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The following are awards that Derek's page has received. I have gratefully accepted these awards on behalf of Derek. I know that he is sitting up in the clouds as proud as can be! The Italic writing is statements made from the presenters of the award. Please visit the site of the people who have given him these awards - to do that just click on the award.

Received June 14, 1998
Thank You Very Much Elizabeth For Our Very First Award!

Received June 20, 1998
I was moved by your poems and journals for your son. What a beautiful boy! My thoughts are with you.
Thank You Very Much Marie

Received June 23, 1998
I Give My Award To The Sites That Show Divine Love, Inspiration And Spirit
Thank you Very Much Peggy

Received June 24, 1998
You have created a beautiful, loving tribute to Derek. I would be honored if you would accept our Gift of Appreciation
Thank You Very Much Terri

Received June 24, 1998
I wanted to let you know that you have received our award for your site. I cannot believe what you and your family went through. My heart breaks for all of you and I pray that God is by your side every day
Thank You Very Much Kathy

Received June 24, 1998
We are proud to honor your wonderful site with our Angelic award
Thank You Very Much Carol

Received June 25, 1998
I have visited your site and not only do I want to give you the heavenly award but also the Token of Love Award
Thank You Very Much For These Awards Maria

Received June 25, 1998
I have been touched by many sites here but yours took my breath away. I am truly sorry for your loss. I would be honored for your site to have my award. Most certainly it AND precious Derek deserve a Candle In The Wind.
Thank You Very Much For This Award And For The Kind Words Jim

Received June 26, 1998
After seeing your site, I am pleased to offer you the Love of A Child Award.
Thank You Very Much For This Award Bob & Judy

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