~//DaH TeLLie!\\~

~//DaH TeLLie!\\~

*Here are dah TV reviews of da boys when they were on dah telly!*

Backstreet on Jay Leno! (Again!)

*March 2001*

I think my excitedness for the concert totally threw me off of everything and I totally missed the Jay Leno appearance!! But thank goodness, this guy in my photography class tapes jay leno every night and knows about my love for these boys that he let me borrow the tape!! What a sweet guy! hehe =) So here are some things i got to get offa my chest!

OMG, I LOOOVEEE "More Than That" it is such a sweet love song. Man. I love it! It's like man! They seriously gotta get more credit for this stuff because you cant overlook a song like that! They sing it with SUCH emotion too hehe I loove Aj's part when he goes, " i heard he promised u foreever..." and yeah they all just sounded great. Darn, I dont remember what they were wearing! But i remember brian kept squinting i was like aww, hehe.

30 naked women?! THANK GOD they had like nude colored clothing on!! Geez, and Brian, aww props to you man. Saying youre a "rock star" might be giving yourself to much credit there sweetie. (just kidding =) Leighanne either has him *whOooPAAAHhh*ed or he's seriusly that good church boy with good morals! What happened to your cuziN! Yeah, it's beautiful art my ass lol I like his efforts in tryin to justify himself! Actually the picture looks kinda scary, i dont know the girls look psycho haha.

Why do we love them? They just gave us 4 perfectly lovely reasons:

1. AJ can make his vein pop out

2. Kevin can do his old kentucky backwards trick turning his eyelids inside out

3. Nick can burp on command

4. Brian sounds like donald duck.

I don't know whether to be dusgusted, or to laugh. Hm maybe something in between. Brian's "talent" was pretty cute, esp. when he goes ok, *takes a deep breath* wait what do you want me to say?? hahah and he Does sound like him. Kevin's and AJ's, uh yeah I'm caught in the middle of the disgusted, haha thing. Nick, ok GROSS. lol yeah, "mom they made me do it" doesn't justify it! But ok yea, good job nicky. And Howie? Well, maybe it's ONE time you can be glad they totally forgot about the poor guy so he didn't have to embarrass himself on national television. So for those of you who think they are GODS, read this last section, ONE MORE TIME! (I can just tell Jennifer Love Hewit is one impressed chick lol)

Backstreet On Rosie!

*May 20th 1999*

Did yall notice that the boys didn't (I hate to say this but it's tru-)really sing that well? (cringe)I love 'em and all but they sounded sick or like they were hella tired! Nicky esp. AJ pulled it off so did Howie and Kev but in Nick and Bri you could tell they sang differently.

There's AJ's hat again!

But it's ok that they sang bad cuz Nick explains they were doing a comercial in the rain yesterday for Sears so they weren't feelin all that great. Awww! My poor babies!!

Brian is still acting silly as usual! : )

AJ and Rosie make a deal that to every McDonalds they go to around the world, he bring back ahappy meal toy for Rosie! That's cool!


MY take on the whole concert!

Da Intro

First boy I see is my AJ n Howie and AJ's making a funny face! Awww!!

Then I see AJ again!! YAY!!

The backgound music in the intro is the same as the music in their Homecoming Concert!

What does, "2's got Howie! 4's got Nick!" mean??

Larger Than Life

This is the first concert type performance of "Larger Than Life" that I was gonna see so I was pretty excited LOL

First thought: What happened to AJ's maniac laughter in the beginning of the song??

What are they wearing???? You guys aren't gonna hurt man!! OHH I see, it's to take caution for that Nick pushing Howie off the stage "accident".

Luvin' dah dance!

I kinda like the That's The Way I Like It as the first song better cuz I LOVE that routine! Esp. the "Oh mystery lady you've got something I like..." parts lol

Brian's like, "YEOW!" lol how cute!

Didja see it when Bri n Howie hug and Bri kinda pushes him and is smilin?

Going Off Their Seperate Ways...

KEVIN IS ALL BY HIMSELF!!!! Dang, I am feeling SORRY for da man!!

