Hello, and thank you for taking the time to look at my poems!
I haven't always written poems.
For me it was a way to deal with a bad break-up that I was trying to get over and my art blossomed from there and now I've been writing a whole bunch :)
I just wanted to state also that the poems are listed in order from the first ever written and the ones at the bottom are the most recent. I also put at the end of my poems sometimes who certain poems are for, I just wanted to state for whomever that the words in them do not just apply to that particular person it was written for, the words and emotions and phrases I use are mainly universally personal. It's a strange connection, but I find that even when trying to make something just for a particular person it still could be used by someone else to their love or whomever it be intended for. It's mainly for my own benefit so that years later when I come upon them I can remember who it was for originally.
Therefore, I Hope you enjoy all that I have to give you
and please, email me before you use any of my works. Thank you ever so much!
*~Lady Mercareth~*
A Love Lost and Awakened
- Not about anyone in particular, but beautiful just the same.
Lady of the Night
- About the power of a Seductress
Summer's Rain
- About feelings when you're with that special someone.
The Testimony
- In Dedication to My Savior
The Powers That Be
- Written during a time of confusion.
True Love
- Just another view to add to the many about the much written/sung/danced/theorized about yet ever elusive state of Love.
Letting Go
- A heartfelt poem describing the turmoil of emotions during a time of great pain, confusion, and yet ultimate understanding.
Our Moment
- This is a poem of feeling you get from staring into the eyes of the one you cherish most.
- This is one of my poems dealing with the struggles of flesh and spirit.
The Return
- This is a poem about returning to the One who created us all and made everything that we hold dear and true in our lives.
Tears of the Heart
- You'll see that this is basically an outpouring of my heart's emotions.
Taking a Deep Breath
- This was written after my split with Michael heh, angst much? :D
Hell Hath No Fury..
- This was another written after my interesting 4 months or so out of my life that I spent in the relationship with Michael. Thankfully that was many years ago and things are blessedly much better :) But yes, this is me ranting once more on that topic.
Love Song For My Soul-mate
- This was written a few days before the start of the 2002 Fall semester after this wicked awesome dream I'd had where I had found my soul-mate. I woke up with this incredible feeling that is, to this day, indescribeable, but my heart was yearning and this was thusly penned. It was a cry of my heart to recapture what I'd experienced in my dreams and find it in my reality because I knew beyond doubt that it was possible. Please note, that this was not written for Anyone in particular because it was no one particular in my dream. It's one of my faves :)
A Quiet Morning
- This was written for Micah at 3:15am while we were both online. It just came to me this image and thought I'd pen it the best I could. Here's what came of it.
Dreaming Wakefulness: Part One
- This was actually written AFTER the other just underneath this also entitled "Dreaming Wakefulness", but it started flowing into a pre-quel of sorts to the one I'd already written so I think you should check this one first, then the other :) Enjoy!
Dreaming Wakefulness
- I wrote this while at work actually, it's one of my most recent. About this girl who has made a choice against her father's wishes and her love comes and rescues her :D
- This was written in trying to deal with Micah's absence in my days as he was off guarding things due to the silliness of the world and a seemingly war hungry president.
- This was written spur of the moment and it really does contain in a most simple form my overflowing happiness and love towards Micah at the time it was written.
Newfound Contentment
- I wrote this inspired by my growing towards Patrick and realizing that no matter if I said it or not that I truly did love him :)
Visions - A song Nate wrote for me
Somber - A song I wrote a while back when I was growing towards Nate.
Copyright © 2003 Property of Lady Mercareth