mind then, beign asked girlfriend questions!

"That’s all it is, is rumors. You tell me if you see an engagement ring anywhere on my finger and I am sure not expecting a baby. Do I look a bit on the heavier side?" LMAO somebody didn't take sex ed!

"We've all got pretty smelly feet." That is SUCH a nice thing to kno Bri *cringes* and how do you kno that? Go around smellin each others footsies??

"That's just great man, Batman's already having a bad day, and you want to take a key crime fighting piece of equipment." The wav is REALLY funny!!! go HERE tah download it! Awww only Brian would say such a cute thing like that!! LOL

"58 THOUsand, THOUsand" check out his mouth when he says that!

"AHHH! They're makin' me limp!" What limp? LOL

"Take off your shirt Nick." Nick fans LOVE Bri right now.

"My butt hurts." Awww! If I could make it better, trust me I will lol

"I'm a Barbie Girl." Uhhh whaaaa??

"Hi, I'm B-Rok of the Backstreet Boys, Jim Carrey wannabe!" And you do a good impression too!

"I love these guys... oh gosh!!" How sweeeet!

"It's the Bone-cam" whatever THAT is!

"Facts are facts, you guys said 5 minutes and it's been 5 minutes and 35 seconds." If Brian was like that 24/7, I'd feel SORRY for the guys!!

"If you get a coke out of the mini bar it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg." That sucks!

"I like being the werewolf." And I like being a girl.

"If I had a girlfriend I would probably go anywhere for her. If I had to go anywhere for one of my family, I would do that too. For anyone I loved or cared for I would do anything." Oh Oh OHHH!! I'll be your girlfriend!!

"Don't forget about the Backstreet Boys!" NEVER@

"You got a mike, go right ahead." Ok, thanks Brian! I just wanna say how much I love YOU and AJ....

"Once, we threw him out of the dressing room in his underwear in front of a whole bunch of girls. He got real mad, but it was really funny."(Brian talking 'bout Nick)LOL I bet it was!

"I told you I'm gonna have a good show!" I believed yaah!!

"That's me!" Aww!

"We'd done the show 50 million times. I know it like the back of my hand but right before the curtian dropped I was thinking,this is New York City!" It'll be ok pumpkin! Come over here and I'll give you a hug!

"AJ is to blame for this." Blame for what????

"Jam on the Gap has got it!" Yup! luv the gap!

"Might I show you the Backstreet Boys drawers?" Go RIGHT ahead!! *whips out camera*

"I guess..." What do you MEAN you guess?! I KNOW you wanna be my guy!!!!

"We're not perfect." That is OOOOOOOKay!!

"I'll be rockin' your house!" Let's get it on then!

"I'm married to these guys." Sorry girls, I guess they ARE taken! :o(

"I feel like a corncob right now." And that would feel...?

"He is the one who put me in this cornball outfit" Good job dude.

"It is phat to death" Yes AJ is phat to death.

"Freak-azoid" LOL I use that term too!

"That's they way we would do it Kentucky" Do what?

"Canada's got it goin' on" And so does the US and every other country you've been in! You say that to EVERYONE!

"My Name is B-rok and I'm gonna always love you" That's good to know! Whew! "It happens to be my most favorite"- talking about BSB second CD, Backstreet's Back "most favorite" gosh he is SOO cute!

"What's up" NMH!

"You Gonna Sing" Sure!

"Can You Sing" *offended* Psssh!! Yeah!

"I love Cheese"- talking about his favorite food Mac N Cheese! "What you see is what you get"- when asked to describe himself That's A-OK!

"Someone that can put up with me, I guess"- when asked what kind of girl he likes I can put up with you! REALLYY!!! "Boxers" - When asked Boxers or Briefs? What kind? Wanna show me??

"Check this out" Your boxers??

"If we've been to see a scary movie or something and were sharing a room, and the lights are off when we walk in Nick will go (Whispering) it's dark in here isn't it? And he's not being funny, he means it. LMAO!!!!!!!!

