{-*SnoLivia N the 5 Dwarfs*-}

{-*SnoLivia N the 5 Dwarfs*-}

{Your Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs Backstreet Style}

This is my second Backstreet Fairy Tale!! Aren't you proud o' me?? : ) Well I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to send me any comments! I would like some feedback on what you think! You'll see the link when you finish reading the story! On with the story!

*Note* This is copyrighted. This story was made by me and no part can be used in any way or form, unless I give you permission. If this gives you inspiration to write your own fairy tale, go ahead, but that doesn't mean copying what I wrote. Alright? Alright!

*PS* Again, Britney Spears bashing can be found here!


Once upon a time in a castle somewhere far, far, away, there lived a king with his daughter, Snolivia and her evil and vain stepmother, Biotchney Skanks.

Everyday the evil stepmother would go in fron of her magic looking-glass and ask, "Mirror, mirror on the wall; Whose the fairest of them all?" The mirror would reply, "You are the fairest among all the pop singers in pink." Not only was she conceited, she was horrible to Snolivia because she was jealous how beautiful she was. Biotchney would make her work day in and day out. "Paint this pink, paint that pink!" She would holler.

One day when she was feeling especially mean, she called one of the hired hunters to her. She decided to call the nicest one, because he would actually listen to her.

"Hunter Howie! I want you to take Snolivia deep into the woods and play this tape to her until she goes deaf!"

Tape plays, "Oh bay-be-bay-be..."

Hunter Howie cringed but being the nice dude he was, he nodded.

That afternoon, after telling Snolivia they were going to go pick flowers, he led her deep into the woods. He watched as Snolivia pet wild bunnies and picked daisies.

'I can't do this!' he thought.

"Snolivia! Run! Run for your.... ears! Hurry!" he yelled, as he pressed the play button. (Being the smarty he is, he decided to play the tape through to make the queen think he did play it to her and it would motivate Snolivia to run too.)

"Ahhhhh!!!" Snolivia screamed as she ran, hands covering her ears as the horrible screeching continued to drift through the once peaceful woods. She ran and ran and was so scared that she started to cry.

"My ears, my ears..." she sobbed. Soon she quieted down and animals came out of their hiding. Deers, rabbits, racoons, squirrels, froggies, and some birds even started singing to try to rid the terrible noise.

"Thank you!" she said gratefully to her friends.

"Chirp!" "Squeak!" "Ribbit!"

"Hey!" said Snolivia as she saw the little cottage in front of her. "I wonder if anyone is home..." She went and knocked but found the door unlocked and nobody home. She let herself in.

The little living room seemd cozy. Then she walked into the kitchen who was a whoooole other story. Twinkie, pizza, Chinese take-out boxes and wrappers were littered everywhere, with a pile of dirty plates and glasses in the sink.

"Ewwwww! I'm not cleaning that!" She said.

She continued to wander and walked into another room. This one had five beds in it. One was made perfectly, egdes tucked in and everything! The second was rumpled and a pair of nike sneaks under the bed and the third was also rumpled, but had twinkie and rumpled candy wrappers strewn within the sheets. The fourth one was very rumpled (if ya catch my drift) and had some McDonalds wrappers by the foot of the bed. Lastly, there wa a neatly made bed and it had a pair of ironed pajamas laying across it.

"Slo*mo, Silly, Hungry, Freaky & Winky," she said as she read each wooden headboard. "Interesting..." she thought. :::Yawn::: "Wow, I'm kinda pooped! All that running around! Maybe I'll take a quick snooze." she said as she laid aross the beds. (They were all next to each other in a long row)


"H...i... H...o..."


"And off to- I'm hungry!"

"Work we go! Hi ho, OH! She's fine!"

Hi-ho hi-ho hi-ho!" *wink*

"We're... finally....-"

"Home! I'm gonn aget me some food!"

"I'm gonna go shoot some hoops!"

"I'm gonna go pick up some ladies. Just gotta get ready."

"I'm gonna go take a nap!" *wink* and he walked into the bedroom.

"Hey! Guys!!" he whispered.


"Look!" The five starred at the pretty girl lying in thier beds.

"Alrite! We got a girl in our beds!"


"She' waking up!"

Snolivia opened her eyes. There, she saw five...dwarfs??

~Hey those aren't dwarfs!~

~I know! But it's my story and I think they look better their normal heights!~


There, she saw five tall dwarfs. One wore khaki slacks, a white top and flip-flops. Another wore jeans and a bball jersey. The one next to him was carrying so much junk food it covered up his top so she could only she that he was wearing jeans also. The next one didn't even have a top on! But he huge baggy cargo pants on and a backwards hat. Nice bod she thought and gave him a wink. He winked back. The next one wore a nice shirt, nice pants and gave her a wink. She gave him a nod and a fake smile.