I am totalllllly in LOVE with AJ's outfit!!

Quit Playing Games

Brian aaaalllways says, "Hello" after "Even in my heart, I see you're not being tru to me..."!

I learned this dance :-)

What's up with their shirt sleeves??

LUV AJ's lil "ohhh" when they go into ALAYLM!

As Long As You Love Me

Nick taps Kevin to get outta the way after him and Bri's lil' harmony part! How rude! It seems like he's telling him to get outta the way so the ten yr olds can see ME! That's it. I'm gona hafta get a "Let Kevin" sing banner for my site!

Brian's demonstartion of run is sooo adorable!! How can anyone NOT love this angel???

For the bridge part, Brian has his arms folded like, he's thinking it's cute!! STOP THE FRIGGIN CUTENESS MAN!!

THEY DO THE TITE-ASS CHAIR ROUTINE!!! YYYYAAAAYY!! They didn't cut it out this time!! I'm happy yo!

I think it's so cool they let their back-up dancers have the lime-light for awhile so people will see how talented these guys are too!! How sweet of BSB!! AWW!

B-Ball Wit Nick N Bri

Nick's hair!! LoL

They sho Nick missing a lotta shots! The other dudes are kikkin butt!

Brian's good!

FINALLY Nick pulls some off!

I wonder who did Nick's hair...

One of the dudes who are playing against 'em almost trips over the camera man!

I don't think the guys could be on Real World cuz they like the camera too much!

All I Have To Give

Luvin' da outfits!!

TOTAALLY luvin da hat dance routine!! Porps to Fatima (?) who made that up!

AJ looks damn good in hat. YA BABEE!!

Did Bri mess up so he goes in the front and starts singing there? (this is during the end of the song where he's going, "I wish i could GIVE the world to you...")

Kevie's Horseback Ride

Poor Kevy-Kev who goes off by himself, the Lone Ranger to a stable

Doesn't he sound so gentle when he's talking to the lady and to Trigger, the horse?? What a gentlemen!

Him and his little girlfriend ustah ride on a horsie how cute!

They usta play cowboys n indians : )

He thought he was Zorro! How cute!!! He'd make a pretty good Zorro actually...lol

He look GOOOD man he'd make a very good cowboy! Yeeehawww!

Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely

Walk with me lol nice hand motions Bribri

I am not digging the girl dancers. There's no point in ti and the guys aren't even paying attention to 'em! (GOOD!)

I don't like their moves either

All of them seem so serious singing this 'cept AJ there, whose shaking his legs to the beat...ladidada

Did you notice he has little claw clips in his hair? (AJ) They're shiny N silver! I like 'em : )

AJ needs a haircut, he has too much hair!

Nick is loving the audience today!

FINALLY the girls get the point and leave 'em lol

If they are suppose to be lonely, why the girl dancers??

I'll Never Break Your Heart

AJ sounds good singing "together forevre ba-by..."

AJ decides he doesn't like Nick and Kevin and gets up and stands by Howie instead lol

They all look at eachotehr to see when to start singig again at the end of the song : )It seems like it anyways

Shoppin With AJ N Howie

[This is my fave part!!]

We know who ya are lol


Howie stole Kevin's camera!!!

LMGDMFAO!!!! Howie was looking in the girls section hahahahhahahahaaa.......

LOVING AJ's bag!

AJ DOES look phat in that hat heehee I'll be on the look out to see if he wears it to an interview or something...

And he bought it lol Man he could TOTALLY go shopping with me and buy me stuff!!

I LOVE this shoe store part! AJ found some TITE matching shoes!! It goes with his outfit!

AWWWW he's wiggling his butt again LOL he has no ass but it's still cute!

He got up too fast LMAO

Perfect fan haha

OHHHH!!! I'm telling on you HOWIIEEEEE!!!! Writing on that mirrrroorr!!! lol

Ok, whose that girl telling AJ, "I looove that" when he sez this shirt is phat???

Howie FINALLY got something! AWWW how sweet of them to buy the other guys stuff!!


