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Jessie "Wwhhyyy??" Moskowitz

This was taken after she just received an award at our 1st annual Fine Arts Banquet!! woohoo! I love this girl. Lip Gloss, guy problems, air-headedness, "Mr. Smoothies", road trips into cities, hooking up with guys that live two hours away, locking keys in car, screaming,"TOMATO PLANTS!" by the AG Room, 27 years old mean anything?, drool on the show window of Macy's store in NYC, Eduardo, a strange fascination with anything that says,"Moo", has strange convulsions at the sight of a Mercedes, can't spell, frequent memory lapse due to..uhm..nevermind, has a friend that has a tendency to "lose her ring", the only girl I know who has "end-of-the-table" phobia, shut up?, sparking mints?, party tampon?, hot fudge condoms?, checking e-mail at 1am in the mall?, try sample?, double-double!, seeing the drug deal, sitting under the bridge eating donuts from dunkin, A-Bay drive in, the mall (home away from home), Denny's (second home away from home), golfing in Big Lots parking lot w/ Stu, PDA in the freakin' garden!, GODSPELL!! the shoes Jess! the SHOES!!, me battering you, me lecturing you, me giving you advice that goes in one ear and out the other, me saying,"I told you so!" without saying a word, me shouting,"MILK!" which goes so nicely with your "Tomato plants!", my awesome summer night with Mike Cook...BLeh!, Your awesome summer night with Chris Felicia...*shakes head*, 20ft. embankments?, and just basically chilling, being stupid, whatever. Ah, the memories.. There's more, but my memory is lapsing..perhaps I've been...oh,'m not as..S-T-U-P..*BLEH!* as Jessie :) *hugest of hugs* Make the most of your year at college and I'll look forward to visits from you! Miss ya!

This is Jessie driving her little horizon coming from Allison's Bonfire in August 2000, we were a little crazy and tired that night, can't ya tell? :)

Yeah, this is the two of us, Nate took this picture that same night after the bonfire from the backseat where he was sitting. Aren't we freakin' hot? :D

Again from the night of the bonfire at Allison's. We were all sitting out on blankets near the bonfire and Jess was being stupid, :D and sticking her tongue out for some unknown reason, so I snapped a pic of you Jessie!

Other pics of Jessie
Jessie's Halloween 2001
- This is the outfit she wore, she sent me these pics I wasn't actually there *sniffles* I'm probably glad I wasn't *coughs* :D

The Look
- This is her pretty much 24/7, forget the innocent 'lil jessie..heh..this is her "look" when she gets flowers from guys she despises..I won't mention any names..*coughsWillcoughs* :)

Jessie's Senior Picture
- Kind of self-explanatory, her senior pic :)

Jessie's Dream Car
- again, somewhat self-explanatory, for those who really know Jessie, yes, HER car. For all of those who want her, which is every guy who sets eyes on her, if you have a Mercedes give her a call her number is...wait..noo..I can't...sorry :) Have a Nice Day!

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