"Brian Littrell Likes likes to sleep in longer than Brian Backstreet is allowed to" Poor Brians!

"That's Wonderful"- glad that they take Amercian money at MacDonalds LOL AJ thinks its wonderful too!

"CENSOR!!!!!" LUV how he says it what a ham!!

"I've bitten my nails for my whole life, and I can't seem to stop it." You should. They dont taste THAT good.

"Look how tall he is with this fro." Brian keeps saying that, he is SOOOO amazed!!

"Nick is like the little brother I never had." AWWWWW!!!!!

"I like to push Nick out first, because all the girls go after him!!!!" Great big bro!

"Cool is just being yourself, trying to not come across as somebody your not." Nice thought.

"When you like someone, put their name in a circle, not a heart, cause hearts can be broken, but circles go on forever." Ok I am SOOO sorry for all the awww's but COME ON!!! Listen to this guy!!!!!!!

"If I had a girl I'd love to see her in my clothes. It's real romantic." See what I mean?!?!?!

"One thing is for sure. If Nick wasn't in the group, it just wouldn't be the same for me." ANd remind me AGAIN why we LOVE him?!!

"Yesterday was the past, tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift that is why it is called *the present*!" OMG!! DId he make that up????

"I'm very soft, you know!" LMAO!!! WHat part of you is soft?? What the hell are you talking about! You need to clear this up for me!!


"After Howie gets out of the bathroom, it really smells! Just kidding" Howie must love them!

"Beep! Hi welcome to Long John Silver's. This is Brian, how may I help you?" I'll tell you what you can help me with.... >: )

"He talks in his sleep, you sometimes can have a conversation with himHe'll go "Hawaflawabah" and you go "Whaddya say Howie?" and he'll go "Ah nothing," still fast asleep like a baby. ."-Brian talking about Howie LoL Yup, Howie must luv 'em!

"GET THIS GUY OUTTA HERE!!!" DITTO!! Who WAS that guy that went up and said, "Get up at three"????? when they were getting their award at the MTV VMAs??

"I think he was trying to be the 6th Backstreet Boy..." LOL It's ok 5 BSB are good enough for me!!

"They go on about the size of my nostrils and when I go to sneeze they're like, "Whoa, hold everything down- B-Rok's gonna blow" That is SO mean! LOL It's funny but mean!!

"Of course I like to look at pretty girls in the street. What hot- blooded boy doesn't." he called himself a boy! LOL I dunno it's funny...

"Actually, I have to say that I don't believe in having a sexual realtionship outside of marriage." That's not what Mr. I-lost-my-virginity-6-times believes LOL

"Ahh, nah, I’m not gonna loose my draws! (laughs) WHY NOT!

"Yeah, Brian, the small little white boy." LOL » "When we picked the name, The Backstreet Boys, we intended it to last forever." Good stay that way! Stay the BSB FOREVVERR!! "Sex on the tv isn't good, you can fall off!" LMAO what a nutt!

"It's important to me that fans know what sort of person I am and what I'm about. It's not that I want them to follow me or do as I do, but I just hope I set a good example." Awww you do Brian!

"Facts are facts, you guys said 5 minutes and it's been five minutes and 35 seconds." Shheeesh! Hate to have Brian as MY manager when I'm on break!

"Jam on the Gap has got it!" Yeah I love GAP!

"AJ is to blame for this." Isn't he always??

"I think you have to take life day by day, and the more humor you find in everyday things then the happier you'll be. My grandmother on my dad's side is nearly eighty, but she looks like she's fifty, and acts like she's thirty." I LOVE that!I wanna hang with his grandmommy!

"Heck is for people who believe in gosh" Uhh I don't get that one!

"Yo homey! We'z be goin back to da islands!" LOL Yo Homey G Funk, lay off da ebonics!

