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Talk to everyone you meet, They can give you lots of information.

Always check your holomap to see where you are.

Check in plants, bookshelves, pots, garbage cans etc.. for money, life points and magic power. Especially at the starting of the game.

To get to the Tralu's hideout you dont need to go through the cave. Jump off the cliff near the flowers circle down to the cliff below.

When you get money, life points, clover leafs or magic power and leave the room, it will all be back when you re-enter the room.

It's better to be in sporty mode all the time so all your enemies can't hurt you as easy.

You don't have to pay to get into Temple park. Just walk past the guard and don't let the police man catch you.

Befor you enter the dome of the slate look at the map very carfuly. When your in the dome of the slate walk slowly so you don't fall off.

When your getting the itinerary token just walk over and take it and nobody will bother you.

It's easyer to kill your enemies by going up to them in sporty mode that quickly changing to agressive mode.

On Desert island stey near the edge of the beach so you won't get killed by land mines. ( after you come back from Zeelich )

It seems like sendels ball is impossible to find. Try to remember a conversation you had with someone in the bar earlyer in the game. Look at the map your neighbour gave you. In the sewers look at the stuff where the water is dripping...where have you seen that before??

Go in descreet mode whenever your near the statues that shoot fire balls, so they go above your head.

The most easy way to get to baldino on Emrald moon is thru the door with a square over it.

When your going into the imperial hotel, go thru the window at the back instead of going thru the doorway so that the manager dosn't call the police.

Take the shortcut to get the crystal on celebration island. Use your protopack and go over the lava pool and down the 3rd lava slide, jump on a floating rock and jump off it back on to the land.

In the gem mine use your protopac to get from rock to rock, so you can get the gems. It's much easyer than jumping.

You can cross the part of the train track that is being blocked by lava balls, if you take the train. Jump on the back of the train and when its crossing, all the lava balls will stop.

After the queen was captured, you don't have to go to volcano island to find her. Just go straight back to the island of the Wannies.

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