November 29th to December 5th at Vanir's Fjord
A Game just For the Free Womem.......
slip those slippers off Ladies and lace up a pair of Nard kicking Clodhoppers cause we Have the Rarius of Your nightmares standing and daring You to take Your best shot.....
something for Everyone......
the second best thing to warm up a cold winters night is some hot air and We will have it in abundance at the Bragging contest....bring Your best Brag and see if it wins a prize....this one is open to every O/one Free/slave Man/Woman..... hell we'll even Let KYUSS enter...* grin*
something just for the for the slaves......
Everyone like to see the kajirae dance and so We will be featuring dances all week long.....from the best girls on polish up your silks girls and come strut Your stuff.....
something for Warriors, Male and Female......
the clash Of steel....a flash of a bright blade thats right....there will be sparring as well...... for ALL Warriors Male or good are you really, You can talk the talk lets see You walk the walk......or as the Tuchuks say... "put up or shut up"....
and One just for the Guys...... ever seen a bull loose in a china about a Rarius lost in a servery....this one is for the Guys.....lets see how You serve....not as a kajirus....but as a testosterone pumped, fire eating, bad to the bone Rarius.....
something for E/ days of fun and merriment guaranteed to blow away the blues.......come on up to Vanir's Fjord and be silly for a change...... free Mead and Blankets for those Southern folks...
to sign up or just find out more about each event just follow the links at the bottom.... instuctions so simple even a Oneyed Old Fat Man like Damora could follow them....
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the Contests
~~Nard Kicking~~
~~Worst Serve~~