(After AJ goes, "WURD", Howie goes-)"To yo brother!" HAHAHAHAAAAAA!

"We also keep each other in check also." A lil' too many "also's"

"Kevin knows his MTVVVVVV...." Him, Bri, AJ, and Nick sing that to Kevy!

"We were on a DUDE ranch." Funny how he sez it! We were on a DUDE ranch lol

"I said that I wore socks in bed at night & everyone keeps talking the mickey out of me about it." Huh? Mickey? Huh?

"... and I wouldn't dress up as Mrs. Claus - that's where I'd have to draw the line!" Howie as Mrs. Claus WhoOOoooHooOO LoL

"We were sawing heels before we were getting paid." WTF sawing heels?!?! Yeah Howie...

"I don't wanna be payin' AJ's phone bill, I will just tell you that much!" ahahaha Smart boy Howie is I tell yah. And he really is good at math!

"One thing I would change about myself is my big nose." Well...ok I don't wanna get into it, I'll let you comment on it yourself!

"Hey, I'm Mr. Romantic! I have Spanish relatives, so romance is in my blood!" Watch out! It's Mister Latin Luvah!

"It's my fantasy,"(Beaming) This is him talking about going to a party with Cameron Diaz. Damn boys a pimp!

"When we are touring in other countries Kevin and I always try out the new foods. Whereas Nick, Brian, and especially AJ torture people for directions to the nearest McDonalds" LoL Torture? Man if THEY asked me directions I'd take em there, eat with them and THEN give 'em some dessert! LoL But can't you imagine the three doin that?

"I'm the breakfast burrito man!" Howie says, in a spanish accent! Funny boy!

"One time, during a song called 'Get Down,' Nick swung his arms to the side, not realizing that I was standing right next to him. The next thing I knew, I was floating in the air, praying for a pillow to catch me. Luckily, there was a security guard right there, and I just plopped right into his arms." *Plop* Poor Howie! Getting beat around!

"AJ! This is the store for you!" AJ says the stores name: "Center For The Dull" lol yeah rite thats him haha

"Oh this is women's, thats' probably why I wouldn't wear it." LMAO!!!!!

"I defitnetly have the looks in this family! Thank you. Thank you very much." LOL

"In other words, he steals my clothes!" Cuz you wear such nice threads, when you aren't buying stuff in the women's section LOL

"Uh oh. AJ found the hats..." lol he sounds like it's the end of the world haha "We're in trouble now." AJ goes, "Yes we are..." lol

"But I like wathcing AJ spend HIS money. He's good at that" haha!

"Don't ever do that again with me in public, alright." LOL Poor Howie, watcihng AJ shop andhe's just like, standing there!

"This is where it ends. You you can't follow me here, alright?" haha, Howie going in a dressing room.

"What guy wouldn't want a bunch of screaming women after him?" A gay one. (Oh this quote proves Howie ain't gay! It's that or a very good cover-up!)

"I haven't got a dog or a girlfriend - I'm totally available!" Awww! Not even a dog?!

"I'm a neat freak. I iron everything, including my pajamas." Do you iron your titey whiteys??

"There was DisneyWorld, Sea World, and Nick's world." Nicky's World!

"I would kick your butt ,Brian!!!" No you won't!

"He wasn't always so tough, it seems."(Talking about AJ) Laughs Howie, "The first time I met him at a talent competition he was just a little pipsqueak, a little geek." GASP!!!! NEVER! Not *MY* AJ!!

"My hair has to be perfect and nobody can touch it. I like to look good always." MAN I can relate!

"The sound of Backstreet Boys is, and constantly will be, upgraded. We're going to stay on the cutting edge and evolve, just like Madonna and Janet Jackson have done. It''s all about making good music."

"I don't wanna be payin' AJ's phone bill..." ME NEITHER!

