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Woundings and the Forgiveness process.

Wounds and Wounding Events
Characteristics of the Pain
Response Needed to Achieve Forgiveness
  • Unintentional hurt
  • Insensitive act
  • Error in judgement
  • Slip of the tongue
  • Irritability, quarrelsomeness
  • Gossip
  • Offender is immediately repentant when aware of offense.
Surface irritant
  • Causes inconvenience
  • Creates distraction
  • Produces disappointment
  • Temporarily affects openness
  • Short-term discomfort
Forgive on the fly
  • Consider the logical benefits of forgiving
  • Catch issues and deal with them in the moment
  • Relate to offender with light-hearted grace and sense of humor.
  • Intentional wounding
  • Disloyalty
  • Unfairness
  • Dishonesty
  • Embarrassment
  • Getting even
  • Offender becomes repentent when confronted.
Hurt penetrates
  • Feels like personal affront
  • Violates sense of justice
  • Feelings of being:
    Discounted, Disrespected, Unprotected, Uncared for.
Proactively choose to forgive.
  • Define boundaries and mutual accountabilities.
  • Choose forgiveness in the moment for repentent offenders.
  • Release hurts before they fester to bitterness.
  • Seek reconciliation.
"Open Wound"
  • Premeditated wounding
  • Malicious offense
  • Constant criticism.
  • Selective withdrawl of affection
  • Bitter betrayal
  • Planned revenge
  • Public humiliation
  • Offender is unrepentent and may continue behavior.
Pain becomes lodged in the heart.
  • Hurt is deeply personal
  • Pain rehearsed, obsessively
  • Wound festers
  • Blame is verbalized
  • Resentment becomes lodged in the heart
Repent of judgements and take unforgiveness to the Lord as sin issues.
  • Pray repeatedly for forgiveness to be accomplished.
  • Depend on God.
  • Establish clarity about future relationship.
  • Bless those who hurt you.
  • Patiently endure the long process of healing.
"Crippling Injury"
  • Traumatic experiences in early childhood
  • Repeated over long period
  • Unresolved grief
  • Deprivation of love, nuture
  • Emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
  • Traumatic loss
  • Terror, being out of control
  • Offender unrepentent and often not specifically identifiable.
Deep wounds of the spirit.
  • Absence of basic trust
  • Feeling of abandonment
  • Deep-seated anger
  • Feeling of rejection
  • Mistrust and hostility
  • Powerlessness
  • Lingering anxiety
  • Pervasive fear
  • Victimization
  • Bitter attitude toward life
  • Isolation withdrawl
Seek help tracing fruit to root.
  • Acknowledge unforgiveness.
  • Pray for inner healing, death to old self, and restoration.
  • Replace old patters with resurrected life.
  • Bless those who hurt you.
  • Continue a commitment to choose forgiveness.
  • Patiently endure the long process of healing.
If you truly understand your own woundings then you can go here and pray the
Prayer of Forgiveness
- This is so the Lord may heal those wounds within. I pray you can do this with honesty, to yourself and to the Lord. I pray these obstacles may be overcome with His hand so that you may truly experience the fullness of His mighty love in-depth. :)

*~In Christ Always~*