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I copied this from the Disney Chat that Aaron was on on January 24, 1999. People asked him questions and he tried to answer all of them as well as he could. If you have the same questions, you can read this and get them answered. I copied this exactly and it took me hours because Disney is made comepletely out of flash and you can't copy flash. So I had to copy back and forth. I copied it exactly so if something doesn't make sense it's because that person wrote it that way.

Aaron Carter is here to chat with everyone! 
Zoogerator He has a new album out titled 'Aaron Carter' and his single 'Shake It' is on Radio Disney!
Zoogerator And you can also see his video for 'Shake It' on Disney Channel!
Zoogerator His album features remixes by his older brother, Nick, from the Backstreet Boys.
Aaron_Carter Hello, everybody!
maddux-101 Hi. How did you start out as a kid and what did you really wanna be when you grew up?
Aaron_Carter I got started when I was six years old in a band called 'Dead End' and it was pretty much a dead end! [laughs]
I was in the band for a year. Then I went to a place called 'Rock School' and that's where I pretty much learned how to sing. I learned to sing with a keyboard player there.
acsgirl33 Hi..I love your music. you're the greatest!! What advice do you have for kids who want to become singers? Thanks...Love ya!!!
Aaron_Carter Always practice everyday and work on it even though you have other stuff to do.
cjc17 This question is for Aaron: What made you decide to do a remake of 'Please Don't Go Girl'?
Aaron_Carter I had a security guard who worked with New Kids on the Block and I met him and that's how i got the idea to do that song. He encouraged me to do the remix of the song.
memphiscat Do you have time to see your family when your on tour?
Aaron_Carter The last tour I did, two of my sisters and my dad went out on the road with me. So, yeah, I do get a chance to spend time with my family while I'm on tour.
memphiscat What is it like to go on tour with your brother Nick?
crazygurl15 Aaron, what was it like touring with your brother on the BSB tour and what did u think of it. Did u like it and why???
Aaron_Carter It was actully great touring with my brother. It was really fun and I go to see my family a lot. The songs I performed went from one song per set to two songs, to three songs, four songs, and so on as the tour went on.
sarah4kaos13 Hey Aaron! This is Sarah and my little sister Megan, we are big fans and we have your CD. We wanted to know if you will be doing a tour of your own any time soon and if you will be releasing a new CD anytime soon?
Aaron_Carter I am recording my new album right now. I'm doing a tour in Canada for a few days. Then I'm coming back home. And hopefully we'll be able to work on the album. Then we'll do a tour after a new album comes out.
michael98 Did your parents sing too?
Aaron_Carter In the shower, my mom. [laughs]
my grandpa was a singer too, on my mom's side. I think that's where I get my singing from.
blizz511 I loved your duet with Nick, 'Please Don't Go Girl.' Are you planning to do another duet anytime soon?
Aaron_Carter He just wrote a song for me. We might be doing "Lover Boy' together.
acsgirl33 Hey Aaron. Get Wild!! So-..who makes up your dance moves...we sure have quite a few for your song!!
Aaron_Carter I'm going to do some work with the woman who's worked with the Backstreet Boys. I worked with Darryl Blackman and David Nichols as well.
acsgirl33 Are you going to do a album with Nick.
Aaron_Carter We are not going to do an album together but we'll be doing a duet on the album.
crazyhyperjill If Aaron is in here, well then hey Ac waz up? I love you and your music I might meet you in the summer because my cousin knows Nick 8>) Well will you be coming to the PA ever?
Aaron_Carter Actully I was just in Pennsylvania--Pittsburgh, Penn. Recording. And at that time, I bought a dog there too. That was just about four days ago.
acsgirl33're really cute!! it true you're going to move to L.A. to star in your own sitcom??
Aaron_Carter Actully yes, we're in L.A. right now. I came here to do a sitcom. we don't know what it's about. All we know is that it's in development right now.
aaronisacutie hi aaron, i just wanted to tell you that you're really, really cool and what's your idea of a perfect girl?
Aaron_Carter A perfect girl...hmmm...
A Pamela Anderson-type girl.
blizz511 What advice have the BSB given you while you were on tour with them?
Aaron_Carter Nick said just to make sure I can fit through the door. What he meant was, just don't get too big-headed about this.
acsgirl33 You are the coolest person on the whole entire planet.
Aaron_Carter Thanks! That's cool of you to say that, acsgirl33!
michael98 Is your video airing on Zoog Disney?
Aaron_Carter In Yes, it's airing on Zoog Disney! And I see it because I watch Disney a lot.
nsync4us Aaron, I saw you on tour with the Backstreet Boys and I just wanted to say that you were great and also your album is great too! I have 2 questions for you, though...How do you keep you energy so high during your act and are you going to drop a video or a song here in the US?
Aaron_Carter Coca Cola, caffeine, and candy keep me going.
nsynclover0001 what do you look for in a girl?
Aaron_Carter Blond hair, pretty eyes, cute personality...
acsgirl33 Who's your favorite actrees?
Aaron_Carter Julia Roberts is my favorite actress. She's very pretty.
blizz511 Is it true that your family is moving to L.A. while Nick will stay in Tampa?