"Hey sexy!"

"Hey there! How ya doin'?" *wink*

"Oh! This must be your house! You're Slo*mo, you're Silly, you're Hungry, you're Freaky and you must be Winky."

"Yup... that's....right...!"

They look pretty dang good! She thought. Especially the naked one! The next few days, they chit-chattted, ate, played, flirted and winked in peace.

But back at the castle...

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall; Whose the fairest of them all?"

"Well, it's still you if you're talking bout wearing pink but the REAL beauty is this young lady." And the magic-looking glass showed a vision of Snolivia and the dwarfs playing around and dancing happily.

"Grrr! What is she doin' hearing music??? Dangit! I guess I'll just hafta go for my last resort. The apple. (Dun dun duuun!)"

So the already ugly Queen in pink changed herself to an even UGLIER old hag, (imagine that! Yea, scary I know! *shuddering*) and concocted an apple dipped in a sleeping potion. -^-Cackling-^- "This will make sure she stays outta my way!" she said.

*=Next Afternoon=*

While the tall dwarfs were at work, Snolivia stayed home and helped 'em clean up, cuz boy did they need that! And also helped with the cooking. The animals that surrounded her kept her company. She was in the middle of making a huge cake for Hungry cuz maybe that way he wouldn't eat all of their deserts, when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened it and there stood the ugliest old women she had ever seen. But being the polite sweet girl she was, she asked "May I help you?"

"That's the question I was going to ask you." the hag replied.

"See, these apples I am holding, they are special apples. If you hold one, make a wish and then bite into one, your wish will come true! Would you like to have one?"

Snolivia was sweet and polite but also innocent and naive. She ate up all the words and she accepted an apple.

"Now make a wish!"

(BTW she makes a wish about her and Freaky!)

"Oh!" Snolivia cried and fell to a heap on the floor. Biotchny laughed like the crazy hag she was and started for the door. But lucky for Snolivia, one of her animal friends, a bird, saw what had happened and flew out the window into a Long John Silver's resteraunt where the tall dwarfs worked!

"Chirp, chirp, chirrpi-de-chirp!!!"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down! Huh??"

Eventually the guys got it an dran home.

"We gotta save her and kill the ugly old hag!" Cried Freaky. Cuz then maybe she'll reward me later tonight...

So they ran home and saw what happened to Snolivia.

"We gotta find the witch! Maybe she'll have more apples for me to eat! " said Hungry. Slo*Mo just shook his head.

"Alright, you guys go, I'll stay here with her!" said Freaky.

"Yeah right!" said Silly laughing and grabbing Freaky.

They ran into the woods and they saw her! She saw them too and was still laughing and headed for a cliff. She got to the top and started pushing this huge boulder down.


"I got an idea!" Silly cried. "Hey hungry! Look! She has a lotta food! Run after her!"


The witch saw Hungry running over to her, thinking he was gonna push her down so she stopped pushing the huge rock. She lost her balance and she fell over hte cliff!!

"Aahhhhhhhh!! I'll get you my pretty and your little dog tooo......" She screamed as she fell.

"Oh no! Not Tyke!"

"Hey where did the ugly lady with apples go??" wondered Hungry.

The others cheered and headed home, leaving a stumped Hungry walking behind 'em. Although they had killed the evil Biotchney Skanks, what were they going to do with a Snolivia in a coma??

"I know! She's gotta be kissed by a prince!" *wink* said Winky.

And as if on cue, a dude on a horse came galloping to the little cottage.

"Yo homeys! I'm hea tah wake dah beautiful lady up!" said a dude with an ugly fro. "I be'z Prince Justin, dah Prince Of Heartz!" *no wink but a cough cough instead*

All of a sudden Snolivia woke up! "Helllllz nah you ain't touching me and sure as hell ain't kissing me! Get yo sorry ghetto-wannabe ass outta here before I get dese five dudes tah whoop dat ass!"

"Yo I'm outt! Peace yall!" he said riding off.

"Now my REAL prince can come wake me up!" said Snolivia eyeing Freaky.

"Hell yea!" said Freaky and made his way over to the bed. "Yo guys, get out!" he said to the others and shoo'ed them outta thier own bedroom! The door was slammed shut.

"What are htey doin' in there?" asked Hungry.



"You've got a lot to learn man!" said Silly.

And they all lived happily ever after!

[*[*[*THE END*]*]*]

So how'd you like the story? Email me and tell me!

Email: crziegrl902@angelfire.com