"Girls are like exotic birds. Pretty to look at, but hard to catch. And they fly away easily." Doncha hate it when birds like, ten million of htem fly over your head and you're scared they might poop on you? LOL

"They all bunched up when I put these spandex things on!" Ok, don't even wanna know!

"Sometimes good looks come in handy!" Just a LIL conceited!

"I can annoy the guys a lil'" They must be thinking, A LOT!

"Lover of the ocean" haha me and my friend thought that was funny!

"He took my line!" Nick accusing Kevin. Well now you know how it feels like when you sing and Kevin doesn't!

"They're tuff lil' cookies." Nicky's thoughts on TLC.

All of a sudden, he decides to talk in a high pitched voice! Okkaayy Nick.

"At the time, I didn't know how to pick out my own underwear, so I had these like green bikini things on." Bikini underwear?! What is he talking about!?

(Howie)"We never gave Nick back his underwear." (Nick)"Uhhuh.NO! Wha?!?" Ok Howie, why didn't yall give him abck his underwear?! Nick, how could you not know! Especially if you kinda needed to wear 'em!!

"I've kinda grown up- just a lil' bit" Well Nicky, I am proud!! I never thought that would happen!

(This is Nick and Howie talking)Nick: "Actully, a couple of us have been married for 15 years and the press haven’t found out yet." Howie: "Yeah, Nick was married when he was four!" Nick: "And I’ve got four kids." HAHAHAHA Good one guys!

"But we’ll always be together, it’s never going to be the end of the Backstreet Boys." GOOD answer Nicky!!

"He's the type of person, who's never done anything wrong in his life." (Talking about Brian) Oh really...

"We just make sure that anything that pops up, we nail it right in the butt!" Anything that POPS up? Hahahaaa!

"His one dollar off coupons..no 25 cent ones" talking about Howie's coupons LoL

"The caring, most important thing is when a girl gives you her heart." I think that was suppose to be athoughtful comment but read it again. The caring most important thing?? HUH?

"Lifestyles of the rich and NICKY!" ohmygosh lol this one is funny too! I don't even wanna go there Nick!

"The most annoying thing about me is I over use the phrase 'It's all good!'WAY too much...but that's ok cause it's all good, right? *haha*" And people say he acts blond!

"Once this girl had a sign and on it she had pasted a picture of my house. When I saw it I stopped singing and said 'hey that's my house!'...I was shocked, and embarrassed!"(on one of the weirdest thing he's seen onstage)LOL He stopped and said 'hey that's my house!' ? LoL

"I've always dreamed about working together with her. Besides that, it is very good for her career and for our career." Yeah, that's why you were making those slurping noises when "One Sweet Day" was on for your top 40 videos!

"I wanna be crazy my whole life! Even when I'm 80!" Well I hope you can still walk and pee by yourself when you're 80!

"Brian is basically a nut. He's very, very, very, very funny, off the wall-loco!" They like to say "off the wall" listen to the ALL Access Video! WTH is wall-loco??

"I don't have a girlfriend...all you girls out there - you're my girlfriends!" Um...that's just...great

"I had nothing but D and he STILL burnt me!" Nick realizing he is not the basketball Goddess. OOPS! I mean God lol

"What did I tell you? It's a Backstreet thing" He lamost sed, 'thang' lol oh no! Not another white-o in denial-o!!

"Get in there!" Let me clarify this for Nicky. He's talking about BASKETBALL. I know what yall were thinking!! LoL

"Bread N Butta baby!" As conceited as that sounded I think that's a cute quotie! :o)

"Hear that? That's the ambulence coming to take these guys away after we beat 'em!" that was funny cuz there was an ambulence siren int he background!

"Aww, forget it. I don't know." Yeah you do! Your name is N-I-C-K C-A-R-T-E-R.

"We're sitting here picking our noses...what do you think we're doing?" [Nick answering Howie when Howie asked AJ and Nick what they were doing.] DUDE be NICE.

