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AOL Proggies

Frank's Prog Page


I do not hold myself responsible for your actions of these progz!!! These progz are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Thanks


Fï£ê Ñåmê §ïzê Attributes Description
Black Hole 69K Punter This is supposedly for AOL 4.0. It has no real interface, and only one or two punts.
AOL 4 PROP 162K Phader This is a really good prog with a proffesional look. It has some pretty good chat options and phaders.
Cube Punter 119K Multi/Punter This is almost a multi-prog, with its mail abilities, but is mostly a a mail punter. Has good punters, and a few additional good options. Great for its size.
Alchemy 84K Multi Purpose No Password
Godzilla Beta 2 4,750K Multi-Prog/Phader 1IM This is the best AOL 4.0 multi-prog I have seen so far. Its a phader and options are great. The only problem is the size, which is mainly the art and sound, but it is worth the download.
Icy Hot 2.0 210K Multi-Prog Very nice multi prog with a few good options for AOL 4.0.
Jeep Phader 7K Phader A really small and simple phader. You have to set the colors yourself, and there are few options.
NWO Punter 107K Punter Good punter, quick interface, but few options.
Darth Phader 70K Phader Great Phader, strait-out interface, and lots of options. Only problem is you have to enter the password every time you use it, which is in the passwords section.
Crayon Fader 2.0 778K Phader Another Phader, set you colors manually, like RGB properties for start and begin, has its advantages
Corn Fader 787K Phader This is a really good Phader.
Holocaust Final 607K Punter Very nice multi prog with a few good options for AOL 4.0.
Þhrð§tßýtê 1.10M Punter Very nice multi prog with a few good options for AOL 4.0.
Çhrðmê 1.7M Punter This is a ok Punter.

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