Did they change all the dance routines a little?? Cuz it seems like that to me!

They are all sportin' cute bags! Like the new over the shoulder type thing!

I think they had to tone stuff done cuz they're like little kids watching this cuz I was surprised AJ just put his hand on his crotch for the the make you scream part lol and watch Bri in the back after AJ says that line!

OK, I see you're back for the 1999. That doesn't make that much sense guys!No 'the' in it lol

I Want It That Way

I like AJ's intro, "ohh" again! : ) He's doing a very good job!

Tell me why-e...

They look good in khaki lol

Did AJ notbackup Kevin during their part?

I think someone lowered AJ's mic cuz soemtimes when he's screaming, you don't hear anything LOL


The writing sez, "Nick, I think that score already includes the two pins you knocked down" LMAO!

Brian's good! Stttrrike!

LOL AJ sneaking up on Nicky!

Yay Kevin!

AJ's in the lead!

Howie's having fun dancin away lol

LOL AJ gets a strike and he's like, wahahaha! then he goes, wahahaha again : )

Nicky falls on the ground lol

Brian ALMOST beat AJ lol and AJ starts yelling hahaha Then he's like, YEAAAA!! YEAYEAAAA! (Cuz Bri lose)LOL

AJ won!! Then Bri I think, and Nick came in last, with a, ready? 69 LOL he didn;t even break the 90's and nice number! I tihnk I wanna go bowling with him I can kikk his butt man! LOL well, we all can!


Interviews With The Guys

This part is kinda mellow and sad actually, cuz they didn't get to go to high school and stuff....

It's the music in the background!

Perfect Fan

This was a pretty performance : )

ALL the guys looked like they were gonna cry!! 'Cept for Nick! And he really doesn't sing on the CD but here they let him sing Brian's "cuz mom you always were" part!

AJ did the walk thingy with his hands too!

Some of the choir dudes were pretty cute! ; )

Their mom's must be soo proud of 'em! :*)

Dude, this was just BEAUTIFUL!

All In All...

The good:

They were rockin'!!

AJ sounded esp. good today with his little "oohhh's" here and there : )

It was funny, they sang good, they danced good, everything was GREAT! (Frothy my ASS to the dork-o who wrote the review for it and didn't give 'em that great of a review!! But antoher dude sed, "They defitnetly can sing" yeeah!)

The bad:

They kept showing little 7 and 8 yr old fans!

It was WAY too short!!

And that's a wrap!

ABC In Concert!

*Dyss was a while back*

I dunno about you guys, but I had to wait till ONE in the friggin morning to watch this! ( I went tah bed but set the alarm on!) Anyways, I was NOT happy when I realized they were only gonna play ONE clip of them! I thot it was a whole friggin concert!! Grrrr...!! well, let's see if it was worth it or not!

Brian looked vrey cute haha and Nick looked SO young!

I like Kevy's hair! He looked pretty good!

Howie's hair is like, kinda growin so it isn't short but isn't long. In between stage I guess.

And of course I am saving the best for last! AJ! Ok one word for yah: DAAAAAYYYYYMMMMMMMMNNNN!!!! He looked FYNE as heck man!!

Their dancing was also VERY cute and I likes it!

It was worth it! :o)

BTW you can watch the WHOLE concert of this if yah buy dere video featuring dyss concert!


WHOAAA what are they wearing!?

Break it down for yah! Kevin- shirt with glittery leaves! Pretty, but i dunno its girly! But hey he makes it look DAYMN good lol AJ- Nice outfit, I thought he'd be wearing somehting a lil crazier!! Luvin the hair everythings tite! He likes those glasses! I've seen him wear em a lot! Ok umm... Nick- The HAIR. BOY, do somehtin with that hair!! AHH I dun like it!! Howie- Cornrows look SO tite on Mr Howie D!! spiffy i dun remember his outfit yo! Um... Brian- WOW different hair!! Its cute! Couldnt see his outfit tho!

And whassup wit puttin dah cuzins in da back with no mics! sheeeesh!!