"Yes I am. I did date Mandy Ashford for a couple of months but it just didn’t work out but we are still really good friends so that is where that came from. As for the Mandy Moore and Britney Spears, I have never had really anything to do with either one of them. Isn’t Britney going out with one of her dancers?" Just some girlfriend tid-bits. Also, Mandy Ashford is from Innosence I think. And there you go about Mandy Moore (she's soooo pretty! I am jealous lol) and THANK THE LORD he has nothing to do with Britney!!

"OK, this is going to be a hard one to explain. I am kind of seeing another girl right now, also named Mandy. Everyone is blowing it way out of proportion though. I guess you can kind of call her my girlfriend but we both also see other people. She is on tour with us now but more for the sake of her own career, trying to promote herself. You see, she is an up and coming singer too. We enjoy each others company but that is where it just about stops. We both realized at the time when we first started dating that we weren’t in love but decided just to stay together cause neither one of us was really looking for something serious at the time but we are both still on the lookout. Infact just last night she went out to a club and met someone she thinks she clicked with. You know?" I think he is denying the fact she doesn't like him lol but Nick fans that makes you ahppy right!? He's on the look out! YAY!

"We are the bugmen!" Uhhh...whaa???

"My hand dumbass!" GASP. I might have put this up before but, DAMNIT Nick! PLAY NICE!

"If i was a Beanie Baby, I'd be Bronty or royal blue Peanut 'cause they're both rare and precious--like me. Haha!" ConCEITED much?!

"That's AJ's CD, I stole it from him." That's not very nice!

"It feels soooo wonderful" WHAT feels so wonderful...um don't answer that.

"Here's my favorite joke: Yesterday I flew from Florida to Europe, my arms are still hurting" ....funnny yeah...*rolls eyes*

"They strip searched Howie." Great

I stuck a bit of Kit Kat in his mouth once, and he tried to take a bite out of it--in his sleep." What's up with Howie and his sleep!

"I always like to know what time it is."(same here, Nicky!)

"A day without sunshine is like...you know night." SOMEBODY give this kid an award, TOLD YAH he's a GENIUS!

"How did the Dairy Queen get pregnant? Burger King showed her his whopper!" LOL it's cheesy but his cuteness pulls it off!

Other People Say...

"If you could put me, a woman, in a pool, potato sack and barrel and I can still be comfortable and be me, that's beautiful." - Kaia from Real world (Right on!)

"That's just greedy!" -Teck from Real World on bisexual people. LMAO!!!

"Kevin's just a sore-loser." -Tommy from the BSB band! He's talking about the bus food fights they have!

"I have an irrational fear of AJ. Cuz he's the bad boy of the group! You never know what he's gonna do!" -Dave Holmes (I love that guy! He's so funny! He said this on today's TRL by the way!)

"The fans are getting into throwing their bras onstage. Stop that, its disgusting. The other night Brian used one as a blindfold for my solo..........eeeewwww." -Tommy LMAO Brian, Brian, Brian...

"Howie's mom is a party animal!!" -Tommy :o)

"The show in Rome was not in the round because of circumstances beyond our control. As a result of this Dennis had to play facing the wrong way to an empty stadium. He says he liked it. Poor Dennis." -Tommy LOL I thought this was like, the funniest thing!! LoL I'm in a weird mood today!

"Nick now has several Gateway desktop computers on the road with him. He sets them up in his hotel room and networks them so he and some of the other boys (and anyone else that might be around) can play miltiplayer computer games. One night in Germany he knocked out the power to the entire hotel floor. God help us all........... " -Tommy AH yes, Nick the genius of the group.

"While the five Southern gentlemen (and yes, they really are)..." -TV Data Entertainment Features Article By Jacqueline Cutler AWWW! Of course they are!

"Mmm bop, I got clean socks, mmm bop, clorox rocks." -ALL the Backstreet Boys Ok I'm glad you got clean socks! LoL

"Yo Howie D!" - Nick "Yo Nicky C!" - Howie in reply.....

