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Srdjan Babovic`s Royalty Homepage

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

Please, visit following related links:

Royal House of Karadjordjevic - Royal House of Serbia and Yugoslavia
Les Compagnons de la Douklia
"Service is love in action"
Netty`s Royalty Page (homepage of my friend Netty Leistra)
Yvonne Demoskoff`s Royalty Homepage
Unofficial Homepage of H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria Ingrid Alice Desiree Bernadotte
Katrine`s Page about H.R.H. Princess Madeleine Therese Amelie Josephine Bernadotte
Erik`s Page about H.R H. Princess Madeleine Therese Amelie Josephine Bernadotte
Marie`s Royalty Page (The Latest on the Spanish Royals)
Royal Families in Europe
The Royalist Society
Ritva Forster`s Page about the Swedish Royal Family
Official Homepage about Casa de Su Majestad el Rey de Espana
The Spanish Royal Family (Unofficial Homepage)
Geraldine`s Royal News Page
Official homepage of all Royal Families in Europe and World
Government of Epirus in Exile
Verena`s Royal Genealogical Homepage
Casa Imperial do Brasil
Christine`s Royal Families Page
European Royal History
Ryan Winfield`s British Royalty Page
Official site of Russian Assembly of Nobility
My homepage on the Serbian Cafe

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, dear monarchists!

My name is Srdjan Babovic. I was born on January 15th, 1973 in Belgrade. I am monarchist and great admirer of Dynasty Karadjordjevic, but and all Dinasties of Europe. I am a member of the Serbian renewal movement, the bigest monarchical party of Serbia.

My address is: Bulevar JNA 170, 11148 Belgrade, Serbia, Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

My telephone number is: ++ (381 11) 666 846 and ++ (381 11) 780 097, if you have ICQ, my numbers are: 52232425 and 51734741.

Please, contact me and visit my guestbook now!

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Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, for visiting my Homepage at Angelfire. Have a nice day, come back and visit again, please.

God save the monarchies!

Email: srdjanb@www.yu