^*There's Something About ...^*

^*There's Something About ...^*

It's the little things they do that make 'em so lovable!


He doesn't really do the dance moves! (But he still looks good!)

He ALWAYS smiles while he's singing! Awwww!

He is ALWAYS saying crap when he is singing! Like telling the audience to sing and saying hello...

Bri loves to demonstrate "run" in ALAYLM ("Doesn't really matter if you're on he run...")

He, not only smiles while singing but ALWAYS closes his eyes! But Bri I wanna see those baby blues!

I LOVE the way he chews his gum lol It's juss plain CUTE!

He is SUCHA ham!

I luv tha dude's hair!! Like he has it longer now I guess so it's all in cute lil' curly Q's!

He acts like a kid! Gotta love that!

He has THE most beautiful-est (lol that isn't even a word!) voice! Dang!

The way his WHOLE face just lights up when he smiles! *SIGH* I am sooo in love!

He seems like SUCH an angel!! O:o)

He acts like a perv at times and STILL people think of him as an innocent lil' angel!

Singing like that in the new vid...daymn gets ya right there (yer heart)

How he can imitate Donald Duck =) (Have you guys seen that commercial with this couple in bed and the wife is mad I think and the husband starts imitating Donald Duck and saying "I love you" I bet Brian does that when Leighanne is mad haha)

How in his concert videos he waves all the time and in real life concerts he does that too!!


He talks reaaallllly slllooooowwww buuuuttt thhaatt's cooooollll...

He dresses gooood!

Sometimes his hair makes him look like he just woke up! It's cute tho!

He likes to sleep. (Me too!)

He modeled for Versace BAYBEE!

He's a perfectionist! No wonder he looks so good : )

He said "No Diggity" in the AIHTG remix! That takes guts! Betcha the other guys didn't wanna do it so he did it! He don't mind lookin' dumb lol jk

He acts like sucha gentlemen and is the type you imagine having a candlelit dinner with : )

He may not sing. He may be the one in the back. They may not even let him talk. But baby modeled for VERSACE!

He may be older but DAYMN boy is FLLLYYY!! He got the voice, the eyes, the BODY! GO KEVY!

Singing like he's never sung before and acting soo well and tuggin at our heart strings like that in the new video!!

How he can turn his eyelids inside out!

How he tries to justify naked girls by saying it's an art!


Damn, the boy is plain SEXXAAAYYY! (Or "seky" as he says it!)

He likes doing the dirty dance moves hahaa...

He looks GOOOD in a baseball cap, shades and a shirt that's unbuttoned!

He seems to wear the outfit I mentioned above everytime he sings "Get Down"!

Nice moves there doing his rap part in "Get Down"!

He raps good!

Watch him when he dances! He's like concentrating real hard and he sticks out his lips! Like a duckie!

He's had like, 99999999999 or so hair do's?

He wears pants that are like 50 times his normal size

It takes him 30 minutes to shave!

He's hella creative...new hair do's, um...unique outfits, different goatees and facial hair thingys...

His fingers are like, I dunno...he moves 'em weird sometimes! Like, they look realy flexible or something! Just watch next time he points or something! Like in the IWITW during his part! Just watch... you'll get what I'm saying! Watch his wrists too!

He likes to get the crowd going!

He thinks New York is his country

He likes McDonalds!

Doesn't AJ ever get cold? He almost always wears a tank!

Did I mention he is SEXY as hell?!?!?!!

His 69 tattoo looks really dope the way it was put on!

He's the "rebel" of the group >: )

He likes to shop! (BIG brownie points for that one!)

Alrite, this one may be a little nasty but you know how AJ doesn't like blowing his nose or anytihng related to mucus and phlegm? Me too!! LOL I hate, I mean HATE to blow my nose! It's nasty! I don't want it to get all over my face and I can't cough up loogies either that's triple gross man! And I hate it when guys do it! YUUCCCKKKK!!

You just HAVE to watch this guy!

He got his chin pierced!

He can make his vein pop out and thinks that's a talent lol


He winks a lot, but I think it's sweet!

(YEA! I finally gotts another Howie one!) He likes things oriental style! Yea BABY!! : ) He likes azn food, he's always paired up with the azn girls in videos, and considering that I am azn, I think I like Howie a lot more now! LoL

He is always considerate about his parents : ) How sweet!

He really IS a sweety!

He helped me with the title of this page! : ) It's his quote! Thanks Howie! Much propz to yah man!

He has a :o) in his signature!

How he wrote "How Did I Fall In Love With You" and it's one of the most BEAUTIFUL love songs I have ever heard!

How he didn't embarrass himself on Leno by showing one of his "talents".


He is addicted to Nintendo!

He looks kinda lost sometimes..LOL Like in concerts and stuff...I dunno if he's for reals or he is playin around!

He acts like sucha kid!

He hangs out with his brother! Awww!

He can play the drums HELLA good!

Wearing his hair like that (all poofisized at the award show!) and puling it off

He burped on national TV.

But before burping he announces, "Mom they made me do it."

I TOLD you there's something about the Backstreet Boys! : )