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Prayer of Forgiveness

Dear God, Creator and Giver of all that is good in life,

I don't want to hold anything in my heart and spirit which could block my relationship with You, or cause me to miss Your blessing or prevent me from becoming all You created me to be. I recognize I have often suppressed my feelings, not realizing they could fester and become poison to myself and others.

Sometimes I have denied my real responses, pretending that everything was okay when it wasn't. And many times I have held on to angers and nursed irritations, making up speeches because I thought I had a right to feel the way I did. I confess there are many unforgivenesses lodged in my heart. I don't know how to let them go, but I am choosing right now to forgive __________ <--- (Name the person) for_____________ <----(What they did to they wronged you....).

I trust You, Lord, to enter the depths of my heart, and make forgiveness real in me. Please forgive me for the ways my unforgivenesses have afflicted others and grieved Your heart. Enable me to identify compassionately with the pain others feel.

By Your grace I ask for a blessing of love and well-being for those who have hurt and injured me. Amen.

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