
Okay...I thought I might inform you a little bit on the chat room I ALWAYS go to and the way the people act. Okay first of all #Hanson is a chat room made by TalkCity. It's a fan chat room...There are about 20 people in there (sometimes less)...Everyone practically knows eachother... Alot of people go there...they just sometimes go in at different times of the day so we're NEVER all together and plus school started for some of us. There's about three Anti-Hanson people each day in the room criticizing Hanson and the fans..When that happens we usually ignore them or we just defend Hanson. We get SO many posers in that room each day...its really stupid too some of us believe them and some of us don't..Lately we've been having problems with hackers..#Hanson has been bombed twice now..it really sux because it makes your computers or webtv start lagging...then it also splits the room in half...that means some of us can't see what half the room is writing and they can't see us...Kay everyone in #Hanson is SO kewl!!..They ARE the best...They're the kewlest group of people I have ever met..They are all so different from eachother. They're usually nice to eachother..but dont get me wrong we have problems in there alot of times...people fighting over Tay, Zac and Ike, or just regular teenage fights...but overall this room rulz, its the best and I always go there....You can always find me in that room...#Hanson is the best chat room I have ever been to and the people in there make it even better...we're all like family....we care for eachother and stuff...I love everyone in that chat room..they're the best...Okay thats a little about #Hanson...and the people in it...This room is definitely #1!!

Email: kpina@home.com