"I don't recall getting any prom invites this year! I guess everyone knows I'm a little busy." - Bratney Spears SUURREE. Sure it's cuz you're busy. Keep telling yourself that.

"Brian." -JC's answer to his fave BSB

"Baby Spice." -Lance's answer to his fave BSB. ANd who is he calling Baby Spice, Girly Spice????

"A.J…he's a cutie!" -Justin's answer to his fave BSB Ok his answer sorta scares me! Watch out AJ! But it's ok, I'll protect my man from ghetto-ass wannabe here!

"Hunka hunka burnin' love, AJ" -magazine article LMAO!! I thought that was so fuunnnnyy!!

"...he became my "Laughter Child:---very light-hearted and constantly making me smile athis unique sense of humor." AWWW! Bri's mom talking about her "baby Brian" lol

"Brian has done so many funny things, it's hard to choose one;however, I specifically recall his antics imitating Donald Duck! He still does them!" Hey, if anyone gets to ask the boys a question during an interview or whatever, ask him to do his impression of Donald Duck!! :o)

"It's really weird," says his mom Denise, "he's a brilliant dancer, but you put him in a pair of rollerblades and he's all over the place!" LOL

"Look! It's a Bull-Winkle!" -Phil Deedle (Meet The Deedles) aka Paul Walker, hottie hot hottie!!

"Our toes will be way pruney by then!" -Phil Deedle It is soooo cute how he says it!!!

"Stew that's so diculous it's re-diculous!" -Phil LOL

"P-Dog at high noon!" -Phil P-Dog!! That is SOO cute!

"You heinous anus!" -Phil LOL GOD can he GET any cuter?!

"Besides, the boys know I have a very small brain and try not to confuse me." -Tommy of the BSB Band LOL!

"First the band showered, then we got changed while the boys were showering. We waited until they were all in there and then we all got some ice cold water from our cooler, ran into the shower and doused them with it. Then we ran away.......really fast. They haven't got us back for that yet.....by the way, no, Mindi did not take part." -Tommy If I was Mindi I'd INSISTED I take part!

"You know ya'll like it! At least I am man enough to say that I like it." -Howard Stern!!!

"NO WAY!, They are wannabees...a bunch of rip- offs. No way are they like the Backstreet Boys!" -Howard Stern HEELLLLL YAH!

They're a tight-ass group man ~ Puffy Daddy and Jay-Z That's so unexpected!

They're all too talented ~ Brandy

It's great to see a bunch of hard working guys that care so much for their fans ~ Bryan White

Yeah, they're a great group ~ Madonna

Whenever they're here in L.A. doing a concert or something, we just have to go see them ~ Jennifer Love Hewitt and Lacy Chabert

I actually have their CDs and I really like them ~ Seth Green I LOVE SETH!!!

They're really great guys, and I'm glad we share the same record label ~ Aaliyah

I absolutely love them and their music ~ Shania Twain

Oh, I think they're just GREAT! ~ Sarah Michelle Gellar

Their my boys-I'm a big fan. ~ Foxy Brown

BSB are my personal favorites ~ Dr. Dre

I loove the Backstreet Boys ~ Daisy Fuentes

I love them. The video is soooo cute! ~ Jennifer Lopez :o)

We've known them for a loong time, their good friends of ours ~ LFO

BSB are a great bunch of guys, I really like them ~ Whitney Houston

I'm down with just the Backstreet Boys. ~ Howard Stern Even Howard Stern likes 'em!

"The Backstreet Boys? Yeah they're cool crackers"-Fred Durst


"Seriously nick stop grabbin my ass!" -Kathy Griffin (This was directed to AJ LoL)

"Larger than life, tell me why are you tryin to say im fat?" -Kathy Griffin

"I want it that way, do you want it that way or not want it that way or do you wnat to hear me say i want it that way or what, nick? JJ?"- Kathy Griffin