Aaron_Carter We're in L.A. right now, while Nick is in Tampa. We have two homes, one in L.A. and one in Tampa we use when we want to go down to record.
coolfrankie1 Aaron, you are dabomb!
Aaron_Carter Thanks, that's cool, coolfrankie1.
jen12580 Aaron, what is the scariest part about being on stage?
Aaron_Carter There's nothing that scares me on stage, i'm only scared of sharks and jet skis. Sharks scare me more than anything in the world.
nsynclover0001 What's your fav song on your album?
Aaron_Carter I like ALL the songs on my album.
prissycarter how has you life changed since u become famous?
Aaron_Carter I don't think my life has changed at all...
I'm getting in as much trouble as I used to. My favorite is to take the trash out.
Aaron_Carter I don't think my life has changed at all...
I'm getting in as much trouble as I used to. My favorite is to take the trash out. I even got cut doing that and had to get butterfly stitches.
acsgirl33 I'm so glad to be finally be talking to my favorite boy in the does it feel to be famous at such a young age?
crazyhyperjill OH MY GOD AARON CARTER will be in here this is a dream come true!
Aaron_Carter [laughs]
crazyhyperjill Please stop putting Aaron pics here. He looks so good, I think I will faint soon!
Aaron_Carter [blushes as well]
It feels like any other job anybody would have. There are a lot of young artists like Hanson. I think it's wonderful to have a head start in the business like other young artists.
nsync4us Do you ever get homesick while you are on the road?
Aaron_Carter Sometimes I get homesick, I actully get sick from all the traveling.
rockerbaby1 How did you come up with the song 'Shake It'?
Aaron_Carter A guy named Joe Smith wrote it and he helped mix it too. And we liked what we recorded.
andrea426 Can you tell Aaron that I have a Web site devoted to him and i would love it if he could please give me a message for all the visitors?
Aaron_Carter Thank you for joining me, and all of you out there, I hope you have a great time! Thanks, Andrea426
Look for my own official site as well.
Zoogerator Hey, don't forget to catch our next chat in the Zeether with Michael Stipe! R.E.M's lead singer will be here in the Zeether on next Monday, Feb. 1! Then after that, we'll be chatting with Erik von Detten, star of Disney Channel's new series 'So Wierd'! And check your calendars soon, because we'll be doing two chats a week!! Every Monday and every Thursday will be chat days in the Zeether! Hey, Aaron, we have a lot of people asking us what your most embarrassing moment was?
Aaron_Carter There was this one time when I went out on my motorbike & skidded over our dog, Simba! I was really embarrassed because my sister Angel saw it happen and ran back to tell everyone. Luckily our dog, Simba, a mini-Schnauzer, was okay, but my mom was screaming a me.
Zoogerator So...?
nikki1785 What kind of dog?
Aaron_Carter I have four dogs. Pepper and Salty are mini-Schnauzers. Simba and Samson are cat-hating gaurd dogs.
zonike Dear Aaron, i am a really big fan i love all your songs
ashz1 I love Aaron.
Zoogerator Aaron, we have a user who want's to know if you have any brothers or sisters and if you are a twin.
Aaron_Carter I have three sisters. Angel is my twin, then there's Bobbi and Leslie. I have one brother, of course, named Nick.
Zoogerator And that would be Nick of the Backstreet Boys! Pretty impressive family, Aaron!
aarongrl what is your dog's name?
Aaron_Carter Simba, Samson, Pepper, and Salty.
infinity010 Are you ever gonna do a concert in PA?
Aaron_Carter I was in Pittsburg, PA, to record and I am currently doing concerts in Canada. We won't tour the U. S. again until I'm done with my new album.
aaronisacutie What's your idea of a perfect girl???????????????
Aaron_Carter Blond, pretty eyes, and a cute personality.
[laughs and blushes]
pru90210 My name is Emily, I saw you open for the Backstreet Boys in Indiana. I think you are a great dancer and singer. What are your future plans?
Aaron_Carter I am recording a new album and I'm in L.A. right now because I have a sitcom for TV in development right now.
spf How did you start your musical career?
Aaron_Carter My career started when my friends and I formed a band, Dead End, when I was seven. It really was a dead end.
melissar9 Is it true you have a twin sister named Angel?
Aaron_Carter yes I do. I was born two minutes after she was.
Zoogerator Aaron, a lot of ladies are asking us how old you are?
Aaron_Carter I am 11 years old.
zoogybunch What groups do you like?
Aaron_Carter The Backstreet Boys and Michael Jackson.
zonike are there any other videos Aaron will be on?
Aaron_Carter You can see me on Zoog Disney!
soccer If I could choose between you and anyone else I would pick you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love Kara
Zoogerator Make sure to stop by the Zeethatorium next Monday to chat with Michael Stipe, singer from R.E.M.! And the Zeether will be sizzling next Thursday when veteran chatter Erik von Detten joins us for a chat about his new series on Disney Channel, 'So Wierd'! Starting Febuary 1, you asked for it, so we will be chatting two times a week! Join us every Monday and Thursday here in the Zeethatorium!

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