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Sonfest '99
May 15, 1999

Welcome to Sonfest '99! Sonfest is a day-long Christian music

festival in Mount Vernon, OH. This year, the weather was gorgeous!

86 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Of course, that meant sunburns! Everyone was SO RED!

Ok, you're here to see pictures of the bands, not read my ramblings,

so here we go...

Also, if you're using a slow computer and would prefer a list of the pictures, without all of them loading at the same time, Click here

They were the headliners again, so, of course, everyone had a ball!

These guys are AWESOME!

As always, Candle Rain was a load of fun!

Heather decided she was going to "play" too!
Scott didn't seem to mind.

My opinion of Sanctus Real...? I was really impressed. These guys really love God in a contageous sort of way...

This is the one and only picture I got of Eli...

Central Park West, the one swing band present, had a swing contest going on during the show. People were all over the place, dancing and having such a great time!

Coincidence Maybe played during dinner. Can you tell?

Spark rocked. Enough said.

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Shine! Matt 5:16